Newbie questions


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Mary K

Active member
Jul 19, 2005
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a newbie with questions!

1) who plays with the ball? I've bought several and have only had a girl tama. She is an adult, but through all the stages she has not played with the ball. Is it only boys?

2) How long does the parent stay with the baby once the baby is born? Also, does the baby hatch like the first tama, or just simply appear?

Thank you :lol:

1)Both boys and girls can play with the bouncy balls.

2)The parent stays with the baby for about one or two more years(1 or 2 days)

Thanks! So now, my tama, a Kiwitchi (v2) didn't play with the ball. Is it certain types who do and don't play with it? :puroperatchi:

mary k, ur tamagotchi will stay with its kid 4 1 day. when it falls asleep, well... just wait! When it wakes up, ur tamagotchi will b gone, & only the baby will remain. its sad really :furawatchi: ain't it? when the baby wakes up, u get 2 name the new baby :puroperatchi:

There is DEFINITELY such a thing as a Kiwitchi..... hes my fave. character!!!

There is DEFINITELY such a thing as a Kiwitchi..... hes my fave. character!!!
Again- try not to bump topics! You're new, so I'll give you a break. But pleae, keep it in mind! It's only because usually when a topic is left alone for a few months, the question is already been answered. That's why. Sorry to be a pest, it's just one of the rule for TT!

Rules:TT Rules. :D


All tamagotchis play with the ball try when it is a todler or baby and the mom will leave 24 hours after it is born.

Please check the date of the last post in a topic before you post in it. This topic is well over a year old. I understand that you're new, so it's not a big deal, but I am closing this because it is very old. :furawatchi:

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