[NEWS]bandai taking tama v2s off the market!?


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R-Rated Tamagotchi Commercial:
Announcer:: This fall...buy the most thrilling virtual pet on the market today...Tamagotchi Connection Version 2!

When your Tama is born you have to take care of it and beat it up when it poops on the floor! When your Tama becomes a teen, you can do jobs for the mob and hit the casino for Gotchi Points, so you can buy guns and weapons off the Black Market for your Tama! And if your Tama is bored, give it some cold medicine and watch it screw around!

When connecting with another Tama, you should have a pretty healthy and well-armed Tama because every time you play it's a FIGHT TO THE DEATH! And if the Tama you connect with is someone of a different gender, they can %^$%&^# and ket knocked up! If you connect with a Tama of the same gender and they fall in love...you're screwed.

Kid: My friends used to make fun of me for having a Tamagotchi. Now with a Tamagotchi V2 I'm the toughest kid in school!

*kid shows his Tamagotchi, a green camo with Colt 49 written on top. Kid opens the status menu and it says VICTIMS: 65*

Kid: If YOU own a V2...YOU'RE NEXT!

Tamagotchi V2: Now Available in Adult stores near you, right between the now AO rated GTA:SA and the Paris Hilton Special Edition DVD. BanDai cannot be held responsible of any happens to your kid that owns this virtual pet. WARNING: RATED R. DO NOT GIVE TO CHILDREN UNDER 18.
OMG!!! That was an even better one!!!


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What state do you live in. We should do something. I am gunna right to the news channel and tell them why should tamagothcis be taken off the market when all they are is a littleegg shaped thing with a animal on it. It should be our choice wether we want to play with them or do watever we want with them!

Yyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can't take them oof !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is like no more coffe or no more chocolate!!!! Think about it coffe is not good for you but they still have it, so why can't we have Tamagotchis!!!!!????? I think who ever is saying this is stupit and maybe his perdoct is second to the best toy (Tamagotch's the first.) so he want's to get rid of it. That way is toy is the best. B) B) B) B) B) B)

It's funny how there's been such a big response against Nick Xenophon against this, but the News just isn't publishing it... They're only publishing his side of the story B)
Typical media bias. They only care about their stories. Nobody seems to care what young people think. It seems like, to them, young people shouldn't have anything fun.

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Typical media bias. They only care about their stories. Nobody seems to care what young people think. It seems like, to them, young people shouldn't have anything fun.
B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
EXACTLY. Nobody cares about what young people think, because they believe we're all stupid, and your opinions are just based on what we like and what our parrents can afford. Not ONE kid has ever made a statement that people have actually listened to. NOT ONE. (not even more than one for you technical freaks)

Adults usually only listen to other adults, and by the time we ARE adults we share their opinions and are nothing more than a drone int he masses of the work life. That is why we need to enjoy our freedom and happiness now, and stop that Nick fool from banning something that has made 40 million people happy, all because of one little unrealistic slot game.

Oh dear...tama teaches gambling. Pretty soon there'll be a complaint about them teaching kids to give poop in a box to their friends.
no one would dare to do dat, unless they're REALLY naughty..... B)

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