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Nice find. Those are the american designs right? I wish they were the Austalian ones. I want the one in the bottom left corner.

*runs off to call cousin who lives in America*

i want the blu one in the middle in the top but i live in northern ireland

it is so not fair america and some other place have 2 or 3 sets of color but the uk only got 1 set of colors

OOH!! So cool!! But I don't have even 1 dollar right now because just 4 days ago I spent it all on the pink w/ ribbons tama design that's sitting beside me right now. But I MUST get the Ichigotchi or Furawatchi lanyard and the pink with hearts tama!!

The one with Grafidi and the design looks AWSOME,I've never thought of anything like that!

I dont know why any one needs designs i mean they dont affect ur tamas life :rolleyes: :angry: :angry: :D :D :blink:

Lovely!If only they got a move on in lauching them here... Though those look so good.... *cries for one*

So much good stuff being launched at once, lol.
I feel your pain, lol. I want th orange one or blue one, but as you know, I'm in Australia. :rolleyes:

If you do a search for the new gotchi's, it says they're supposed to come out in June 2006 - I've been checking my local retailers, but no one has them yet. Anyone have a better idea of when they come out?


If you do a search for the new gotchi's, it says they're supposed to come out in June 2006 - I've been checking my local retailers, but no one has them yet. Anyone have a better idea of when they come out?Thanks!!
They might come out in a few weeks...

I dont know why any one needs designs i mean they dont affect ur tamas life :chohimetchi: :mametchi: :( :( :( :(
Yeah we know just we like the design,like if somebody DOSN'T like pink and theirs a green and pink one on the shelf,if they liked green better they would pick that instead of pink.

UNLESS their was one pink one,I'M SURE they would take that one because its better than nothing...but some people will take any!

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