Nightly Beauty Routine


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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As you all can probably tell, I am extremely bored so I made this topic.

What is your nightly beauty routine?? Lol. xD

For me, I start by brushing my teeth and taking care of my lips. I'll gently scrub my lips with the tooth brush, then put on some flavored lip balm. Then, if I had a shower not too long before, I dry my hair. Afterwards, I use a headband to keep my hair back as I do my face. I wash it with soap and rinse it. Then I rub on some creme. Next, I get a cotton ball, put some creme on it, and wipe off any make-up that I was wearing that day. Once I'm done that, I put on deodorant and a spray of perfume, then I get changed into my pajamas.

Yours? ;D

Well I take a shower a few hours before. Brush my teeth and put in my flouride. Then I go to the bathroom while my flouride is in for 1 minute [Flouride for braces] Then Sometimes I wash my face.

I do this with my Pj's on =]

Woah, that's a long beauty routine. xD Umm, I pretty much brush my teeth, put on deodorant, get into my pajamas, and go to bed. That's it. xD Although I do always have a shower before bed, when I wash my face and my hair and stuff. And sometimes I...uh...clean my ears? XD So, no, I don't do much before bed.

I usually take a shower around seven to eight pm, then brush my hair back from my face, take off any make up left from that day, and use Clearasil or Oxy cleaning pads.. Then Oxy cream. While I wait for that to set in, I dry my hair.. Then I have to straighten it. A lot. I brush my teeth right before I go to bed.

All this takes roughly around two hours, so I usually do homework, read, or get online while I dry and straighten my hair. :3

I start off by having a shower - I have one very night, and can't stand missing one! Then I always put my fringe back with a bobby pin to train it to stay back and stop flopping forwards (!) and then I put on deodorant and brush my teeth before bed. I just wear my dressing gown for most of this, and put my PJs on right before getting into bed! :)

I take a shower at 7:30, then I put lotion throughout my whole body and put something comfortable on. After that, I brush all the tangles out my hair and put some anti-frizz on so it won't be poofy the next morning, lol. When I'm done with that, I put deodorant on and either watch tv, do homework, or get online. :(

Shower, PJs, Computer, brush teeth, water, bed.

I don't wash my face usually, I don't really know why, I just never really have.

It depends on the day. Sometimes I have martial arts and don't get home until 9:30 and sometimes I don't have any other activities after school.

If I'm not going in where for a while, I switch into my PJs right after school. They're so comfy. <33

Generally I take a shower, pull my hair back and let it dry [it's still a bit damp when I go to bed] or if I'm luck I have time to straighten it a bit, then get things together/finish left over homework, brush my teeth, fight with my cat about her staying in my room and then try to go to sleep.

The last school year I went to bed between 10 and 11 and it was simply heaven if I could go to bed at 9.

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If I didn't take a shower that morning, I shower at night. If I don't shower, I don't usually put on pajamas. I brush my teeth. I write. I usually end up going to bed in my jeans and whatever shirt I wore that day. If I do wear PJs, It's usually just a tank top and shorts. Then I go into my bed.

I don't usually sleep, so i usually just end up staring at the ceiling for six and haf hours. Then I get back up and write, draw, clean, sing, watch TV, play guitar, something like that. Usually by about four thirty or five, I give up the night routine and start getting dressed and stuff.

I don't really like the night that much, because insomniatic habits aren't too much fun. But night is usually my favourite twelve-hour span.

I suppose that says a lot about a person.

Um, take a shower at about 7. Get out of the bathroom at 8. xD Seriosuly, my hair takes a long time to freaking dry. -- Anyways, I'll put my hair in a braid and loop it back up in a ponytail/bun thing. Wash my face, brush my teeth, go to bed. Not as, er, detailed as yours. lol

Why would you put deoderant on at night before you go to bed? o.o No one's gonna be smelling your armpits anyways...

Anyways, I pretty much just brush my teeth, and go to bed. When I take a shower, I take it in the afternoon.

Usually meh showers are in the morning or if they are at night then it's like, not too late.

Um well I first brush my teeth. Then (usually) I floss. After that I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail.


I put on this face wash my mom gives me (it never works though. All it does is make my skin feel softer. It doesn't clean oil or make my face look soft) and then I rub it in good. I wash my face with cold water and use a little hand towel to dry it off.


What products help clear up skin? Does Proactive work?

Proactive works for me but it really depends on your skin. Because some stuff can make you get more pimples instead of making them go away.

I take a shower around 8. I brush my hair and braid it. I use some special soup stuff thats suppose to make acne go away. Then before I go to bed I put on some proactive.

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Why would you put deoderant on at night before you go to bed? o.o No one's gonna be smelling your armpits anyways...
Anyways, I pretty much just brush my teeth, and go to bed. When I take a shower, I take it in the afternoon.
Some people sweat when their sleeping and when they wake up, it's really gross. That's why :)

You know, I'm pretty high-maitenance when it comes to my teeth and face. It's kinda weird. xD

Shower, blow-dry, deodorant xD, wash my face, apply this cream stuff for my face, brush my teeth, floss, mouthwash, and then go to bed, and lay down beside my kitty. n_n

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I find no reason to blow dry/straighten my hair, seeing as I don't go anywhere xP

Well, pretty much I take a shower. Then I read, draw, or watch TV. I brush my teeth, brush my hair, and put some creme on my face :]

I'm a guy, here's my "Beauty Routine". Brush teeth. Go to the bathroom. Bed time. <_< It's very simple and easy.

I'm a guy, here's my "Beauty Routine". Brush teeth. Go to the bathroom. Bed time. ;) It's very simple and easy.
Lol! <_<

I just forgot to say that my hair is the main high-maintenance thing at night. I need to brush it, dry it (but usually I just towel dry it and then let it air dry for an hour before going to bed) pin it back with a bobby pin (like I said before) and sometimes I put it in a ponytail if it's still wet, or pull it back with a band. :eek:

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