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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2005
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so close, yet so far
i HAD 3 tamas--2 v1 connections and 1 v2 connection. well GUESS WHAT! they were STOLEN! now i'll probably never get another v1 connection (except if i can convince a friend to dig theirs up and give it to me)! and i wont get another v2 for quite a while because i'm broke, i dont have a job or get allowance or ANYTHING and my parents will NOT buy me another one.

Aw... That is sad... Are you sure there is no way you can get thmem back?

If not, then you'll have to wait till you can get some new ones.

If you have a good luck, you may be surprised and find a V2...

Or if you can get some money (nick it, find some, or discover some saved???) and get one secretly. Either way, good luck!

Awww... that's why I always keep mine in a purse or pocket. But you have to tell us the details on how it happened. When? Where? Any body around at the time? Sorry I love being a detective =D

o.k. lets figure this out step by step.

where was the last place you saw them?

to get more money you could do extra chores or help a sick neighbor to earn extra money. ex.

rake leaves

shovel snow

wash cars


part time job at McDonalds or Wendy's

help the elderly

help the sick

NOT go shopping

save up a bank account

lemonade stand (it really does work! i got 18.50 Canadain money & threw up in the process!)

who knows you might make a new friend that might eaven be on tamatalk!

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such unfortunateness (not even a I hope that you can either find your tamas and get them back or get new ones.

Good luck!

Aww, I hope that you can find them or get some more. Good luck...

- Tama -

i hate people that would do that... they belong in h*** (esp the *beep* that stole my $300 dollar bike!!)

[SIZE=14pt] Are you sure that it was stolen, and not lost?[/SIZE] 


Sometimes u could just left it somewhere or droped it by mistake. Try going to the lost and found place where u were when u last saw your Tamas.

Sometimes u could just left it somewhere or droped it by mistake. Try going to the lost and found place where u were when u last saw your Tamas.
thats possible but not likely... people today... well most of them i cant trust as far as i can throw them. but people i dont know at all... thats even worse. lol

i HAD 3 tamas--2 v1 connections and 1 v2 connection. well GUESS WHAT! they were STOLEN! now i'll probably never get another v1 connection (except if i can convince a friend to dig theirs up and give it to me)! and i wont get another v2 for quite a while because i'm broke, i dont have a job or get allowance or ANYTHING and my parents will NOT buy me another one.
how did it get stolen were u in public?? or did they get stolen from your house??

Awww... That's very sad to hear. I lost my first tamagotchi at school, and I'm still trying to find it. Someone told me that the P.E. teacher found it, but my mom won't let me talk to him until after the winter break. Anyway, maybe you could borrow some of your friends' money, in return for... whatever they want.

U should really tell us what happened so we can help u. I read alot of detective books so I'm pretty good at those stuffs...

U should really tell us what happened so we can help u.  I read alot of detective books so I'm pretty good at those stuffs...
[SIZE=14pt] Detective books will not help if it was actually stolen. Unlike in television programmes.[/SIZE]




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[SIZE=14pt] Detective books will not help if it was actually stolen. Unlike in television programmes.[/SIZE] 


It does work! They explains how the solve the crime and what they use and everything!!! I learned alot from those books.

I'll help U where was the last place U saw them!!

ps. not 2 make U mad but you'll probably never find them.

mi brother nutcraker forgott them a the YMCA and he never found them and it was 2 V1!!! We kept checking there 4 2 monts and they were never returned!!!

And he was only away 4 about 5 or 10 minutes then they were gone and me and 2 ov mi 3 littles bro's helped look 4 them!!!!!

We checked the hloe place top 2 bottom!!!!!

I'll help U where was the last place U saw them!!
ps. not 2 make U mad but you'll probably never find them.

mi brother nutcraker forgott them a the YMCA and he never found them and it was 2 V1!!! We kept checking there 4 2 monts and they were never returned!!!

And he was only away 4 about 5 or 10 minutes then they were gone and me and 2 ov mi 3 littles bro's helped look 4 them!!!!!

We checked the hloe place top 2 bottom!!!!!
Wow! I feel your bor's pain. It most be sad...

It does work! They explains how the solve the crime and what they use and everything!!! I learned alot from those books.
Yeah, but you won't be ablr to figure out who stole it if it wasn't anybody that you knew...




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