new to tama world


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Aug 9, 2023
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Hello, kinda new to this new world of tama, i had tamagotchis growing up, and giga pets also, loved them and recenty getting back into them now, i am in my 40s! i love them and never have nor will grow up, lol i am also on the autistic spectrum and so very very obsessed about the things i love , would love some friends in the same boat as me , also there is a world of color tams now? i need to get me some of them, but i fear the cost will be high, any ways hello to all and i hope to make friends

Hallo and welcome to Tamatalk! I'm also in my 40's and I refuse to grow up, like you! I've had Tamas since nearly the beginning. I got my first Tama in 1997, enjoyed them until maybe 1999 or so, embraced them again as the Connections, and have never really looked back. I have many sorts of odd pets, too, like Dinkie Dino, Dragotti, and even a Nano Puppy. My collection has been growing slowly over the years, and I've recently expanded it to include the Uni and Pix, which I'm raising right now, along with my On. I'm considering adding one of my Connections as well for that old black and white pixellated joy such as I used to know way back in the day. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, have a fun time on Tamatalk, this is a great place for chatting as well as Tama care resources!
Welcome welcome!! :biggrin:

I love that so many adults are returning to our childhood toys! I am a little on the younger side of adulthood still (27 next month) but my Tama-fever was reignited this year as well after some very fond childhood memories of playing with my Connections and the Nintendo DS games (Tamagotchi Corner Shop!).

As well, 100% understand with the obsession part. I have ADHD and I hyper-focused on this like CRAZY.. no joke my last month+ has been spent every day either on the Tama Wiki or on here either researching information about the new releases (I missed everything going forward from the Connect V5 Familiatchi) or just enjoying looking at other peoples collections and reading what they love about their Tamas or what favourite characters etc. :ichigotchi:

I'm really thankful we have a forum like this at least that so many people use. It's hard to find other people around my age(or a bit older) locally that enjoy Tamagotchi so my only outlets for my passion are online here and the Tamagotchi subreddit r/Tamagotchi which I recommend checking out!

Also, yes the cost of Tamas nowadays is insane..!! :-( Especially anything out of production now is fetching a heavy price. I'm not embarrassed to admit I got a 2nd job to assist with my re-ignited passion ahaha. Bills come first and I have a dog to take care of as well, but I really wanted to jump back into the hobby. I'm glad that I did though! The hours at my 2nd job are easy to get through as I remind myself of the Tamas I can buy. :tarakotchi:

If you are open to it, I suggest looking in the pre-owned / second hand market for Tamas! I've gotten a fair chunk of my collection this way and was able to haggle down costs with almost every seller. Even if there are some minor flaws such as some paint chips or slightly scuffed up screen - easy to fix with some paints (colour mixing is very easy and you only need a few base colours) and stuff like polywatch which help you buff the screen! (I've polywatched most of my Tamas and it makes a considerable difference and it was only $12 for the tube).
Hallo and welcome to Tamatalk! I'm also in my 40's and I refuse to grow up, like you! I've had Tamas since nearly the beginning. I got my first Tama in 1997, enjoyed them until maybe 1999 or so, embraced them again as the Connections, and have never really looked back. I have many sorts of odd pets, too, like Dinkie Dino, Dragotti, and even a Nano Puppy. My collection has been growing slowly over the years, and I've recently expanded it to include the Uni and Pix, which I'm raising right now, along with my On. I'm considering adding one of my Connections as well for that old black and white pixellated joy such as I used to know way back in the day. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, have a fun time on Tamatalk, this is a great place for chatting as well as Tama care resources!
hi and thank you its lovely to meet u , i have never heard of half these tamas i just had origenal one growing up and the giga , i would love to no more about the connections? but i bet to expencive to buy now!
Welcome welcome!! :biggrin:

I love that so many adults are returning to our childhood toys! I am a little on the younger side of adulthood still (27 next month) but my Tama-fever was reignited this year as well after some very fond childhood memories of playing with my Connections and the Nintendo DS games (Tamagotchi Corner Shop!).

As well, 100% understand with the obsession part. I have ADHD and I hyper-focused on this like CRAZY.. no joke my last month+ has been spent every day either on the Tama Wiki or on here either researching information about the new releases (I missed everything going forward from the Connect V5 Familiatchi) or just enjoying looking at other peoples collections and reading what they love about their Tamas or what favourite characters etc. :ichigotchi:

I'm really thankful we have a forum like this at least that so many people use. It's hard to find other people around my age(or a bit older) locally that enjoy Tamagotchi so my only outlets for my passion are online here and the Tamagotchi subreddit r/Tamagotchi which I recommend checking out!

Also, yes the cost of Tamas nowadays is insane..!! :-( Especially anything out of production now is fetching a heavy price. I'm not embarrassed to admit I got a 2nd job to assist with my re-ignited passion ahaha. Bills come first and I have a dog to take care of as well, but I really wanted to jump back into the hobby. I'm glad that I did though! The hours at my 2nd job are easy to get through as I remind myself of the Tamas I can buy. :tarakotchi:

If you are open to it, I suggest looking in the pre-owned / second hand market for Tamas! I've gotten a fair chunk of my collection this way and was able to haggle down costs with almost every seller. Even if there are some minor flaws such as some paint chips or slightly scuffed up screen - easy to fix with some paints (colour mixing is very easy and you only need a few base colours) and stuff like polywatch which help you buff the screen! (I've polywatched most of my Tamas and it makes a considerable difference and it was only $12 for the tube).
hi nice to met you to, yes obessions can really take over, i need to learn more and more about some of these other edions , what was the friends one all about? some one was selling one of these for £30 not sure if thats good or bad?
i cant stop looking at the colour ones do u have any? i am in the uk dont think any or many released here i will be asking my partner for the uni for christmas and if i get much birthday money nevt minth i might get the pix , would be lovely to get to know you more?

If you have any questions about any of the editions I am happy to help and share whatever knowledge I've learned! :biggrin:

The "Tamagotchi Friends" line is certainly an interesting one and I've seen a lot of divided opinions on it.

- there are cute sprites/animations
- roster of characters available on the device is decent
- you require 2 devices at least to unlock the additional mini-games
- some characters are locked behind having a 2nd device as well
- the gimmick of "collecting jewelry" is fun for some but mostly I see complaints about it especially as some of the jewelry needed to complete it is locked permanently behind Touch Spots that were only in a few spots throughout the world
- lots of complaints on screen being too dark/hard to see

Overall, it's not one I would add to my own collection personally as I do not see myself having a lot of fun with it and it seems more a simple genuinely child-oriented Tama in some ways, whereas a lot of the other releases have more content and a variety of features that keep me interested. I will say that price isn't terrible though for what it is, especially as the ones selling locally to me are $70 Canadian.

Both UK and Canada (where I'm from) seem to have missed out on a lot of general nice Tamagotchi stuff haha. I don't even remember ever seeing the ONs in stores here, only the PIX and I had been unsure at the time about getting one but wish I dove into the hobby when I did! I think I remember seeing my first PIX in store a year+ ago in GameStop and picking it up like "whoaaah what a fancy device nowadays!" and then the price tag did make me pause.
I think though it is worth investing in if this is a hobby you really end up loving! I was able to hunt down some of the ONs both locally and one on eBay, and though it was expensive due to secondhand pricing I still reallllly love them and do not regret my decision in the slightest! :wub:

I REALLY recommend the PIX though! I love mine and seriously wish I had gotten it the first time I saw it. I loved it so much I picked up 2 more (a Party PIX as they have 2 different raiseable characters than the normal one, and some different items/games/backgrounds etc from my understanding + an additional regular as a back-up incase my 1st ever goes kaput down the road haha). It's super fun and has so many great features (like petting your Tama happy2) and you don't really need a "2nd" one to unlock stuff, as well the QR codes make it super easy to connect to people even online as they just have to post a photo of it!

Recently I did pick up a Uni as well, but it's the one I've played the least attention to and have even debated on returning it as I'm not super keen on the online wi-fi focus and what it entails (for example, I only JUST got mine so I missed out on the racing event that was hosted and will be unable to get any of the prize items now for my Tama), but maybe I need to give it another chance. I've also got an ID L Anniversary edition ordered, a Tamagotchi P and Tama phone, and a couple M!Xes as they are one of the cheaper colour screens available and I love the gene-mixing on my ONs/Meets and want to see what the precursor device to those was like.

The Gift/Anniversary M!X has some amazing location options too like visiting Uratama Town and Makkakka Town in colour, which is also I believe on the ID L! These are locations that previous Tamagotchi released in Japan were themed/centered on - mainly the Akai Ketai (JP equivalant of the V3 Connect) and the Uratama (JP version of V4.5 Connect). The cool thing about the OG Akai Ketai and Uratama is that their pixels showed up as red and blue, respectively. So instead of the typical black pixel we see it was very unique! I've got an Akai Ketai on its way to me, and am in the midst of hunting a good condition Uratama in a shell I like. I'm very obsessed with the Tama lore behind these 2 particular ones haha. :lol:

You're always welcome to message me! I have a lot of collected knowledge that would be nice to share or would be nice if it was useful to someone!! I may be a little slow sometimes at replying because I work 2 jobs and have my dog as well and irl chores/obligations to tend to but I try to log on here fairly often. :ichigotchi:
wow so much i cant retain so much information lol, i didn't buy the friends but i do have a pix in my amazon basket lol

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