Never Enough


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
(This poem doesn't rhyme)

You can donate to the poor

You can cheer up the sad

You can stand up for the bullied

You can protect the weak

You can help animals in need

You can respect the elderly

You can do deeds for others

You can even save someone's life

But you will never be enough

There's always someone who hates you

All the goodness in your heart doesn't matter

To those who don't truly know you

Your political views, your opinions

Are enough to generate hate

One day I hope nobody will be hated

Just for one simple mistake

(At least I posted THIS poem in the right section. Sorry for the sad poem)

We must fight the hatred with love. The fault is theirs that are too weak to let go of their hate. I wish I could share some of my strength with you... -_- Anyways, this is one gripping poem. If anything else this represents the fact that the truth is, you won't be able to convince everyone that you've become a good person, whether by word of mouth or by action, no matter how great your effort. Some people will hold grudges to the day of their deaths. Well regardless, I can sense the truth with this. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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Poems don't need to rhyme, in fact, I prefer when they don't! Excellent stuff, EMF. I enjoyed how it builds with the repetition in the first and second stanzas, making the words carry more impact, and once enough has built up you broke out of that frame and expressed yourself freely. It reminds me of how society tries to box people and make them fit a pattern, but creative people (like writers) do their best to break those walls down, like you did at the end here. Very visual and enjoyable poem, thank you for sharing it with us. And please don't apologize for the "sad poem". The saddest poems are the most honest.

(This poem doesn't rhyme)

You can donate to the poor

You can cheer up the sad

You can stand up for the bullied

You can protect the weak

You can help animals in need

You can respect the elderly

You can do deeds for others

You can even save someone's life

But you will never be enough

There's always someone who hates you

All the goodness in your heart doesn't matter

To those who don't truly know you

Your political views, your opinions

Are enough to generate hate

One day I hope nobody will be hated

Just for one simple mistake

(At least I posted THIS poem in the right section. Sorry for the sad poem)

I'm sorry you're going through this...I feel awful if I ever did anything.

There will never be a split second in the universe where everyone will like you. There are many, many people that love you and cherish you, but there will always be one out there that won't. It does not mean that you're not enough, though. You are enough, you always are. No matter what you do, have done, or will do, you will always be enough. You can be more than enough, and there will still be someone that does not love you. But don't take much heed to them, look at the big picture. People out there need you, and you yourself have a mission to accomplish. You still need to love everyone, though, even those that don't love you. It's only necessary to happiness. Don't look at the almost microscopic mistakes in a grand painting; step back, let the mistakes disappear from your sight, and look at how beautiful it is.

And, the ones that hate are not weak. They are simply looking in the wrong places for reassurance and happiness. They're lost. You need to help them find their way.

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I'm reminded of what my English teacher told us all:

"As students, you'll often be told to 'think outside the box.' But whenever someone tells you to think outside the box, picture a slightly larger box surrounding that box. Anything outside this box is deemed inappropriate and deviant."

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