New Guy, Old Qusetions


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Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hi there. I just bought my first Tama a few days ago, and was wondering about a few things:

1.) When nothing has beeen selected on you Tama (none of the icons are bold) and I press C, my Tama make a happy face, looks around, then gets sad. What's that about?

2.) My Tama is a child. He's White with a little back mohawk. What type is he?

3.) Once, you Tama has an egg, dies, or you simply get a new Tama, do all your games start back to jump rope, or do you get to keep them all?

4.) How do you interpret fortunes and other messages? I have gotten a couple and have no idea what they mean. I even had the king visist me and give me 400P. Does that men I can visit him in TamaTown?

5.) This big fat Tama came and started singing to Zeek (My Tama). Is that the pre-school lady? Does she come randomly, or do you need to select something?

6.) Is there a list of jobs for the V4? What new jobs and Tamas does the V4.5 offer?

All right. I think that's all the questions I have for right now. Sorry, for such a long, tidious post. I tried searching for this stuff, put couldn't find quickly enough. (I'm kinda A.D.D.) So ,if you have any answers, please post'em!


Jonny Phoenyx ;)

it does look sad but maybe because it is sad if its happy then after that it shcold do a little smile its what the v4 toddlers do

2.look for a growth chart i dont know any but i have seen some

3.yes your games start from the beggining back to jumprope

4.if you get a [!] mail then you get a job go to preschool or school the foutune mail is the bag of points if you get 3 stars next to the bag of points then the king will come a giv3 you points it does not man you get to see him sorry :furawatchi: the heart

maens your tama wont get sick easly the man i dont know

the big fat tama is the preschool teacher it comes when you go to pre school it will come when your teen aswell thats the last youll see of her

the list of jobs come randomly and you have to have a least 80 skill points in a cattorgory know one knows about the jobs on v4.5 it might not eaven have jobs ;)

hope i helped

-jaida007 :blink:

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People in tamatalk is always willing to help you. So you don't have to be sorry :huh:

Well, the answers are:

#1 That's the animation that Bandai have made for the V4.

#2 I think you're talking about the character Mohitamatchi. Anyway, you can have a look at the, 'Tamagotchi Version 4 Growth Chart' on the left link.

#3 Yes, the game will start all over again. When you've a baby, there's only Jumping Rope, when it turns into a toddler there will be one extra game, Mimic. When it turns into a teen, the whole games(Jumping Rope, Mimic, Shape, Dance, Flag) will be available.

#4 About the fortune messages, the first one(gotchi points bag) is telling you about your fortune when you're playing the games. When you got three stars for it, then you'll earn extra 100gps when you win the game(except the dance game). The second one(heart icon), i'm not sure about it, but i heard that it's about your tama's love life. The last one(man) is about your tama's health, when it shows three stars, that means your tama will not get sick easily. About the mail(message icon), you will either receive a visit from the king(he will either gives you present or gotchi points) or the robber will rob your money or you'll receive a message contents snake, poop or heart(love). For the [!] mail, it's the important mail. When you're being offered to pre-school, school and job, the mailman will send you the [!] mail.

#5 Yes, she's the pre-school teacher. You need to send your tama to 'work' in order to see her.

#6 Yes, there's 15 jobs in V4. You will be offered the job depending on your skill points. About the v4.5, sorry, I don't know about it.

Hope i helped at least abit.

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1) he's not sad, just instead if of staying happy, he goes back to normal

2) Toddlers can evolve into any type, depending on weight, skill points and how you treat them. If you want to see the growth charts though., click the link on the sidebar

3)well if you restart your tama, all your items and money will disapear, but if your tama has a baby, the baby will inherit the parents objects and fortune. The games will restart, beginning with jump rope and progressing

4)I don't really know much about the cookies..

5)Yes, she's the preschool teacher and if you don't attend enough, she'll send you mail bringing you to preschool. You can attend regularly by going to the heart/ connection icon, scrolling down to work, and pressing b

6)As for jobs. just look at hte oinstructions you got with your toy


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