Neverending Board Game! O:


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Basically it's like a board game but there's no real point. You roll the dice and the person below decides your fate! Here's some examples

PER1:*Rolls dice gets a 3*

PER2:Uh oh, got caught in a storm, go back to start *rolls dice gets 5*

PER3:You won a million dollars O: move ahead two spaces! *rolls dice gets 2*

PER4:You got eaten by a rabid monkey go back 3 spaces.

And so on. There's no real board game or anything, just for fun xD (BTW if it's boring dont blame me I just thought of this really fast xD) Also, it can only be numbers 1-6 for the dice roll. Have fun! xD

I'll Start: *rolls dice gets a 1*

you fall in to a bottomless hole GAME OVER *restart* *rolls 5*

SEVEN FLAMING MONKEYS COME FLYING AT YOU!!! But good thing that you had your flaming monkey repellent on hand! for being so prepared, go ahead 4 spaces! LOL :rolleyes:

The van crashes and the man dies. He's really rich and you take his money, but for being so mean and evil you go back 3 spaces.

*Rolls a 3*

You get rained down in a thunderstorm and fall into a river where the current sweeps you away. Go forward 5 spaces.

*Rolls a 6*

A rabid cat bites you and you DIE. D8 Go back to the begining.

*rolls a 4*

Advance 14 spaces, but skip your next 7 turns. (You don't HAVE to, Katrina~)

*Rolls a 2*

Advance 15 spaces! You land in a pit of snakes. Go back 14 spaces.

*rolls a 5*

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A slug approaches you and gives you a cookie. Go 3 spaces for being lucky!

*rolls dice and gets a 5*

A Crux comes along and steals your cookies. Miss 2 turns for not hiding them.

-Roll for 76-

Tigerstar attacks you, but you manage to run far away from him. Go 25 spaces.

*rolls a 2*

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