Nice to meet you all!I'm Anny


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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
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Naples, Italy
Hi everyone!I'm new here, nice to meet you all, I'm 15 and my NICKname's Anny, from Italy, for who's Italian, well..tell me!I don't know any Italian Tamafan :/

I have 2 nieces and I hope they'll love Tamagotchis too

I had my first Tamagotchi at 3-4 years old I think (2001-2002) and it was the really first Tamagotchi from 1996, and I was really lucky because I got an original one while my bro got a clone (or another virtual pet).

I had my second one in 2004 at 6 years old, but I don't remember which version it is, naturally I still have both.I really want some other versions, maybe TMGC+C, iD, iD L or P's, but my problem is I can't order them because I don't have any credit cards or a paypal and many sites don't accept cash.

I had my first pc with an internet connection in July 2009 (I was 11) and I discovered the existence of a Tamagotchi movie.I was so dang happy because Tamagotchi made my childhood, after discovered that I watched some trailers.I was a little sad because the movie was also dubbed in English but not in Italian...BUT in fall 2011 I discovered the existence of an Italian dub, I bought it on internet (the Italian dvd is really rare to find in stores, the dub itself is unknown, seems like nobody knows about it) but....I was so sad when I put the dvd...because the dub SUCKS! T_T and sadly the dvd hasn't Japanese audio...Dynit Kids is known for that, they never put the original language...the Italian dub is sooo bad, names spelled wrong, errors and more...didn't you know?Ms.Perfect and Ringotchi are....BOYS!Yeah.....they're boys in the Italian dub...luckily D-kids didn't dub the animes, the second movie or "Honto no hanashi", but I would be happy if they'd release "Tv de hakken!!Tamagotchi" on dvd, because it hasn't any dialogues so they can't ruin it.

I'm still hoping for a new dub of the movie :/ maybe in theatres!

What I hate of the new versions are the CMs, because since 2009 Bandai wants to make the Tamagotchi toys more for girls.The designs of the old ones were much better and designed for both boys and girls, while Tamagotchi P's is too girly...even for me XD

welcome to the site! and here you may actually be able to start a trade with someone or buy off them, so you might actually be able to get a TMG+C or P' the future! I hope you enjoy your stay here and meet a lot of new friends <3 its a great community and lots of kind and helpful ppl <3 if you ever have any troubles or are looking for any type of info etc I am here and so are the amazing moderators too!

Thank you all! ^_^ I missed favourite Tamagotchi is Kuchipatchi, I love him since I was a kid, him and I have a lot of things in common :3

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