New TamaTalk Guide!


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Ooh!!! Congratulation!!!! I always thought you were meant to be a TamaGuide!!!! [SIZE=21pt]HIP HIP HOORAH!!![/SIZE] :huh: ooh!! This is so cool!!! It's really awesome that you are a TamaGuide now Rock'in Robotchi!!! YAY!!!!

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Scene:Football Satdium

Admin[Over Microphone]"Okay, calm down everybody, i know, its been a long wait for the next guide, but, i am going to announce the winner, after the break"

*A bunch of ads apper on TV*

Admin[Over Microphone]"Welcome back. now, the moment you've been waiting for. Due to the guides votes, The newest Tamatalk Guide is.....Rock'in Robotchi! Come Down Rock'in Robotchi!"

*Crowd Cheers*

Admin[Over Microphone]"Congratulations! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Rock'in Robotchi[Over Microphone]Thank you very much admin! I promise i wont let any of the team down.And thanks for Welcoming me!"

Backround music:

Rock'in Robotchi Sitting down,

He never gets rid of that frown

But once he discovered he was a Tamaguide,

He smiled and never ever ever, cry

Admin[Over Microphone]"Lets here it one more time for rockin Robotchi!"

*Crowd Cheers*

Congratulations Rock'in Robotchi, You deserve it

This calls for a celebration!

GO Rockin' Robotchi! You'll make a fantastic Guide!

*Dances round the room on broken ankle, howling in pain*

Does anyone know when they'll be picking new guieds?
Well, they just picked one... And they choose every once in a while, so it will be a while before they pick a new guide... This is the first tamaguide I got to see get chosen!!!! :angry:

Me too. I joined sometime in July! That's a long time!!! :angry: :angry:

But I mean is there a pattern to how they pick new TG's? Like they pick one, then wait a few weeks, or months. Or do they just pick at any time?

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