New Tamagotchi Designs.


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Could be only released in Japan, we don't know yet....but the U.K. will get some good designs, I feel sure. You guys are only in series 1...Lol. :(

They are cute designs. I hope the do come to the UK!

Why are you all so afraid of purchasing Japanese ones? They're cheaper than the U.K. ones. You ahve to pay 14.99 GBP or more for a U.K. one, right? Why not buy a Japanese one for about 10-13 GBP on ebay. There are distinct signs on whether they are real or not, so don't be scared of that. I'm just wondering because you get more from the Japanese, they work with your current U.K. version, and they're less expensive. Lol.

All of my Tama Plus's are Japanese.

There is nothing scary about them. They are very easy to work and so what if there's a little bit of Japanese text to look at.

They are fun! :)

Wow, they do look cool. But seriously, im a guy, and is it me or do they look a little....feminin? (if thats how you spell it :D ) but anyway, remember back then when they made all those cool looking designs for the tamagotchi? Why cant they do that now? Or better yet! Allow the user to customize their own tamagotchi!!!!!! Im sorry, im getting too excited ^.^ I bought an american one on ebay the other day, and i cant wait until it comes in.

The desighns are good maybe not as cool as some of the old ones but hey not every set always has awsome desighns i like the new ones and ether way be happy that there making new ones! But yeah those 2 are feminent they are baby blue and light pink i think.

That would be because the topic is from 2004. :)

*Topic closed by Jappyx*

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