Noooo! New class!


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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*starts to cry* Noo. Grade five is over! I HATE MY NEW TEACHER, AND MY NEW CLASS! I HATE THEM I HATE THEM! All the girls are the popular, snobby ones and all the guys are retards and trouble makers. I have NO friends watsoever in this class, and my teacher is beign subsituted for next year because shes having a baby. So I bet you I'll get a mean subsitute thats old and strict, like I always do! I have no friends in my class, nobody to share lockers with, no friendly people, and MY CRUSH ISN'T IN MY CLASS! How could life get any worse?

I've told my mom this, and I absolutly don't want to go into grade six. I want to be in the other class with all my friends and my crush, but I might not be able to because one of my friends (Jamee) is in that class and she was supposed to be a bad influence on me so we were seperted. IT'S NOT FAIR! I should be in her new class instead of her! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

I've been crying all day since I got home. I'm not looking at all forward to next year. I prayed to god the other day that my crush would be in my class and all my friends too, but I guess it was the total opposite that happened.

You might be able to make some new friends! It seems a lot like you're assuming and judging things on a lot of people. But if that's the way you feel...

I'm not sure what I can tell you. You can still see your friends, at lunch, break time, or after school. Like I said, maybe you'll make friends with some people in your class; It's a possibility. But if you asked for a transfer or something, they might want a reason, and your reasons probably wouldn't go down so well with them. :angry:

Aww, TG_D i feel for ya. Once your in there a while, you'll get used t it. I was all alone when i was first in yr.7 (british)

But then i formed a group. Just go with the flo, you'll still see your friends at break (recess) right?

If not, tell yor mum again, then she might be able to get in touch with the head, that's all the advise i can give. I'm really sorry. ;[ :angry:

You might be able to make some new friends! It seems a lot like you're assuming and judging things on a lot of people. But if that's the way you feel...
I'm not sure what I can tell you. You can still see your friends, at lunch, break time, or after school. Like I said, maybe you'll make friends with some people in your class; It's a possibility. But if you asked for a transfer or something, they might want a reason, and your reasons probably wouldn't go down so well with them. :angry:
You might be able to make some new friends! It seems a lot like you're assuming and judging things on a lot of people. But if that's the way you feel...

I'm not juding people; trust me. I've been in these girls classes before. All they care about is lipgloss and their nails, and they don't hang out or talk with people 'like me'. I know these girls, it's not like this is my first time meeting them. Same with the boys....they are trouble makers and all of them are insensitive and mean.

I'm not sure what I can tell you. You can still see your friends, at lunch, break time, or after school.

Sorry, I can't. At break, yes. But thats not really fair, now is it? At lunch, no. I stay in my own classroom to eat lunch. Afterschool, no. Most of my friends are always busy. One friend never wants to play (and I don't know where she lives), the other friend is always busy, and my other friend only likes to play "pokemon" after school.

But if you asked for a transfer or something, they might want a reason, and your reasons probably wouldn't go down so well with them. :angry:

All I can do is try. I mean, if I'm not looking forward to grade six then this mgiht affect my schoolwork. I mean, to do well you have to actually like something. I don't like my class.

I'm sure you'll be able to make some new freinds.

I totally agree with RAWR!

If you still feel that the upcoming year ain't gonna be so good, have a talk with your principal about switching classes.

I'm in a much better class now. :angry:

My friend had no friends in her class, so her mom just phoned the school and she was switched.

Anyways, about your "mean" teacher.. He/she might have changed, I had an evil french teacher last year, but this year she is SO nice! If you had him/her last year, they will probably favour you, which is good. Also, since your older, they may give you a little more respect.

These snobby girls might give you a chance, and if not, just ignore them. This might be a good year to raise your marks and not get distracted.

Your crush doesn't matter too much because you can 'flirt" with him at breaks, and if these immature boys are his friends, they might talk and these boys with say to your crush "Hey TG_D is pretty cool, you should talk to her more."

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you will have a horrible year.

Or maybe you're wrong, you could have a great year and make new friends.

It's all up to you, you have to pick if you wanna sob around all year, or make the best of it.

My friend had no friends in her class, so her mom just phoned the school and she was switched.
Anyways, about your "mean" teacher.. He/she might have changed, I had an evil french teacher last year, but this year she is SO nice! If you had him/her last year, they will probably favour you, which is good. Also, since your older, they may give you a little more respect.

These snobby girls might give you a chance, and if not, just ignore them. This might be a good year to raise your marks and not get distracted.

Your crush doesn't matter too much because you can 'flirt" with him at breaks, and if these immature boys are his friends, they might talk and these boys with say to your crush "Hey TG_D is pretty cool, you should talk to her more."

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you will have a horrible year.

Or maybe you're wrong, you could have a great year and make new friends.

It's all up to you, you have to pick if you wanna sob around all year, or make the best of it.

It's tough; I went to a school where I only knew ONE OTHER PERSON. And yes, it could get alot worse.

I'd say give the girls and guys a chance before you even say the word hate and their name in the same sentence. Hating them doesn't help you anyway you put it. I was in a language class like this this past year. I didn't like the people nor did I want too. But there indeed were people who actualy did become my friends. It took me about half the year to get to that point, but after that it was great.

After you get over the 'hate factor' you can take the people as people, not as snobby chics who care more about lipgloss than people.

If you do happen to not like anybody in your class, well at least you can focus more on your school work.

i had an old lady sub teacher and she was ANNOYING. we got candy from another teacher and she said it would rot our mouths. try to make new friends, and you shouldn't worry about the teacher. I was worried about going to 6th grade, and let me tell you, i worried for nothing. but i'm going to middle school next year so it's a different story. the boys in my school actually all of them are weird. But you'll live. Try to make new friends.

Thanks you guys....

But, it's just sad that even thoguh I literally prayed to god for me to be in my crushes class, it didn't happen. You don't understand....I like him SO much, and I feel like if I'm not with him everyday we will drift apart. And I don't want that. I CAN'T HAVE THAT!

Also, the girls in the popular club won't give anybody a chance. In grade four I tried to fit in with them, but it got all my other friends mad and the popular girls just ignored me. I could never be in a group like theirs. Ugh.

Thanks you guys....
But, it's just sad that even thoguh I literally prayed to god for me to be in my crushes class, it didn't happen. You don't understand....I like him SO much, and I feel like if I'm not with him everyday we will drift apart. And I don't want that. I CAN'T HAVE THAT!

Also, the girls in the popular club won't give anybody a chance. In grade four I tried to fit in with them, but it got all my other friends mad and the popular girls just ignored me. I could never be in a group like theirs. Ugh.
Praying to God doesn't mean you'll get it. Maybe there's a reason why you two are seperated. If you 'need' him to be in your class, maybe you really don't...

That will be hard.It took me a long time for me to make friends because in grade 4 i went to a new school in the same district but u will see ur friends soon like i will see all my friends from grade 3 in grade 5 cause we will go to the same school!I mean u'll still see them at lunch recess(if u have recess), and on the bus!U act like u'll never see them again.U will trust me.i'm sure u'll make all new friends like i did at my new school.


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1) Ask him to hang out sometime? I mean, if you're concerned that not seeing/talking to him on a daily basis will ruin chances of a potential relationship, take matters into your own hands!

2) You sound like a smart girl, just be yourself and do your own thing. You can't change how people act, and you aren't the type of person to change yourself for others. As mentioned by others, see if you can be switched into a class with one of your friends, heck, try and make some sort of agreement between the teacher or principal, yourself, your friend, and both of your parents. Something along the lines of being on "good behavior". Aside, if they try and switch you out later on in the year, you could state that it would disrupt your learning as you may end up in a class that's either ahead or behind what you're currently studying.

3) Things will work out somehow, they usually do. Just try and give it a logical approach, and if you're still in the same situation, the best thing you can do is accept it and try to make it end up in your favor.

*starts to cry* Noo. Grade five is over! I HATE MY NEW TEACHER, AND MY NEW CLASS! I HATE THEM I HATE THEM! All the girls are the popular, snobby ones and all the guys are retards and trouble makers. I have NO friends watsoever in this class, and my teacher is beign subsituted for next year because shes having a baby. So I bet you I'll get a mean subsitute thats old and strict, like I always do! I have no friends in my class, nobody to share lockers with, no friendly people, and MY CRUSH ISN'T IN MY CLASS! How could life get any worse?
I've told my mom this, and I absolutly don't want to go into grade six. I want to be in the other class with all my friends and my crush, but I might not be able to because one of my friends (Jamee) is in that class and she was supposed to be a bad influence on me so we were seperted. IT'S NOT FAIR! I should be in her new class instead of her! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

I've been crying all day since I got home. I'm not looking at all forward to next year. I prayed to god the other day that my crush would be in my class and all my friends too, but I guess it was the total opposite that happened.
the same happened to me and i was fine, ignore the dweebs and when a girls mean act like your the better of the two

Don't worry.

I'm in grade 6 now and I thought my teacher was going to be grumpy, strict and horrible... Well, He's all of those things but only when we're not behaving... But other times he lets us watch videos on YouTube... And play on the computer.

I didn't think I'd have any of my friends in my class but I do... Since you already know that probably won't help. But you can still see all of your friends at lunch, sports events, after school and weekends.

Calm down. It won't be that bad!

It's okay, TGD. :) I was crying all day on the last day too- I'm going to Secondary School. :(

I'd just try talking to the school about it- I think that's the only option.

Don't worry TGD. First of all, perhaps try ringing the school and ask for a transfer, but if all else fails:

When I started 7th grade I was put in a whole new class. I only knew a couple of people from my old class, and I didn't like them much at all. My other "friend" (also considered a bad influence on me) was left in the old class also full of the posh kind of people, and weren't particularly nice to her at all.

In the end I managed to make quite a few good friends in my new class (namely, my 4 best friends), but I guess I ended up in a nice class. Still my other friend did not get along very well with the people in her class, but she wasn't too assertive about it. I could see her in the bilingual classes though, and I went round with her at breaktime, so I was able to see her, and I am sure you will be able to do the same with your friends.

In your new class, just try to meet the people - I am sure there will be someone who isn't as bad as the rest. :)

Next year I will be skipping a grade, so I expect I will be joining a year full of people I don't know. I have no idea how I will be accepted in there, hopefully well, but even though I will be leaving my friends behind in class, I will see them some weekends and at break, and afterschool accompany them half way home. :(

As for teachers, they all seem grumpy don't they, but if you behave well in class and do all your work and are not 'bad' as the other people I am sure they will have nothing against oyu and won'tbe mean to you at all.

I know this may not help but change is a part of life. I switch schools twice in middle school and I knew no one and everyone teased me. I got through it though. You can't let small things put you down.You just have to keep moving on and being positive. Your lucky you'll see your friends once and a while. Please don't yell it's not fair. When I was 6 I had to learn life wasn't fair. It'll be okay just be positive. =]

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