New Layout


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What?! I didn't notice... It changed? o_O Wow. Now that I see it, it seems weird.

Hate it.

When someone quotes someone, it gets cut off. It also makes you have to scroll the page horizontally on my browser.

It makes no sense. People naturally read left to right, so naturally the person's comment/reply should come first, then the username and such on the right side.

There's also an abyss of empty space. Blah. Like people said, I thought it was my computer acting funny, but no, it's ANOTHER site changing their layout.

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Well, i don't see why they needed to change it, I liked the old one better. I guess I can get used to this though.

I don't like this layout. There is so much empty space and its a pain seeing the icons and stuff on the left. Plus, it bugs me that the right side is flush against the edge.

Arrgh it changed again? I was just getting used to the old "new" one. :(

I guess I'll have to get used to this one before I can decide if I like it or not...but I don't know.. -_-

EDIT- Another thing is that I don't like all the blank spaces. If someone has a short signature, there's just a lot of white. There's a lot of white almost everywhere actually.

EDIT EDIT- lol I just realized that Krystal noticed the same thing ;)

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I thought my computer broke again or something. Eww, I don't like this one one bit. ): There's too much white space to the left and I liked the icons and stats on the right side.

There is like, this huge empty scape right to the left of every post. The skin I used made it hard to see usernames though, so I guess this layout has it's pros and cons. :)

I legitimately thought my computer was messed up when I came back. xD

It's okay, I guess, but I definitely prefer the old one.

As said, I think some of the empty space needs to be demolished.

Also as said, I think it's harder to find who's posting what, but I can live with the layout.


Is it just my computer or is the fast reply button gone?

i always use that xD

Nah, its your computer. ^ Its still there.

Poll topics now say Poll:. Its kinda weird. Or was it always there and I just never noticed?

When I tried to update my avatar, It accepts it, and I get taken to this weird page, like, it shows the forum topics, but nothing else, and my avatar isn't there, so. o-o;

I don't like it, I like th old one moree.

This one, you have to look to the right to see who posted. It makes me feel werid... (./fail)

The black text on the bars looks so out of place. Personally, I think the layout is sloppy and poorly designed. I miss usernames on the top of posts, and the old layout in general.

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