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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2006
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Last night i had a horrible dream!!!! I saw an eye. Then i heard a robotic voice. It said: "I smoked too much and got throat cancer. Now I have a hole in my throat. I was a lucky one. I could have had my entire lower body a-" Then i woke up and screamed and cried. Then i fell asleep on the floor. I had the same dream before that. Im scared now! Suggestions?!?!?

Nightmares can be scary and really get to you, but remember that it was only a dream. I used to have the same dream over and over but then once I told someone about it, it stopped happening. Maybe you'll be lucky too.

Do you smoke? Does someone you love (relative or friend) smoke? Maybe this was a way of your subconscious telling you that you are worried about yourself or them. It is true, some people who smoke have to have a hole in their throat and some people don't survive. But there is still time before that happens.

When you go to sleep tonight, try not to let yourself get too afraid of having the same dream. Think about happy fun things as you are falling asleep.

I'm sorry to hear you had such an upsetting nightmare and I hope tonight you dream about something nice instead. :(

Thanks! I usually think of my sister dancing!

Yes, my uncle smokes WAY too much. In fact, i stole his cigars once......

Thats probably why you had the bad dreams.I feel really sorry for you.My aunt an uncle smoke a bit much as well.

look it up online dreams usualy mean somthing deep within u, go on google and search dream meaning and there should be a lot of "dream dictionarys" that pop up and those give good info ;)


To dream that you have cancer, denotes hopelessness, grief, self-pity, and unforgiveness. You feel you are wasting your life away. This dream also represents areas in your life which are bothering you, disturbing you, and hurting you in some emotional way.

To dream that someone has cancer, indicates that you need to change your negative way of thinking before it creates a cancer in you. Start being more positive.

thanks, Doglover! Thatn wat it said on the site

Hmm, maybe you've seen the "you don't always die from tobacco" song commercial one too many times? You should talk to your parents or somebody about this dream. Sometimes it's good to get these kinds of things 'off your chest' as some people say.

Ditto above.

If you keep having a reoccuring nightmare, don't wake from it. Continue with it. I heard of this man once who always woke up in this part of the nightmare where he is drowning. He decided to finish off the dream and when he did, he finally popped out of the water and woke up. He didn't have the scary dream again. ;]

Ditto above.
If you keep having a reoccuring nightmare, don't wake from it. Continue with it. I heard of this man once who always woke up in this part of the nightmare where he is drowning. He decided to finish off the dream and when he did, he finally popped out of the water and woke up. He didn't have the scary dream again. ;]
That's very interesting.

But sometimes when I'm having a dream I just wake up from it. And other times I try to wake up, and I can't. xD

That's very interesting.
But sometimes when I'm having a dream I just wake up from it. And other times I try to wake up, and I can't. xD
Yeah, sometimes it's irriatating like that. Though, you can kind of trian yourself to sleep longer- if you can- or cut it quick.

Last night i had a horrible dream!!!! I saw an eye. Then i heard a robotic voice. It said: "I smoked too much and got throat cancer. Now I have a hole in my throat. I was a lucky one. I could have had my entire lower body a-" Then i woke up and screamed and cried. Then i fell asleep on the floor. I had the same dream before that. Im scared now! Suggestions?!?!?
You know one thing that caught my attention on this dream is it sounds like an old smoking commerical I've seen a couple times. Funny how the subconsious works.

Yeah, sometimes it's irriatating like that. Though, you can kind of trian yourself to sleep longer- if you can- or cut it quick.
All the time it's irritating like that! [for me anyways] I think I'll have to try that when I'm having a dream next time. xD

Ditto above.
If you keep having a reoccuring nightmare, don't wake from it. Continue with it. I heard of this man once who always woke up in this part of the nightmare where he is drowning. He decided to finish off the dream and when he did, he finally popped out of the water and woke up. He didn't have the scary dream again. ;]
Yep, i dreamt it again, but then the guy dropped his thingy, and said in his normal voice,"ooops", picked itr up, and said, "sorry, umm where was i?" in a regular voice.

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