New Angelgotchi Petition


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hi , josh from the philippines , i want it back becauese i love its features ! but i want them to add the new features that connection nowadays have . and anyway , since they will bring it back , why dont we , again , start a petition for DEVILGOTCHI ! :D :p ;)

I'll sign!! Name: Magicboa. Country:USA. Finally a proud owner of a USA Angel as of today, thanks to Ebay. Silver/blue with gold wings. Just what I wanted!!

name: Tiara

the country you live in: U.S.A

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's:

...Well, most of the people I know. We never even heard that there were angelgotchis and I found out about them later on when while I was browsing through e-bay. They really should re-create them. I don't think the angelgotchis were even out long enough to be shown in a majority of the U.S. stores. They should create a re-release of Angelgotchis and a pre-release of a newer version of Angel-gotchis.

Name: Michelle

Country: South Africa


I love Angelgotchi's and it would be neat if they could bring them out in a lot more different colors...

My name is Emma, i was born and live in the USA

and bandai, i have on thing to say:


Jasmine Taylor

I live in New Zealand

We didn't even get a look in when it came to Angelgotchis. At least I had never heard of them until I joined this site and Tama Zone. I'd just love to get my hands on one. It wouldnt matter to me what changes were made as long as you could get them here in New Zealand without the price being too expensive!

Name: Amira

Country: USA

I think it would be awesome if they brought back angelgotchis :) They look really fun and I never got to have one (i was a baby when they came out XD)

Honestly, I don't think they should change much about them, since they are already super awesome ;)

i hope this does happen one day. i love the tamagotchi angel. i have all all the US colors and one of them is boxed!

Name: Taylor

Country: United States

I've been wanting an angelgotchi for so long, but I can't get my hands on one, due to the lack of money for it... D: It would be great if Bandai were to release a new set of them.

You can always look for a Japanese Angelgotch. They are the same as the English and are still pretty standard to raise. You even get the special Uchi-kun... (pile-o-poo) I love my Angelgotch, Its a nice refreshing pet when you are bored with your others. They have a motion sensor too Hikachu.

because no one has posted anything here for a while, i'm bringing it back.

Name: Erika

Country: US

I think they should keep the Angelgotchi the same and make no changes, its already the best tamagotchi out there. Even though i don't have mine yet its coming soon and i can't wait

I ordered my first Angelgotchi today, the silver Japanese version :)

Name: Danielle

Country: UK

Name: Sorry can't tell it

Country: England

Comments: I really need to get a few vintage Tamas to spice up my collection!! I think BanDai should release them again! Not just Angel, I'd like Ocean and Devilgotchi and P1 and P2 and V1 and V2 as well!!!!

(PS. I also think they should sell some Tamas that are not music stars here in England, it's getting quite annoying)

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Some of you may have read a petition to bring back angelgotchi's a while ago. It was closed because we are not supposed to bump up old topics and this one had been untouched for a year until someone replied, but if we keep this one steadily going, then admin said it wouldn't be closed.

Anyways, we are trying to get Bandai to release angelgotchi's again. So please sign this, and put a link to this in your signature.

Please include your...


the country you live in,

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.

Once we have a considerable amount of signatures we will send this to Bandai, and hopefully bring angelgotchi's back!
Name: Scotty

Country: USA

Comments: I would <3 it if Bandai would bring back ANY ol tamagotchi's like V1,2,3,4,5, AngelGotchi,DevilGotchi, and any others

Name: Vera (TaMaLuVa<3)

Country: England

Comment: Come on Bandai! So many people want the angelgotchi back! (preferebly in English, lol) !

I don't think ancestor tamagotchis should be re-released, isn't the point of having a ancestor you not being able to get it?

because no one has posted anything here for a while, i'm bringing it back.
Name: Erika

Country: US

I think they should keep the Angelgotchi the same and make no changes, its already the best tamagotchi out there. Even though i don't have mine yet its coming soon and i can't wait
Even if there's new ancestor tamagotchis and old ones and both will be the same, everyone who had one would have been so happy to have a tamagotchi everyone else doesn't have, and it's nothing like it. Then, they would make new ones and completely defeat the purpose of what I just said. I kind of doubt anyone here agrees though.

Name: John

Country: U.S.A

I have an angelgotch and LOVE IT! I would really appreciate it if bandai brought it back, it would be so fun and neat, and everyone would have one, or get one in the stores because I tell all my friends about the tamagotchis I have and thats in the store and stuff.. Please bring it back!

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