New To Atlantis


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"Jason Aloe", he muttered, distracted by the utopia spanning before him. Everything looked clean, bright, and beautiful. He couldn't help but just stare at through the open doorway.

The architecture was of another kind, every building like a palace that beckoned to be explored. The land was new, different, and pleasant to the eye. He wondered what kind of building he'd be in. Whatever it would be,he was sure it would be wondrous.

He slid his helmet onto his head and pushed his way outside, eager to embrace his new world and life.

Serena was speechless. Her mouth was wide open as she gaped at her new world. There certainly wasn't much of the color wheel there. Almost everything was some kind of blue. Serena longed to see a yellow, red, or something bright and happy. Down here it was dark and sad in appearance, yet the people looked as if they didn't notice.

Serena was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the woman.

"Name?" she barked sharply at Serena.

As she yelled, she poked her index finger on the paper, the long red fake nail making a small dent. Serena snapped out of her dream-like state.

"S-Serena Iyons," she stuttered, and slipped the bubble on her head, brushing her hair away from her eyes.

"Right," the woman sighed. "Welcome to Atlantis," she said with no excitement. Serena could tell that she must have recited it more than a thousand times before. "Stephen over there will show you to your families, or houses, or wherever you're going."

She pointed a sharp nail to a man standing in a corner.

Name: Leo Antony Sparks

Age: 13

Appearance: Leo has white-yellowish hair, light blue eyes, and a fair color of skin. He is 5'1 in height and 112 in weight. He always seems to wear a shark tooth necklace around his neck.

Personality: He has laid-back kind of personality with a kinda of clownish side to it. He always seems to lighten up the mood with jokes.

Anything Else: He's been in Atlantis for a week already.

(Sorry I applied into the role play kinda of late.)

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Alyssa followed Jason and Serena towards the tall man. When they approached him, he gave them a short once over and pointed in the direction of a block of large, cyan, bubble shaped houses.

"Find your name on the sign next to the door," he said in a gruff voice.

(It's okay, you're accepted. :) )

Serena walked slowly down the rows of dull colored houses, searching for her name.

Let's see.... Sara.... ah! there it is!

She stopped in front of her door.

Alyssa watched as Serena gingerly opened the door to her house and went inside. She sighed and wandered down the lanes of houses, finally finding a large bubble with her name carefully inscribed on a plate next to her door. Her little pod was conjoined with another pod, one with her father's name on it.

Great. Alyssa groaned. Just what she needed, a conjoined pod with her father.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jason opening the door to a pod a few houses down, and she felt the tiniest bit better. Putting on a brave face, she pulled the door open and stepped inside.

Serena took a deep breath, opened the door, and cautiously walked inside. It was silent and dark. Everything had a blue tint to it, and everything had a bit of a bubble shape on it.

"Serena! You're finally here!" called a voice.

Startled, Serena gasped and turned around only to see her sister.

"Oh, uh, hi... why are you here?" Serena still wasn't certain about anything; whether this really was her sister or someone else.

"I live in the B Plex right next-door with mom and dad. Didn't you notice that they were joined together?" Trista said in her always annoying snobby teenage voice.

Serena had to admit that she hadn't noticed. She was too busy staring at all the bubbles that had surrounded her.

"Uh.... B Plex... you said that word. What does that mean?" Serena asked.

"You don't know?" Trista scoffed. "Well, I suppose you are one of the old-fashioned ones."

"Old fashioned ones- hey! I'm your sister! I'm not outdated or anything!" Serena said angrily.

"You're so excitable. Just calm down. A B Plex-everyone knows this- is a Bubble Plex. It's the type of homes that we live in," she explained.

"Okay. I'm sorry for not leaving to fairy land when you did," Serena's eyes narrowed.

"Well, I'll leave you to your house to sort out your junk from Earth," Trista said, and stalked away.

Urgh! No matter where we are, she can always manage to be annoying. Well, at least I get lots of space to myself. Let's furnish it!

Serena walked into what she thought to be a kitchen. At least, she thought. She couldn't really tell. It didn't look like any other kitchen she'd ever seen. There were strange electronic appliances in almost every corner. Everything was circular and bubble-like. One thing looked like a toaster from the future. After reading the side of the strange device, apparently it roasted turkeys.

Serena then turned her attention to the most puzzling and most normal looking thing in the room. It appeared to be a blue refrigerator.

Ah! Finally something I'm familiar with! Let's see what's inside, shall we?

She reached out to grasp what looked like a handle. Instead of latching on to it, her hand was sucked into the door. Purple ripples spread through the fridge.

"Aah!" Serena's eyes widened as she cried out.

A view screen slid down from the top of the device and rested in front of her eyes. A picture of the inside of the fridge appeared. It looked quite bare.

Serena nervously slid her hand out. The screen went back up to the top of the machine. Serena examined her hand. No damage done, except for it was a bit chilly.

Okay. I learned two things from this incident. One, this is probably a fridge. And two, I'm going to have to buy some provisions.

She went off to explore the rest of the house.

Alyssa carefully opened the door and stepped inside. It was empty. She walked around in wonder, running her finger over surfaces and opening drawers. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

After exploring the living room, which was pretty bare, Serena walked to a large staircase. She climbed up the stairs slowly, taking them one at a time. She stepped lightly, as if stepping too hard would cause the floor to cave in.

After several exhausting minutes of climbing, Serena reached the top. She saw before her a door. She reached out and opened it to see what appeared to be a bedroom. Her bedroom, to be exact.

After looking around a bit more, Serena moved her limited possessions into the room and then walked outside. Carefully weaving her way through the maze of blue bubble houses, she stopped at Alyssa's door.

Serena had hoped that maybe they could look around town together. Maybe take a peek at a couple shops, get some food, stuff like that. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but then stopped as a thought of doubt popped into her head.

What if she's still looking around? I wouldn't want to intrude...

Serena shook her head.

No! I'm done being shy. I have to at least try to make one friend!

She knocked on the door.

Alyssa was pulling things out of her bag when she heard the knock. Who could that be? Maybe Sara, or Melodie, or...ugh, Bella. Barf.

She slowly got up and walked to the door, opening it. She felt her face twist into an expression of surprise.

"Hey, Serena, what are you doing here?" she asked.

Serena looked up in surprise. She had been startled by the opening of the door, as she had been zoning out again.

"Oh, hi," she said. "Well, I, um, was wondering if maybe you'd like to look around a little bit with me. That is, if you're not too busy unpacking or whatever."

Serena felt her face flush.

Alyssa grinned. Sara and Melodie always wanted to stalkerishly hang around places where boys hung out. Boring.

"Sure! Maybe we can go to one of those parks they're always talking about or something," she said.

"Okay!" Serena smiled.

Yes! she thought.

"So, I don't really have any idea where anything is around here. Maybe we should try to find a map or something."

Name: Rose Sparkle

Age: 12

Appearance: Shoulder-length curly brown-black hair, brown eyes, average height

Personality: Loud, random, creative

Alyssa and Serena walked over to the nearest park. There were only a few people there. Among them was a girl with curly hair.

"Hey, let's go talk to her!" Alyssa said eagerly, running over to her.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa! What's your name?" she asked the girl.

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