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Jul 13, 2017
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Hello! I'm a stay at home mother of two and I've always loved tamagotchi!I had my first one when they came out in 97. I'm 28 now and still want to play. Unfortunately, all of my tamagotchi have been given away over the years as my parents found them in my old boxes, so I'm working on starting up my collection again. My 5 year old daughter is excited after I told her about them and can't wait to get her first one too. Unfortunately, the ones coming in the mail for now are cheap knock offs (I know, bad mommy!) But for her to practice with I dont mind. I'm glad to see a thriving community of people still into them and am glad to be here. ☺

Hey, welcome aboard! Growing up, I was a part of the connextion era (2004-2010), but I love Tamas all the same. I hope you can enjoy your time here!

Be warned, however, Tamagotchi prices are starting to rise up, now that it's been 20 years since the P1/P2 (The Tamagotchis back in the 90's) were released, and as such, your wallet may start to flow open. But! This is just my experience, and living in Australia where everything is so expensive does not help.

I'm so happy that you're introducing Tamagotchis to your daughter, though! They are really good toys. I remember taking about seven of them to school back when I first joined this site, ha ha! The teachers eventually had to ban them though...

But enough about me! Everyone on Tamatalk is eager to help here. I'm sure you're not too much of a new fan, but there's a lot of strategy behind Tamagotchis, from growth charts to the amount of care you give them. However, I'm sure you know most of this, lol. :)

See you around!

Welcome to TamaTalk! Knockoffs are not always too bad as they can be rather interesting, but some are better than others. We have a sub-forum called Tamagotchi Cousins for other off-brand virtual pet, in case you're interested (also there are quite a few useful tutorials on Youtube for various vpets). Hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Hello! I'm a stay at home mother of two and I've always loved tamagotchi!I had my first one when they came out in 97. I'm 28 now and still want to play. Unfortunately, all of my tamagotchi have been given away over the years as my parents found them in my old boxes, so I'm working on starting up my collection again. My 5 year old daughter is excited after I told her about them and can't wait to get her first one too. Unfortunately, the ones coming in the mail for now are cheap knock offs (I know, bad mommy!) But for her to practice with I dont mind. I'm glad to see a thriving community of people still into them and am glad to be here. ☺
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here :D

Welcome to TamaTalk! Looking forward to seeing you around the site, and good luck with building up you collection! Excited to see it! :)

Hallo and welcome! I'm also from the P1 and P2 years for Tamas. I'm 35, but no kids. My fiancé has 4 kids, so that's all good! Tamas are indeed rising in price, but some of the knock-offs are a decent value, if not as complex. I never completely enjoyed odd pets cos they lacked the ability to reset the time to match my schedule. Still, I'm darned if they're not as interesting!


I'm a stay-at-home parent as well and just got my five-year-old his first p1. I figured it was simpler than the connections and scooped up a used one in his favourite colour for not much.

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