New Year gatecrashers


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Fine then, ruin my charrie.

New charrie. You'll recognize

name: Jake Anderson

age: 16

gender: Male

looks: Longish brown-blonde hair. Grey eyes and is slim.

personality: Pretty much smart, casual, and has initiative.

species: Whatever species can shapesift to anything.

other: Nope

ooc:She was talking to Metax and Fizz, as they came.Allyson was in the area that they were going to_Oh, I remember Jake xD .And, I GTG :[

Why do I feel like I'm missing a very important charrie? Also, I think I'm going to try three charries. But if I start to fail, Kaz dies again.

Kaz woke up.

Name: Melody

age: Unknown

gender: female

interested in(i.e, straight, gay, whatever): Straight

crush(optional): Zane

looks: Later

personality: Very flirty

species(whatever you want. I'll even allow made up ones, so long you explain what they are): Ghost Vampire

other: Huge crush on Zane, so Eleanor is going to kill her XD

Nick cursed as he opened the door, shaking his wet hair. Then he saw Eleanor and Zane. "What the...."

Melody roamed around, looking for Zane.

Zane gulped as he saw Nick. "I'm going to run for my life now."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "You better, b*tch."

Eleanor took hold of Zane's hand. "No. I can deal with him."

Eleanor smiled at him then let go of Zane's hand, stepping forward.

"I thought you didn't remember." Nick said.

"I don't. But, I know I have a connection with him." Eleanor smiled again, this time smugly. Then she fired dark energy at Nick, throwing him into the wall.

Zane watched, feeling helpless. Then he remembered. I can throw fireballs! He said, creating one. He threw it at Nick, hoping it would hurt.

Nick blocked the fireball."Oh, the human plays with fire." he sneered, though he was quite pale.

Eleanor held out her hand and dark energy began forming something in her hand. "You know, I'm kinda getting the hang of the magic stuff."

Zane nodded, looking at Nick. He tried to make another fireball, but failed. He then collapsed.

Throwing away the confident look completly, Eleanor ran to Zane. "Zane! What-"

Nick got up and pick Eleanor up by the back of her t-shirt. "Ungrateful little brat. I brought you back to life." He threw her into the wall.

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