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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
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NEVER take your tamagotchi outside in the winter for more than a few minutes, and do NOT ice skate with it! LOL! When I did that, I got off the ice to feed it and the image blurred...meaning like the outline of my tama would stay in the first spot when the tama moved to the second in bold lines...I think the battery froze...and if this happens put it in some gloves and then on a heater for a few minutes it'll warm up the battery...

So thats my little tip...dont freeze your tama!

i dopped mine in the snow once. it took like 20 min. to find it and when i did it was moving really slowly like it was frozen. figure that one out o_0

thats good to know, i almost took mine outside when i was going to shovel the driveway this morning but i decided not too, oh yeah, blizzards rule! :D

i was going to take mine out sleding but decided not to because of your post thank YOU lol

i know i love blizzards too foot high sno here i love living in mich lol

That happened to me too! I came in, and a whole row of pixels wasnt working! After a little while, they came back.

a row of pixels of mine wasnt working eaher but it perminet its from debugging

its the moisture in the batery and you shouldn't put it by a heater it'll end up warping the circit board the best thing to do is to take off the back and take out the batery and let it dry out then put it back together and it'll be fine this happened to mine when they we're in my pants pocket in the bathroom and i took a shower and the heat caused steam which got them all wierd

NEVER take your tamagotchi outside in the winter for more than a few minutes, and do NOT <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='ice skate'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">ice skate</a> with it! LOL! When I did that, I got off the ice to feed it and the image blurred...meaning like the outline of my tama would stay in the first spot when the tama moved to the second in bold lines...I think the battery froze...and if this happens put it in some gloves and then on a heater for a few minutes it'll warm up the battery...
So thats my little tip...dont freeze your tama!
that's good tip and it does work! :wub:

NEVER take your tamagotchi outside in the winter for more than a few minutes, and do NOT ice skate with it! LOL! When I did that, I got off the ice to feed it and the image blurred...meaning like the outline of my tama would stay in the first spot when the tama moved to the second in bold lines...I think the battery froze...and if this happens put it in some gloves and then on a heater for a few minutes it'll warm up the battery...
So thats my little tip...dont freeze your tama!
Me n' my friends took our Tamagotchis out when it was cold (Oh please, You Americans don't know what winter in CANADA is like!!!!) and we just kept them in our mittens to keep them warm. Try connecting through something thin, like pockets or mittens. It worked for me.

My tamagotchis can't freez! It doesn't even snow here in florida! good thing too. :D I went 2 NY while it was winter and i was pale!

I wish it snowed where I live... (Florida is too hot as it is). I don't think I will ever have that problem, unless I stick it in the freezer somehow. LOL. Thanks anyway! It's good to know, just in case.

LOL! I live in the South of Europe. I'm on the Tamatalk map.

Spain ( so hot here! It's getting on for Summer and I'll melt soon. Some one better tell me if the heat is good for tamagotchis cos it's never below 0º, in fact, rarely it goes below 8º. My part is around 21º at night, 30º at day. it is hotter now though...)

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