New Year gatecrashers


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Eleanor was unconsious by now. Unaware of anything. So she didn't actually hear the answer to her own question.

She was looking kinda pale by now too.

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Eleanor's body tensed as her dying wings unfolded. Then they just... vanished. Still unconscious, Eleanor winced.

Ana stood there, motionless."WTF?"

Fizz raced inside."TASTE THE RAINBOW!" she yelled, high on blood.

I'm assuming Voriz's spell made human Eleanor leave the room.

ELeanor's first thought was I need to find Zane.

Then, Who the hell is Zane?

"Eleanor? Eleanor! She's alive!" Eleanor blinked and sat up. A girl was holding her head off the floor - ah, Poppy, that was her name. "What's wrong?" Eleanor asked when Poppy hugged her. "We thought you were dead..."

"Why would I be?"

"Eleanor... Jet is. Looks like he recieved one hell of an electric shock. He's stone cold." Eleanor expected to feel sad, but... she didn't. "Oh."

"Aren't you sad?" Eleanor shrugged. "He'd been a bit of a b*stard recently." The confused girl thought hard. Everything was black. She couldn't remember anything of the party. Must have had too much to drink.

Voriz signed, and walked outside the room. He saw Eleanor. "Soon enough." He muttered.

Zane came out after him, looking at Eleanor. He had a smile, but he knew she wouldn't remember.

Voriz turned to Zane. "I think I'm going to kill you first." He smirked.

Poppy looked up and grinned. "Hey. Tall, dark and handsome at two o' clock." Eleanor looked at Voriz. Then she saw Zane behind him. "I'm back on the market. What the hell." Giggling, Poppy pulled her up and the two went over to the immortals.

Zane, not noticing Eleanor, punched Voriz. "I'll get her to remember me. She won't be you're queen. You'll never rule the world."

Voriz stumbled back, and pushed ghost magic into Zane, who stiffened up. Good thing mortals can't see ghost magic. He thought, turning to Eleanor and Poppy.

Fizz glared."Zane!EHMAGAWD" she complained, her head muddled."What the hxll is going on?"

Zane ran around."WE'RE ALL DOOMED!" he screamed.

Ana facepalmed."Why the hxll are you gonna kill us Voriz?"

Apparently, Zane and Fizz are crazy.

A small giggle escaped Fizz's lips, her expression smug.She looked outside and gasped.Snow."It's snowing!" she cried, her eyes wide with excitement.

ooc:Nope, it's winter.And Fizz is laughing at Zach, who is insane.And Ana and Allyson are all "WTF?"

"Poppy!" Someone yelled. Poppy turned round to see a couple of boys with drinks waving her. "Gotta go Eleanor. They're all yours." A bit nervous now, Eleanor approched the two. "Hi, I'm Eleanor." she grinned. Then she nodded at Zane. "Is he ok? He doesn't look too good." She asked Voriz, reaching out to touch Zane. To see if he was still alive and rigamortis wasn't setting in or something.

Eleanor relaxed. "So, who would you two be?" She jerked toward the room behind the immortals. "And, fancy going for a drink?" she giggled. "But I think I've had too many. I swear I had wings a minute ago."

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Zach fell over."Ooof!Ow, my arm!" he wailed.

Fizz kneeled down and slapped him."Get a grip." she muttered, getting up."Hey, where's Slith?"

Ana sighed."He died" she mumbled, looking down.

Once he was finished with his neck, Nick turned to face Allyson. "Are you ok? You seem very... quiet."

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