New Angelgotchi Petition


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Name: Ann

Country: USA

Comments: Angelgotchi was my very first tama, i loved it, and if it could be brought back, nothing should be changed about it ^_^v :eek:


the country you live in,new zealand

and any coments why youed like to see the new angel gotchis,i like them how they are

Name: Myles

Country: England!

I think we should bring these little critters back! They are the mostly favourite affordable 97-98 tamas. If they were to bring them back they should maybe have more shell colours and designs on them! Also maybe a few characters such as an angel memetchi or something like that.




comments: I'd love to see an angel gotchi! I've only seen pictures please bring them back bandai!

Name: Sean

Country: USA

COMMENT: I am a newer generation Tamagotchis lover started at the V3 to V5 a v2 a mini and a P1 but the one I love the most is the angel I have only played my friends and they rule. Please brig the winged bundles back. ;_;



Comment:I have only heard about them,and would love them.Then I could persuade Mum it was a new ver and to let me get it.

Some of you may have read a petition to bring back angelgotchi's a while ago. It was closed because we are not supposed to bump up old topics and this one had been untouched for a year until someone replied, but if we keep this one steadily going, then admin said it wouldn't be closed.
Anyways, we are trying to get Bandai to release angelgotchi's again. So please sign this, and put a link to this in your signature.

Please include your...


the country you live in,

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.

Once we have a considerable amount of signatures we will send this to Bandai, and hopefully bring angelgotchi's back!
Name: Scott Serro

Country: USA

Comments: Tamagotchi lovers NEED Angelgotchis! Without them, what will be the "perfect" tama? I hope you can see that A LOT of people want them back! [SIZE=22pt]LISTEN!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

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name: Madi (This is my nickname)

the country you live in: Canada

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.: I do not have any idea what this is but if it is a type of tamagotchi, I WANT ONE!

P.S.-My brother would proboly also like it if it was a tamagotchi

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Name: Chloe

Country: USA

Comment: I dont really have one except that angelgotchis are great and they should realease them again!

Name: Ginny

Country: USA

Comments: I have seen the Angelgotchis everywhere online. I can't buy them off of the internet, so I'd loooove if Bandai released 'em again!

My name is uhh...Temari !

I'm in NJ and I wanna bring back Angelgotchis!

I'm so sorry I can't put my real name my parents would freak! :)

Name: Belgia

Country: Indonesia

Comments: Well, i would love if they could have new features, more characters and of course CHEAPER PRICE.


Name: Maddy

Country: USA

Angel gotchi's are so much fun, it'd be great to have them back! I'd really really really like a devil gotch though, too, incase your feeling generous. ;) :) :) :)

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