New StarCat/CompuKitty log


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She does these animations when her stats are really low.
Oh! Interesting! So I'm guessing the dream bubble with a fish in it signifies she's hungry, and perhaps knocking an item over with her paw signifies a low discipline score? (Or maybe that she's unhappy/needing to be played with. I think it was her feeding icon and play icon that were flashing.)

On the new gigapets you can also send them to sleep anytime without any negative consequences. Only you will see the Zzz screen instead of the cute moon nap.
When you put them to sleep at random times, do they wake up on their own? Do they take a nap for the same length of time as when they ask for a nap?

I do think it is a low battery issue as my son's t-rex did all of this when it had a low battery. It never showed the low battery sign just started to act weird like screen flickering and everything you describe.
That's a relief but so bizarre to me that it would have that variety of glitches because of the battery! I would complain about the battery having issues so soon but it most likely was jostled by the fall, so . . . Still annoying, but at least no real damage!

Is your new StarCat still named Sheba?
Sure is! I'm pretty much thinking of her as the same kitty. But I actually tend to do that for any virtual pet with a naming feature -- I just recycle the same name most of the time and think of them as the same pet. So she's Sheba, my Micropup is always Bo, my koala is Koko, and my Nano Baby is Phil when it's a boy and then Lil when I raise the sister that comes next -- named after Rugrats, of course. Lol
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When you put them to sleep at random times, do they wake up on their own? Do they take a nap for the same length of time as when they ask for a nap?
Don’t quote me on this but I believe they sleep until you wake them up. At least the unicorn and t-rex are like this. Maybe it would wake up if you left them sleeping until the next morning? Or if the care got super low? I think we need and official test to know for sure!

Edit: I tested this morning and had the Zzz screen for about 5 hours; it then switched to the moon nap screen.

After reading your battery frustration, and also having felt the same way with mine I investigated the situation. You said you pressed the silver bit and the battery went flying, so I tried squeezing it just a little and the battery easily pops out! Try it!
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The pie/pate looked like a cheese wheel to me XD

This is a really neat log, thanks for making it. I don't know anything about Giga Pets.

Hopefully the fall wasn't too damaging and it's okay with just a new battery like Maskutchi says.

ETA: I actually love the translucent yellow body btw :) Very cute.
After reading your battery frustration, and also having felt the same way with mine I investigated the situation. You said you pressed the silver bit and the battery went flying, so I tried squeezing it just a little and the battery easily pops out! Try it!
Thanks for the video! Good to know it doesn't always have to be a struggle! I'm not gonna pop the battery out right now, but hopefully it will go more smoothly next time! I'll try to do it just like you did.

Sheba II is doing well! No more malfunctions! She's at 1 year, 3 pounds currently. Nothing new to share that I didn't post about the first go-round. I'll plan to post here more actively once she catches up to where she left off before!
Hey all! I recent purchased the compu cat star cat combo giga pet for my son, but it didn't come with a booklet with all of the fortunes. I can't seem to find it online either. Can anyone help us out and send us pictures of the booklet so we can figure out the fortunes? Thanks so much!
You bought it new/sealed and it didn't have the star-sign booklet? That's messed up! I would contact the company and complain!

But here you go! (Click for bigger!)


I think you can save and print the images from here, but if you'd rather receive them via email, you can message me with your email address.

Something strange just happened. She meowed for attention, and I saw her medical icon was blinking. So I took her to the doctor. Wish I'd taken a video because it was kind of cool -- she appeared to ride a rocketship to get to the doctor, and then some sort of magical creature used a wand on her.

Her health had dropped down to 39. Makes no sense to me because I've been giving her the same steady care I always have. I think her health was at 100 the last time I'd checked on her, which wasn't very long before. There's nothing to explain the drop. I got the original Sheba to age 6 or 7 before the technical issues without her ever getting sick.

After the doctor visit, her health was up some but was still a bit low (in the 70s, I think). Her discipline and happiness scores were down a little bit, so I got those up to 100. Now with all her other stats at 100, her health should also be at 100, I thought. Her health is currently at 89 with her other stats all at 100.

I'm so confused. A drop in health like that never happened before. It's scaring me that maybe she's glitching again! :cry: But her batteries should be fine!
Sheba II is currently 3 years old and 5 pounds, by the way. She grew to her bigger 2nd stage today!
A health drop like that does seem strange considering you give good care. Have you given baths repeatedly until she says no to them? Each bath should raise the health by 5 points or so.
I've never given her baths repeatedly -- I give her baths as soon as she asks for them. She asks for them really often compared to what I'm used to as a vintage Giga Pets user. After reading that, I just gave her two back-to-back baths. The first one raised her health from 89 to 93. The second one dropped it down to 88. :unsure:
Her battery couldn't have been low since she's new,
It actually could've been this - there's usually a disclaimer somewhere or other with most products that come with a pre-installed battery, that the included one is for demonstration purposes only and should ideally be replaced as soon as possible. They don't always have a full capacity even from new. Given that, and the fact that things seem to be going ok on the new run so far, I don't think that you've got anything to worry about here. :smile2:
You bought it new/sealed and it didn't have the star-sign booklet? That's messed up! I would contact the company and complain!

But here you go! (Click for bigger!)

View attachment 8055View attachment 8054View attachment 8053View attachment 8052View attachment 8051

I think you can save and print the images from here, but if you'd rather receive them via email, you can message me with your email address.
Thank you so much!!! We had a good laugh because my son got the cloud and it says to check your umbrella for any resentment. We recently threw his umbrella away because it broke, so I'm pretty sure it resents him! 🤣
Not really any reason. It's not like StarCat is in a bad mood when she does it. It's just one of her kitty animations she does when she's wandering around!
I asked my aunt to get one for my birthday and it will come either later today or later than that. I don’t know

Not really any reason. It's not like StarCat is in a bad mood when she does it. It's just one of her kitty animations she does when she's wandering around!

They made this combo to celebrate 25 years of Giga Pets

I've never given her baths repeatedly -- I give her baths as soon as she asks for them. She asks for them really often compared to what I'm used to as a vintage Giga Pets user. After reading that, I just gave her two back-to-back baths. The first one raised her health from 89 to 93. The second one dropped it down to 88. :unsure:

If you Giga pet’s age is >14, Keep its health to at least 95 or it dies. Also, what does the death screen look like? An angel like usual?
She's now reached the age that she glitched out before. Aside from the one random sudden drop in health down to 39 I mentioned above on Day 4, there have been no more mishaps. Today she sprouted her wings again. Nothing new to share photos or videos of yet that I didn't post the first go-round.

They made this combo to celebrate 25 years of Giga Pets
Yep, it says 25th anniversary on the box. :)

If you Giga pet’s age is >14, Keep its health to at least 95 or it dies.
It sounds like you're talking about vintage Giga Pets, which reach old age at age 14 and die more easily. New-era Giga Pets usually have much longer life spans and can often live for months or even indefinitely from what I've heard (and according to the instructions), although this is my first time running one of the new-era Gigas personally.

Also, what does the death screen look like? An angel like usual?
Yes, an angel. I only know that because of her glitching issues I described earlier in my log. I have not run her for her life span or experienced an actual death for her yet.

As a side note, did you know you can include multiple responses to quotes in a single post? After quoting one part in your post, you just have to scroll back up to click Quote on the post(s) again and insert (and trim) the quote again. :)
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I've never given her baths repeatedly -- I give her baths as soon as she asks for them. She asks for them really often compared to what I'm used to as a vintage Giga Pets user. After reading that, I just gave her two back-to-back baths. The first one raised her health from 89 to 93. The second one dropped it down to 88. :unsure:
Oh?? I always finish my care with a few baths. I guess what I do is first give 1-2 baths, then feeding, tricks, etc, then finish with 1-2 more baths. I never saw health drop from a bath on a modern giga. But if she’s got room for food, that will also raise the health.
As a side note, did you know you can include multiple responses to quotes in a single post? After quoting one part in your post, you just have to scroll back up to click Quote on the post(s) again and insert (and trim) the quote again. :)
There's another much quicker way of doing this, too: You can highlight the text that you want, then wait for a moment for a little menu to automatically pop up which offers the options "+Quote" and "Reply". When replying to multiple points and/or posts, the "+Quote" option will record the text you want, and you can later add it into the text-area by clicking the button that's magically appeared underneath it which is labelled "Insert quotes...". The "Reply" option will jump straight to the text-box with only the text that was highlighted.

It's a more fine-grained version of the "+Quote" and "Reply" buttons found in the bottom-right corner of each post that saves you from having to scroll and trim at all. ;) 👍

It looks like this;

Just wanted to give a rundown of my care this morning around 10am:
  • bath, fish, discipline
  • checked stats: 46 (32, 40, 70, 43)
  • discipline, pate x3, poo clean, bath, trick/reward x8
  • grew wings and requested bath
  • checked stats: 91 (87, 85, 94, 98)
  • trick/reward x3, pate
  • checked stats: 99 (100, 100, 99, 100)
  • bath
  • checked stats: 100
Hope this helps.
@ Maskutchi -- that was nice of you, but sorry if I gave the impression I was confused about how to care for her and keep stats up! I'll try to re-explain what had happened the other day which brought up the topic of health. I had been taking consistent care of her and keeping her stats up as usual. It hadn't been long at all since the last time I tended her and she was fine (100 health & other stats). Then suddenly she was asking for a doctor visit and her health was down to 39. (And I do mean her literal health stat, which is different than overall score comprised of all her stats.) After the doctor visit and after getting her other stats back up easily, her health hadn't returned to 100 at the time I posted. Although the other stats were fine and I was doing my usual thorough care, I guess her health just needed a brief while to recover from that random big drop. It did climb back up before too long. But a drop like that is not something that normally happens and it hasn't happened again at this point. Normally I have no problem caring for her. It was one incident and it confused me why that happened!

It's interesting you give multiple baths at a time -- is there a reason for that? I know from our communication we use different care methods because you tend to her a few times a day whereas I do frequently. I just give her one bath at a time. It makes sense she needs more meals and tricks at a time for you since you let those drop lower -- does she seem to also need more baths because you go longer in between? Also, I like to play her game with her instead of just tricks -- I enjoy her broom-flying game quite a bit. I wish the other 2 games were as fun!

Today Sheba's screen has blinked out briefly a few times, so I'm a little worried she might be about to glitch out again? I don't know. It hasn't been many days since she got a brand-new battery.

There's another much quicker way of doing this, too: You can highlight the text that you want, then wait for a moment for a little menu to automatically pop up which offers the options "+Quote" and "Reply". When replying to multiple points and/or posts, the "+Quote" option will record the text you want, and you can later add it into the text-area by clicking the button that's magically appeared underneath it which is labelled "Insert quotes...". The "Reply" option will jump straight to the text-box with only the text that was highlighted.
Cool! I'd been kind of wondering if there was another way to do it. Nice to know.
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Today Sheba's screen has blinked out briefly a few times, so I'm a little worried she might be about to glitch out again? I don't know. It hasn't been many days since she got a brand-new battery.
Alas, a while after this, she did end up going into the same glitching mode I described earlier in this log. The first time it happened, I gave her a new battery, but it was an off-brand battery ("Emazing Lights"?!) from a package that a family member had in the house. This time, while she was still glitching, I went to the store and got Energizer batteries. I swapped out batteries MUCH more quickly and easily this time (no struggle at all), I believe in large part thanks to Maskutchi's demo video. It did reset, though, so I'm having to start over with StarCat ONCE AGAIN. 🤦‍♀️ I like StarCat a lot, but I'm growing rather disenchanted with this experience with my first modern Giga.

What's interesting is she glitched out at very close to the same age she did the first time (one day older, I believe). Since the first glitching incident was shortly after her fall off my desk, I thought it was related to that, but now the fact that it's happened again at about the same age is kinda making me wonder.

I figure if she glitches out early yet again on this Energizer battery, I'll purchase another StarCat to try again (at least they're affordable) and see if that one has issues too. It's really seeming to me like they are not well made compared to the old ones (fall or no fall). I do have a modern unicorn and T-Rex I recently purchased too and haven't ran yet, but I was so much more excited about StarCat.

So, last log update, at least for a while.
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