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Nov 16, 2017
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Hiyo everyone!

I'm Rococo! Oldie but nostalgia brought me back to Tamagotchis i am 30 years old (i am probably the oldest person here...iEeek? ) and have always been into virtual pets since Tamagotchis way back when they came out (i made myself feel even older ._. ). Funny thing is first time i heard about Tamagotchis is when my cousin (She was 20 at the time or early adulthood) had one because of the latest craze and my aunt bragged about how she brought it to Disneyland and was beeping all the time. My mom got me one every time i got really good grades throughout the semester in elementary school I probably had about 30 virtual pets of them when i was a kid i was obsessed. My mom was really good at finding good deals and extra virtual pets so it was a good gift for me i love collecting things its too much in the family. From nanos to giga pets to tamagotchis i had a lot of them even yoda virtual pet, baby i think i had way too many. I probably owned more gigapets than tamas because they where generally cheaper to get. I enjoyed them a lot but as a kid you soon grow out of them to the next best thing and i think too many beeping at me drove me nuts at the time even if i loved them. Neopets was another huge part of my life for virtual pets i also dived more deep into gaming more than tamagotchis. Seems like the nostalgic bug has bitten me in the butt again i ran into a YouTube video a couple years back on a color tamagotchi (Tamagotchi 4U not the Tamagotchi color XD) i was really curious about it! But never thought about it again. Well recently i ran into Tamagotchis again on YouTube! i did a bit research on it this time i was curious about it again it kept coming back to me and im a sucker for nostalgia. I started to research newer colored versions and found out more was added to the gotchis. Jobs dress up etc aparently i dropped out of the tama game too early back than because i don't remember careers in the gotchis. I started researching more and i felt like a little kid looking at all they could do. As someone who loves dress up games like Ameba Pico, Ameba Pigg, Animal crossing and many more this really grabbed me by the heart. "This would be perfect for next to my desk!!!!!" Is the general idea that came from this than i sat down looking for the perfect tama found english patches for P! P has careers i need careers in my tama life.....why are Ps so expensive?? I had to wrestle a couple of Japanese people online but i got one for a decent price thank goodness! Than i found that Sanrio and tamas together and...ok i died a little because i love sanrio....weakness to cute is death....i wrestled another auction t bit easier than the p but ! yes i got it. Im ending up with too many tamas i thought 1 would hit the cake and than i found the Christmas mix for cheap on hobby link than i just purged good bye money. Haven't received any of them yet but i am excited and this is how i ended up here hello everyone XD! If you got this far thanks for reading my rambling :DDD and i am happy to be here :) !

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I know a fair share of Tamagotchi fans that are well over 50 across several forums so don't worry about your age, lol. Honestly it's way more strange to see a young person enjoy tamas at this point.

I'm glad you got back into the hobby and I hope you're here to stay! Tamagotchi is a hobby that comes and goes but it ALWAYS comes back.

Welcome to TamaTalk!! I wouldn't worry about your age at all - I'm not quite as old as you yet (I'm 22) but, as Jhud said, younger Tamagotchi fans aren't really all that common these days. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it here c:

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Thank you for the weclomes! i am really happy to be here also happy i ran into the tamas again! And my gosh! For some reason i always thought tamagotchi meant more a younger audiance im happy they are more older memebers in the hobby its nice to hear!

While yes, tamagotchi in itself is a toy aimed at children, most kids younger than 18 probably haven't ever seen one in their lives at this point. The more recent releases (Tama Go and Tamagotchi Friends) have flopped so badly that I don't think any kids that grew up with them were necessarily interested in them enough to look up information about them. Because obviously you can't find the good entry level versions, like connections, at stores anymore! And not many parents that weren't collectors still have theirs to share with their kids.

I know it feels kind of weird, I remember a good few years ago asking my aunt's 7 year old daughter if she knows what tamagotchi is and she didn't, and I was so surprised, even though it made sense because tamagotchi wasn't in the market by then anymore (I grew up with v3's and v4,5's btw).

There are a lot of adult toy collectors, not just for tamagotchi- dolls, furbys... If it's a thing, I'm sure somebody out there collects it. So have no shame!

Exactly! Tamagotchis are definitely aimed at children, but the children who were into them during their peak popularity (the Connection era, I guess), are all adults now, and those are the people who know what they even are. Like, for example, if I ever have one of my tamagotchis out in public, on the occasional occurrence where someone sees it and stops me to ask about it, all like "is that a tamagotchi?!" it's not kids - it's people around my age, young adults, who also grew up with them!! They often also mention that they remember seeing them around, or even having one, when they were kids - and it's still an enjoyable hobby even as you get older! My mum used to look after mine if they were still awake when I went to sleep way back when I first started collecting! So yeah, definitely no shame in being an adult and collecting/playing with tamagotchis!!

Its sad to think that no one has ever seen Tamagotchis i just think its crazy! But it makes me realize how old i am x.x...... fun fun. I just never thought they would be forgotten forgotten even younger people know about Furbys at least but i guess the re-release on that helped. I never even saw the re-release of the Tamagotchi (Friends ver) Which is incredibly sad. And thats true i really didn't even think about how rare older tamagotchis are till i looked online really nuts i remember seeing all kinds of rip off versions everywhere when i was little. Just didnt come to mind that they just didn't have them anymore. Tbh im happy i grew up in an age where Tamagotchis started and not cell phones i find more enjoyment out of simplistic things than the millions of phone games they have. Also! I know the doll collecting is such a thing i am also a Ball Jointed Doll collector and Pokemon collector really fun hobbies but i dont think iv seen an older audience on ether of those. But those are more main streme now a days when i come to look around for Tamagotchis the community isnt as big as Pokemon or Ball Jointed dolls and its a bit heart breaking. It is nice to see all the love that goes into the community though i really enjoy watching many of the youtube videos i see more passion in these community than others.

I am really curious when i get my strap for my Mix going outside and playing with my Tamagotchis im sure it was fun seeing someone reminisce. Also im happy there is more adults in this audience for tamagotchis its hard to relate to a younger audience as well.

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