Never wants to play. HELP


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Oct 9, 2005
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My young son Just got his first Tama and over the last 3 days it's died 3 times. Now we've read as much as possible on this little guy. and pretty much understand the idea but why does it never want to play games? It's Food and Happiness are full and still it will only play a game maybe once and that's it. Are we missing something?

I do know if you give it a snack it will play another game but too many snacks aint good for it ;o)

Any advise would help.


You really can't force your tama to play a game if it doesn't want to. I've heard some people claim that if you give it a timeout it will listen to you, but I've never found this to work- plus you'll make it even more unhappy. So I don't recommend that. What I always do give it a snack and then it will a game. Also if it's overweight it will play many games in a row until it gets down to it's "ideal" weight, at which point it will refuse to play (unless you give it another snack). :huh:

Stuff it up with snacks, cure the tooth decays, and play. Just beware, most of the games require a certain weight, if you go to far above it, it deducts your total point.

don't listen to Jenwhodat. DO NOT GIVE IT SNACKS! You will be forcing you're tamagotchi into doing something it doesn't want to do and you sre making it unhappy and unhealthy! ^_^ That seems to me as if it is tama cruelty to make them do something they don't wanna do!

i give it 1 snack then 1 game then each 2-4 games i give a time out so its a little less on the spoiled meter :D

then i stop for 20 mins- 1 hour then itll play 1-3 games without snacks then ill do again and again this works!

don't listen to Jenwhodat. DO NOT GIVE IT SNACKS! You will be forcing you're tamagotchi into doing something it doesn't want to do and you sre making it unhappy and unhealthy! :D That seems to me as if it is tama cruelty to make them do something they don't wanna do!
Snacks don't make it unhappy, they make it happy. As for snacks being healthy, well, feeding it one or two in order to make its weight go up so you can play a game... that really leaves no consequences on its health. Through playing the game you're going to make it lose the weight it gained when it ate the snacks. No harm done.

Just don't overdo it and feed it like ten snacks in a row.

check its weight. If its like 70 pounds give it a timeout. if it's under weight feed it a TREAT. it makes your tama happire and its not as fattening as a snack.

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