New Year Resolutions


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^ OH! That reminds me.

- Meet Christofer Drew Ingle. <3 Since I didn't get to this year. I was close though.

- Raise my grades.

- Lose weight.

- Find something I'm good at, that I enjoy.

- Find my special boy or girl.

- Stick up for myself more, when it comes to my parents.

- Try not to let dad get to me as much.

- Get better at making a point and speaking my mind.

^ OH! That reminds me.
- Meet Christofer Drew Ingle. <3 Since I didn't get to this year. I was close though.

I need to keep up with spending time with family too.

^ He had a concert in my town. (Hellogoodbye and Ace Enders<3) But I didn't go. D=

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Get better grades.

Be nice to people. (hah. I'm pretty mean irl. D8)

Be less lazy.

Look for the positive side of things.

Not complain about everything (basically the same thing as above)

Be more patient with people.

Spend less time online.

I have quite a lot of resolutions.

  • Keep my promises
  • Cry when I feel my world is falling apart
  • Know that it's OK to have a day where I don't want to smile.
  • Study more for classes.
  • Find love.
  • Don't tell the secrets.
  • Take every given opportunity.
  • Meet new people.
  • Be kind to all
  • Take some good photographs.
  • Take some risks now and then.
  • Know that perfection isn't real.
  • Get out and about more.
  • Don't judge people by their looks.

I need to..

Study harder.

Graduate 8th Grade.

Stop keeping my problems to myself.

Make a difference.


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Try my hardest for the TV show the next star, and actually get in the top 12 instead of 25,

and learn more french.

I think my largest New Years resolution should be to become more comfortable around people, because I'm usually very figety, quiet, and think too much when I'm around even a small group of people.

Others would be to;

- Save money

- Then spend it wisely

- Meet new people

- Start talking about my problems with somebody that is not imaginary, and is not an inanimate object.

- Start writing more

- Find more good books to read and actually read them.

- Spend more time with my family and friends.

- To make a tragic attempt at being more optimistic. xD

I think that should be about it.

-Learn high notes on Piccolo-Learn the lower parts for Bass clef [Like ones below G for Tuba]

-Get a Jazz solo


-Talk to Michel.
-Be outgoing

-Practice my trombone 10000x more than I did last year [i REALLY HAVE TO PRACTICE, My lesson progress is 95 out of 100. ._. But I still have a A+]

-Be less nervous during Jazz band

-Be happy

-Be a bit nicer to Scott. Sometimes he gets on my nerves [He yells at Ryan]. But I try to be his "Friend" by helping him and offering to be his partner in duet songs[ Please note, I have NO intention of going out with him. >___>]

-Study for my SS and Sci tests. [i have a D in Science, on the 2nd to last test I got a 5/25. OwO]

-Increase my lung capcity. Even though I do need my capcity to be HUGE, I just need it to be a bit bigger. x3

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My resolutions:

- Make WAY better grades. xD (They were C's and D's ;__ :angry:

- Achieve in what I do best.

- Finish Back to School shopping EARLY.

- Complete Sonic Unleashed.

That is all.


-> Continue to stay friends with Will, Skandar, and The Crown Prince of Norway (lol that should be easy xD)

->To talk to the guy I like

->Try to stop being such a downer

->make more friends

->To actually be able to complete the application for the Knights Templar

->Spend less time on the computer (haha that one will be broken...)

->Re-do my whole room (and so far it's coming along nicely)

->Make the best of this year

->Start one of my tamagotchi's and be able to keep it going all year

Sounds good, no?

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