New Angelgotchi Petition


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Name: Jay Gii

Country: USA

Comment: If you bring them back, it would be a great opportunity for people like i [who have never owned an angel] to experience raising such an interesting tama. Connection feature would be amazing, BUT don't make them anything like tamagotchi versions v4 to present, that really ruined tamagotchis for a lot of us. Tamagotchis look better as PIXELS on small eggs, NOT CARTOONS ON THESE FAT EGGS THAT LOSE THEIR ENERGY IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS. Normal, smaller tamagotchis last around... 6 months right?? Ohh and if you add antennas, AT LEAST make them like the v3, not like v4's or v4.5, those things are HUGE XD

As for characters, try bringing back some old characters not only from the original Tamagotchi Angel, but from others as well, just pop on some wings. Old tamas are more creature and or animal like. New tamas are more like people, it's not cool. We buy these things for PETS.

P.S. Creating Tamagotchi-Angel-Connection would not only bring in the big bucks from today's children (or their parents)it would bring in big bucks from us older tamagotchi owners who would enjoy a Nostalgic blast from the past, and who doesn't love money??

Name: Dan

Country: USA

I do think if Bandai did a "throwback" it would probably be the original P1/P2 versions, just because it's what most people remember from the 90's.

Name: Rae Lee

Country: USA

I think it would be actually totally cool if they came out with angel and devilgotchi connections. They could make really interesting interactions between the two! Or if they just did a through back that would be nice too. :)



^ XD



They should bring them back,and they have to be pretty reasonable.I assure you,If it's more that 30 quid,no-no.Full stop.

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Name Cola

Country Not Here

I would want angelgotchis to come back, an old tama to refresh us :)

(i want one anyway o3o)

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Angelgotchis will not come back! Even with a petetion! You guys should just give up because this will not work! I tried it and got over 10,000 people to sign it! It didn't work! Just give up. Buy an angelgotchi and be happy with what you have.

Come on! Cheer up! If you dont want to sigh just dont! Let these people try at least!

Name: Fabiënne

Country: The Netherlands

I think they should be availble In Europe too, Because most of the cool tamagotchis go to the USA or stay in Japan.

It would be nice to have tamagotchis on the market again here.

Tamaguyjayy said:

Connection feature would be amazing, BUT don't make them anything like tamagotchi versions v4 to present, that really ruined tamagotchis for a lot of us. Tamagotchis look better as PIXELS on small eggs, NOT CARTOONS ON THESE FAT EGGS THAT LOSE THEIR ENERGY IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS. Normal, smaller tamagotchis last around... 6 months right?? Ohh and if you add antennas, AT LEAST make them like the v3, not like v4's or v4.5, those things are HUGE XD
V4 version Is not really that bad. I own one and i like it. LIVE WITH IT!

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Name: Never gonna say my real name, so just call me Tinkalila

Country: USA

Comments: Been collecting tamagotchis for a few years now... still never got angelgotchi. :\

Name: Anna

Country: United States of America

Comments: I doubt this will ever happen, but I'm so happy to see that this thread is still going strong. I'd buy an Angelgotchi Connection if it ever came out.

I wanna sign!

Name:Not gonna say my real name sooo ya

Country:Still dont wanna say it...

Comments:I LOVE my Japaness Angelgotch and i would love to get an English one....but if you do please make more games! And a shop would be nice to!

Name: (fake name) Oranda

Country: Canada

Comments: I really badly want a Tamagotchi Angel Connection in color with more games, newer characters, and a diamond plate. That would satisfy my hunger for a Tamagotchi. ;)

well duh i'll sign

name, Caomi (not real name but its secret)

the country you live in, Australia

none other i'll add the siggy soon

Name- i<3froyo / anonymous

Country- USA

Comments- I would love to have an angelgotchi, and this would make them more available.

Name: Scared of stalkers but my name is one of the seasons.

Country: New Zealand.

Comments: there is an enormous amount of prospect buyers here on tamatown. And we all want an Angelgotchi!

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I have never seen an angelgotchi,so I need Bandai to bring them back so I can see one.

Name: Monica (It's up to you to decide whether you beileve me or not :p )

Country: Australia

Comments: The Angel is a really sought-after Tamagotchi, so if you bring it back everyone will want to buy it! I think it would be great because it has features like a touch-screen and stuff... I would like it to have new characters, though, like Angel Mametchi! :newmametchi:


I'm going to help cos for years I've wanted an Angelgotch

Name: Alexandra Rose Wallace

Location:Victoria Australia


:chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi:

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