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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
Hey all, I'm new to this forum (clearly). I remember Tamagotchis from the 90's, but I was never able to buy one--they were ALWAYS sold out. So, I settled for a Dinky Dino (which I actually loved) and a couple of Giga/Nano analogues. I've always been a fan of the virtual pets, and recently wanted to get a newer one to occupy my free moments.

I have a Tama-go on the way, and I'll probably get an iDL eventually if I like the Tama-go. These forums have already been a big help--I avoided ordering a fake by reading the warnings.

See you around the forums, Tamagotchi fans!

Hi! I'm new too :)

I got a Tama-Go in the last few weeks and now I'm hoping to get an IDL for my birthday! If you get yours first let me know how you like it!

Welcome to TamaTalk! Please be sure to check out the User Guide to the site, and have fun! Looking forward to seeing you around the forums .It's a great site, I assure you everyone here is friendly! I hope you enjoy your time here.

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