New Year gatecrashers


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Eleanor didn't take Nick's hand but followed him into another room. A lounge. Eleanor sat down and stared at him.

Nick looked exasperated. "God, how do I put this?" he asked himself.

"Nick. Spit it out. I can't bear the tension." Eleanor commented. He sighed and spoke:

"Eleanor. You have to come to the fairie world." Before she could protest he continued. "Just once. Because... if you don't get your magic unlocked, you'll die." Nick said. Eleanor gasped softly. "Fine. Fine." She walked out the door, missing Nick's secret smile.

"I have to go to the fairie world Zane. Just once." She took his hand. "Otherwise I'll die."

Nick put a hand on her shoulder. "Ready to go?"

"I will." she whispered back.

"Wait outside Eleanor." Nick said. When she was gone he smirked, "Good luck Zane." and walked outside laughing.

A voice came through Nick's mind. Seeing her again. Outside, he began hovering. "Take hold of my ha- wrist."

Zane became red with anger. "Eleanor, it's a trap!" He yelled, although she probably wouldn't hear him.

"Zane?" Eleanor yelled. "What do yo-" Then she took hold of Nick's wrist, and everything went blurry as they switched worlds.

Ana... isn't online o.o

Are you posting in secret circle?

Eleanor woke up on the floor. She glanced round. "Are we there yet?" she asked, feeling like a little kid on a long journey. Nick grinned. "Yup. Follow me."


Zane sighed, he actualy asked a regular person who looked like Ana. He looked around, but didn't find her. "One last idea." He said, going outside. He got on his hover board and flew up, and went into the sixth dimension. "Now I just have to find an exit to the Fairy World." He mumbled.

Well that was easy for him.

The two entered a cold stone room. "Is this it..?" Eleanor asked. She'd expected sparkles, at least.

Nick smirked. "Yep." he said, and banging her head off one of the walls.

Then everything went black.

Oh. Fail. He should have taken Metax with him.

Eleanor woke up to find her hands tied, with Nick finishing up on her legs. "Why?" she asked. "What's the point?"

"Simple. They find out i created an illegal fairie, I get killed."

"But the other girls..."

"Weren't dead. It's forbidden to bring someone back from the dead. So I'll just leave you here until you die for good."

Oh. My. God.

Nick turned out the light. "Bye love." Then he closed the door, and ELeanor heard it being locked. She couldn't even use her wings to stand up; they had been bound together. And a gagged mouth completed her kidnapped look.

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