New Tamas...Identification help?


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Well-known member
May 23, 2009
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Up until this point in time I've only had one Music Stars Tamagotchi, adored and loved. Now I have three!

The two new ones were bought used, without card back or instruction manual. They say 'Connection' on them and have the red thing on top for connecting with friends. One is light pale pink with purple and pink hearts. The other is dark pink magenta, with flowers and a shell and a star. I had to replace the battery in both, but they both work very well and still had adult tamas in them. (I'm so nice, I'm gonna keep raising them!) One had a broken keychain, I replaced with a spare keychain I happened to already have, though I guess that devalues it?

Its not about the money for me anyways.

So can anybody identify which run these are from so I know for sure? Thanks!

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It's a little harder to go on shell design for me, because there are so many out there (and so many similar ones at that), but I will do my best. :D For me, at least, it's a little easier to identify them based on what kind of antenna (or lack thereof) they have. If your pink and purple hearts one looks like this: and has no antenna, it's probably a V1. Or does it look like this:, with a little antenna? That would be a V3. As for the second one, when you say it has a star, do you mean it has a star at the end of the antenna? If so, that one is a V4.5. Or do you mean it has a star as a design on the shell, like this: This one has a shell on it, so that's probably what you're referring to. The seller isn't sure about what this one is, but I think it's a V2. V1s and V2s look a lot alike.

This is how I see it, on a very general scale:

All connections have the infrared port at the top.

V1s and V2s: no antenna, looks the closest to what the vintage (1997) Tamagotchis look like, as far as shape, size, and design goes.

V3: has a tiny antenna sticking straight up.

V4: has a ball at the end of the antenna.

V4.5: has a star at the end of the antenna.

V5: has a roof at the end of the antenna.

V6: no antenna, but the shell designs are more outrageous and bold than the V1s and V2s (in my humble opinion).

Hope this helps! :D

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Thanks for the picture. Those are nice designs! Anyway, the only picture that I could find of the hearts one was on Ebay, and again, the seller wasn't sure whether it is a V1 or V2. Like I said earlier, there aren't many cosmetic differences between a V1 and V2 (unless you've memorized all the shell designs for each version, but that's probably less likely ;) ). However, there are subtle differences between each games, features, and characters are added each time. I can tell you now that V1 only has 2 games, the dance and jumping games. The V2 has way more games (and more features too, I imagine), including jump, bump, heading, and slot. So if the one you have is definitely either a V1 or V2 and you play with it and it has more than 2 games, you know you've got the V2.

Also, you said that you got these used. Just in case you need something for reference and if they didn't come with instructions, there's a thread where all of the original instruction manuals have been cataloged in the TamaTalk reference section: When in doubt, check the instruction manuals! Make sure to browse the site if you get the chance because there are some really neat and helpful things AND people here. You'll probably be amazed at what you find. Let me know if you have any other questions and enjoy taking care of your Tamagotchis! :kusatchi:

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