Nightly Beauty Routine


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My nighttime routine consists of this:
  • Change clothes.
  • Get in bed.

It takes about three seconds.
Same with me, except mine's a little different.

  • Change Clothes.
  • Brush Teeth.
  • Then get in bed.

It's a very time consuming process. :huh:

I know it's wrong, but I don't brush my teeth at night. I brush them a lot in the morning, though.

If I feel good, I put on some moisturizer. I also use those weird oils for your nails. But it gets pretty sticky on my cover, so I do it during the day.

I know it's wrong, but I don't brush my teeth at night. I brush them a lot in the morning, though.
If I feel good, I put on some moisturizer. I also use those weird oils for your nails. But it gets pretty sticky on my cover, so I do it during the day.
I guess its not really a problem if you dont. I miss it sometimes because I got home late and just want to go to bed. Not brushing with braces is a No-No. I guess it would be okay if you brush your teeth with no braces in the morning though. I have braces by the way =]

And I usually have things written on my arm in Sharpie by the end of the day xD

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