Obbsessed Dreams o.o


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I keep having dreams about my crush!

I love them, but still...WHY!? For the passed two years, every dream ahs my crush included. The dreams are just so amazing, real, and I'm usally happy in them...but when I wake up, I start crying because it was just a dream. My lastest dream was....

I was on MSN and so was he. This is hwo our convo went:

Him: ''Hey...it doesn't matter what your friends think. I like you.''

Me: ''Really?''

Him: ''Yeah! Meet me at the park later, ok?''

Me: ''Ok!''

So, in my dream, I went to the park. He was there. We held hands and went over to my friends house (which is his neighbour). We all got our MP3 players, and listened to music. Then I placed my head on his shoulder a nd it felt so real. It switched to another scene where me and my crush were chasing eachother at the park, but people kept stopping me. Everytime I tried to go with my crush, my friend would grab me and say, ''What are you doing!? HUH!? HUH!?'' It was like I couldn't get to him. At the end of the dream, I finally got to him again and he was crying. Then he turned to me and said (with realistic tears rolling down his face), ''I love you. But we cannot be together. Don't you know that? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Then he threw his MP3 at me. I began crying too, but he came over and kissed my cheek.


I cannot go a night without these sort of dreams. I love them, but why? Isn't there anything else going on inside my head!?

Its really normal to dream about your crush. Nothing bad there.

Its not just because you have a vivid imagination that you're having these problems.

Maybe you're just overwhelmed by the fact that your crush is gone, you really want to see him, but you are afraid to reach that goal.

One thing to hate the most is being tied down. Was there a certain time that he wanted to meet you at the park?

That might explain which time you should be most aware about. I'll PM you me results later :furawatchi:

Thanks! :furawatchi:

But it's every night...I mean, some may think thats beign OBBSESSED! Well, I am, but still.

In some dreams, we're happy and together, and in others...we're not.

I don't remember the exact time he asked me to be there. I don't even know if he asked for a certain time. xD

Every night? I guess when you have one event going on, you dream mostly about that (Your crush). I bet if you had another event going on then (If its important) you might dream about that.

I say, if you realy want to stop dreaming about him,

Get some sort of CD player, or radio, or a fusion of both! Every night you go to bed, play the CD/radio. You may have dreams about the song! =]

This is because at night you have nothing else to do before you drift off to sleep so you can think a lot about other things-your crush. And since you like your crush you will think hard about him, so consequently you will dream about him too. And that's what happens every night.

Ahh, I am just the dream advice person, aren't I? lol.

Ok, I am guessing you are (or were) on Christmas break. I know I go back on Monday, but normal people went back last week. I know you like him, so you think about him often, sometimes parts of life come into your dream (Like last night, I had a dream about Pyonchit, o_O) By doing that, it incorperates places you have been and the things you think about a lot. Do you think about your crush before you fall alseep? If you do, then that could be why. Try thinking about something else, flowers maybe. Once you do that, the dreams will slowly make him less of the main character, if he is even in your dreams. I know that my friends are in my dreams all the time, is your crush your friend? If so, then he will more than likely be there in most dreams.

I hope I helped in some sort of way.

You should hear my friend's dreams. I don't know if they're "dreams" so much as, well, fantasies, if you know what I mean. They're way worse than yours.

I am OBBsessed on Ragnarok Online. (If you have EVER played RO, you would understand this joke.)

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