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I don't like Obama at all. My parents are repulicans and I have been raised in their republicany ways(err, funny sentance). I don't like the idea of wellfare or take from the rich give to the poor democrat thing at all. Please don't think I'm selfish or anything, I have my ways.

If f everyone received the same amout of money, people would stop working. Why? They'd think, why do I have to work if the goverment will just give me enough money? Then no one would work, and everything(I mean EVERYTHING) would go bazerk. And what would our country be? Comunistic.(sp?) Yup, comunistic. I will say it again if needed. And this is similar to Obamas heath care plan. Please don't call me racist cuz I don't like Obama, I just don't like the way he is running our country.

I completely dislike Obama. =P

And they want us to watch this video of him at school on Tuesday, and my parents said "No, you are not watching that. We'll write a note for you". So I thought they were kidding, and they weren't. I'm glad they weren't kidding lol. xD

^ Yeah, I heard about the school thing too.

I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm interested in what he has to say.

If f everyone received the same amout of money, people would stop working. Why? They'd think, why do I have to work if the goverment will just give me enough money? Then no one would work, and everything(I mean EVERYTHING) would go bazerk. And what would our country be? Comunistic.(sp?) Yup, comunistic...
Perhaps this is what your parents believe and have told you, but have you ever thought about this logically?

People don't just work because of the money. Of course they need it to live and buy stuff but there are thousands, millions of people in the world who work because they WANT to - despite the pay check.

Doctors and nurses - many do this job because they care about people and want to help / cure them.

Teachers - many do this job because they like working with young people and sharing knowledge & skills

even retail clerks in a clothes store - or a music store - many do this job because they have a genuine love of their work.

Please, don't believe that all doctors would not work if they got the same pay as a shelf stacker in Wal-Mart. It is just not true.

Some ppl work because they really enjoy keeping busy and have active minds and like the social side of the office work - or the shop / factory floor.

I am not saying that the USA has to become a Communist State.

I just think that far too many folks think that anyone who is not working is a lazy bum and doesn't deserve any help from anyone. We all know that is not true.

There are plenty of ppl who work hard every day and don't get huge paychecks for what they do - but someone has to take away the trash; someone has to pack the groceries at the store, etc.

Is it so terrible to suggest that if a person like that, who's an honest, hardworking guy in a low-income job falls ill and needs medical help for an op they can't afford... that they shouldn't get a little extra help from the rest of us?

Isn't that (morally) the right thing to do?

I'm not trying to be controversial here.

We all learn about politics from our parents view point initially - I did too.

But we do have our own minds and we can think for ourselves. All I am saying is keep an open mind about stuff like this and try to think logically and for yourself :furawatchi:

I strongly dislike him. I am republican and I don't know why he has to that school speech. I mean has he ever READ the constitution?



My mom was highly against the speech.

Sure, she knew I was smart enough to not listen to him in the first place. But I can't believe how he is going to try to brainwash the kids now ;P

Some lady on the school board had the same feelings as my mom and stopped the speech from being showed.

Ah, yes, because we all know the children won't eventually grow up to have minds of their own and be able to think for themselves.
That's the problem - they'll grow up to believe everything the media or the government says - People need to learn common sense, first and foremost.

EDIT: As for the issue of brainwashing, have you ever wondered why people worship him? He's an excellent speaker - capable of making people believe everything he says, and that's brainwashing.

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Ah, yes, because we all know the children won't eventually grow up to have minds of their own and be able to think for themselves.
Well gee, if he brainwashes them now what are they going to be like when they grow up?

Right on, Miss Matchmaker!!! Obama is basically trying to turn the USA into a Communist country. I have had bad vibes from him from the beginning. He wants to take away all of our freedoms for which many have died trying to protect. All he talked about while campaigning was "change". Not once did he say what "change" would mean to the American people. Now we are finding out, aren't we? Still happy with this joker? I sure am not, and no one in our family nor our friends like him or support him at all. I hope he gets so far down in popularity that he gets impeached. I voted for Mr. McCain. I pray every day for our country. All the people who are jobless, and those who have lost their homes. I don't give a rat's backside about this healthcare malarky. And the expansion of the government into our lives more and more every day. Remember,"Big Brother is watching you". Do you really want that? Heard tell that Obama is going to send people out around the country to make sure no one bad-mouths him or the gov't. Hitler did something similar in Germany. I think the sooner we get rid of Obama, the better!!!

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