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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
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Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: 24th of April 1999

Age: 13

Location: Wellington, NZ

Height: 5'5

Weight: around 60kgs

Shoe size: um NZ 8?

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Olive green

Skin tone: Kinda pale

Favourite band/singer: Foster the People, Six60, Gorillaz

Favourite animal: Bear

Favourite book: Not sure

Favourite movie: I hate movies though D:

Lucky number: 7 and 14

Dream job: I'm happy as long as I'm doing something I enjoy

Favourite color: Orange

Hobbies: tumblr I don't take up hobbies, I get bored easily

Favourite food: Roast chicken

Favourite TV show: Actual non-cartoon? Mythbusters.

Favourite drink: L&P

Favourite music genre: Indie-pop, some pop.

Favourite actor: oh my gawsh i cant choose asdfghjkl;

First language: English

Pets: A kitten and a dog

Loves: Rugby, APH, A:TLA, rugby, food, tumblr, rugby players, rugby, TV, rugby, chilling with friends, did I mention rugby and rugby players?

Hates: People who start fights, people not listening to my opinions, people interrupting or telling me to calm down when I'm fine, judgemental people

Fears: D-E-N-T-I-S-T-S

Weaknesses: Rugby, attractive guys, good music, being such a softie

Theme song: Pork & Beans - Weezer

Personality: Soft, nice 'cept around friends, kawaii desu, um awesome?

Best friend: Raine/Gemma/Jamie/Jess

Strengths: i'unno fdjhgh

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: None

Accent: NZ one fgkfh

Ethnicity: I'm a mix of european and maori

Siblings: Two older brothers

Favourite possession: My mp3 player i need music aahhhfhggfhghj

In a relationship?:nope #foreveralone

Religion: N/A

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 9

Weird habits: Um, none I guess..

Can't cope with: Pressure

Comparable to:

Name: Teri

Date Of Birth: 6th September, 1995

Age: 16

Location: Te Kuiti, New Zealand

Height: 155cm, which according to the converter I used, is about 5'1

Weight: About 42kg

Shoe size: It varies depending on the shoe really... ranging between NZ size 3 and size 8

Hair color: Naturally kinda dark blonde, but currently red because I dyed it for the school ball which was on Friday

Eye color: Blue

Skin tone: Kinda pale

Favourite band/singer: Taylor Swift

Favourite animal: Guinea pig

Favourite book: Don't have one

Favourite movie: I dun really watch movies, the only movie I've watched recently is Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White!

Lucky number: 16

Dream job: idk just as long as I'm happy doing whatever I'm doing

Favourite color: Pink, red, and white

Hobbies: TamaTalk, YouTube, Tumblr, Quibblo, etc. I HAVE NO LIFE KTHX!

Favourite food: Ice-cream, cake, cupcakes, brownies, caramel slice, chocolate, marshmallows... pretty much sweet stuff xD

Favourite TV show: Shortland Street, Glee, Survivor, The Amazing Race

Favourite drink: Grape soda

Favourite music genre: Does Hetalia music count as it's own genre? *shot so many times*

Favourite actor: idk

First language: English

Pets: 3 cats, 3 turtles, a lot of chickens, a lot of fish

Loves: HETALIA!! and Quibblo, YouTube, Tumblr, flags, my map, Tamagotchis, etc.

Hates: Fights on TamaChat ._.

Fears: Bees

Weaknesses: Social awkwardness

Theme song: idk really I can't think of what it would be xD

Personality: Quiet, socially awkward, but once I get to know someone I guess I'm kinda fun to be around xD Oh yeah, did I mention I'm fabulous?

Best friend: idk really I have a few friends but not really a best friend

Strengths: I'm intelligent, and that's pretty much it for now xD

Favourite school subject: Chemistry or Performing Arts

Least favourite subject: English, I'm good at it but it's boring

Accent: New Zealand accent, bro

Ethnicity: I'm a NZer with really small parts of Scottish, English and French heritage

Siblings: One little sister

Favourite possession: My laptop

In a relationship?: Taken from the About Me on my profile:

I'm obsessed with Hetalia and I have no life to the point where I am married to both Canada and Poland. Yes, both of them. Deal with it. And I adopted Liechtenstein. Again, deal with it. I also have a giant map on my wall, surrounded by 28 flags which I made myself.Relationship status: Real life-wise, I'm single. Fictional characters-wise, see the paragraph above.
Religion: N/A

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 12

Weird habits: Well, I have a habit of saying the word "like" a lot... other than that I can't really think of anything xD

Can't cope with: Pressure

Comparable to: idk

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Name: The Ultimate Doomer

Date Of Birth: Jan 7 95

Age: 17

Location: Australia

Height: 1.6something meters

Weight: 57 kg

Shoe size: don't know

Hair color: black

Eye color: brown

Skin tone: not pale and not dark

Favourite band/singer: no idea...Sonic Mayhem? (instrumental)

Favourite animal: spider

Favourite book: The War of the Worlds

Favourite movie: War of the Worlds (the one by Spielberg)

Lucky number: 8

Dream job: don't know

Favourite color: red

Hobbies: music, games, reading, movies, etc.

Favourite food: pizzaaaaaaaa!

Favourite TV show: don't know...

Favourite drink: ...water...

Favourite music genre: Electronic-metal-something

Favourite actor: don't have one

First language: English

Pets: spiders and bugs

Loves: ...

Hates: ...

Fears: ...

Weaknesses: don't know

Theme song: What? Theme song?

Personality: :/

Best friend: I have lots

Strengths: I don't know

Favourite school subject: science or something like that I guess

Least favourite subject: none

Accent: not Australian

Ethnicity: ...

Siblings: not telling

Favourite possession: Tough question. -_-

In a relationship?: No :)

Religion: none

Gender: boy

School year/grade: 11...?

Weird habits: none

Can't cope with: ...

Comparable to: DoomGuy (and maybe Duke Nukem)

Some of those questions...I couldn't think of answers. :eek:

Name: Kiki

Date Of Birth: 15th of August, 1998

Age: 13

Location: Australia

Height: 1.58 meters

Weight: around 68kgs

Shoe size: 9

Hair color: It's actually three different shades of brown. :p

Eye color: Olive greenish-kinda color

Skin tone: Well, just the usual but not super pale or anything

Favourite band/singer: I don't listen to music

Favourite animal: Feline

Favourite book: Warriors

Favourite movie: Tamagotchi the Movie

Lucky number: 5

Dream job: Writer for the Tama TV show, but that's impossible, so... Graphics designer! >8D

Favourite color: Yellow

Hobbies: Tamas, sewing, drawing, writing stories, and.... and.... brushing my teeth! So fun. ♥

Favourite food: ...Cheesecake and chicken kiev (but not together)

Favourite TV show: Tamagotchi!

Favourite drink: Popper juice, they're so fun

Favourite music genre: Um... Japanese pop?

Favourite actor: I don't watch live action TV shows or movies

First language: English

Pets: Three cats, 2 guinea pigs, and 3 birds

Loves: Tamagotchi, TamaTalk, sultanas, Ikemen Mametchi, marshmallows, potatoes, Hamtaro, Kirby, Animal Crossing

Hates: When awesome people leave TamaTalk, swear words, and golliwogs

Fears: Autistic people and toads


Theme song: Tamagotchi anime theme song

Personality: Um... I act like a little kid and I'm a crybaby and I get angry at people a lot

Best friend: Dazzmina and Tama-Star_Girl

Strengths: When I'm mad, I can destroy ANYTHING

Favourite school subject: IDK

Least favourite subject: IDK

Accent: I talk weird. I say "dat" instead of "that" and "everythink" instead of "everything" and stuff

Ethnicity: American and stuff and a teensy bit Aussie...

Siblings: One big bro, two little bros, and a gender-neutral chibi-thing in my mama's tummy

Favourite possession: My flashdrive, for it has lots of important stuff such as pictures of Ikemen Mametchi

In a relationship? ...Ikemen Mametchi ♥

Religion: Religious-tolerant

Gender: Boyish girl

School year/grade: I don't even flipping know because I'm home educated

Weird habits: After I eat a cupcake, I eat the paper thingie that was holding it. And I sleep with my Kirby, Melodytchi, and Mametchi plushes. And I tend to break toothbrushes somehow

Can't cope with: Yukky music

Comparable to: Himespetchi, and Amy Rose the Hedgehog

Name: Dazzmina

Date Of Birth: 22nd May 2001

Age: 11

Location: Southern UK

Height: 5 feet 2 inches

Weight: 85 pounds (around 37 kg)

Shoe size: UK adult size 3 (I know my feet are tiny...)

Hair color: Chocolate brown

Eye color: Not saying

Skin tone: Not saying - but it's quite normal

Favourite band/singer: None. I like the songs my dad writes because they're really random, but I guess that doesn't count.

Favourite animal: DOLFINZEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favourite book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Favourite movie: Tamagotchi The Movie and Dolphin Tale

Lucky number: 4

Dream job: Writer

Favourite color: Lilac

Hobbies: Tamas, drawing and writing

Favourite food: Dark chocolate and mint sweets

Favourite TV show: The Tomorrow People. You won't have heard of it, it's a random 70's thing in this non-TamaTalk-member-containing country.

Favourite drink: Fizzy fruit juice

Favourite music genre: ...Everything?

Favourite actor: Myself...? No really, I do hilariously bad fake crying, LOL.

First language: English

Pets: A guinea pig and 30 Tamagotchis

Loves: Tamas, TamaTalk, random stuff, my friends

Hates: Patronizing adults, bullies, people who kill animals for no apparent reason, and a billion other things I won't bother to mention.

Fears: Crabs, people making fun of books I read (really I don't care what they make fun of as long as it's not my reading book, IDK why)

Weaknesses: Sport and social skills

Theme song: What?

Personality: Strong-willed and unique? Definitely not one to fit in or follow the crowd and definitely not a popular person.

Best friend: EMF, Violetchilluvr3 and Fwoggy

Strengths: Schoolwork, being hated by teachers for reasons other than talking in class, writing and being really random.

Favourite school subject: Creative writing (not that we actually DO any at this super-suckish school)

Least favourite subject: SPORT, SPORT and SPORT. And did I mention SPORT???

Accent: Most people say I have no accent, but Fwoggy says I have a hint of NZ accent.

Ethnicity: Half English, half Indian. Simple.

Siblings: One 8-year-old brother

Favourite possession: My Tamas and my computer and my phone

In a relationship? NO WAY! I'm only 11!

Religion: Atheist. Before you ask, it means I don't believe in any god.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Fifth grade

Weird habits: Eating skin that peels off under the nail of my right-hand thumb.

Can't cope with: Being teased about books I read

Comparable to: Nobody at all - I'm myself and I don't want to resemble ANYONE.

Name: Natalie

Date Of Birth: May 19, 1994

Age: 18

Location: Michigan

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 95lbs.

Shoe size: 5 sigh

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Dark brown

Skin tone: Tan like a Mexican B)

Favourite band/singer: OneRepublic

Favourite animal: Narwhals

Favourite book: Harry Potter

Favourite movie: I CAN'T CHOOSE ONE UH inception

Lucky number: 6, 22

Dream job: Animator at Pixar!

Favourite color: Transparent. c;

Hobbies: Tumblr haha

Favourite food: Pasta

Favourite TV show: Glee

Favourite drink: Chocolate milk omg

Favourite music genre: Indie-pop, alternative i don't know

Favourite actor: Dianna Agron aka my wife

First language: English

Pets: Un perro (dog)

Loves: Tumblr, Internet, food, sleep, girls sigh

Hates: Spiders, clowns, favoritism

Fears: Spiders, clowns, darkness, bALLOONS UGH THEY SCARE ME SO MUCH

Weaknesses: Mexicans.

Theme song: C'Mon - fun. feat. Panic! At The Disco

Personality: quiet and awkward until you get to know me but i'm working on that

Best friend: Online would be Krystal and Kailey mehehehehe

Strengths: eating and sleeping

Favourite school subject: Art

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: I don't know like I might have a little bit of a Michigan accent but not really

Ethnicity: Asian

Siblings: Sister

Favourite possession: my ipod

In a relationship?: mentally

Religion: Christian

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Freshman in college yaaaaa

Weird habits: None

Can't cope with: Idiots :~)

Comparable to: natalie tran she is literally my spirit animal


Date Of Birth: 3rd of December 1997

Age: 14

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 55KG

Shoe size: NZ 9

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Skin tone: Natural tan, I'm part Arab.

Favourite band/singer: Lana Del Rey, Opshop. (about 1000 others)

Favourite animal: Monkeys. :3

Favourite book: The whole The Giver series and the whole The City of Ember series

Favourite movie: Temple Grandin. Lots of others I can't thing of right now.

Lucky number: 15

Dream job: Teaching English in the United Arab Emirates

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: Music, Reading, Writing, Poetry, Basketball, Cycling.

Favourite food: Pizza (especially Hells, and of course homemade!), Spaghetti Bolognese, Spicy Pork Mince and Noodles,

Favourite TV show: Adventure Time, Family Guy, Suburgatory.

Favourite drink: L&P, Dr Pepper, Ginger Beer, Coke.

Favourite music genre: Alternative, Rock.

Favourite actor: I don't have one

First language: English

Pets: A cat named Oscar

Loves: Music, Books, Manga, my hobbies, headphones!!!, my cellphone, watching Family Guy, My "Bravo" bike, lots of other things.

Fears: Spiders xP

Weaknesses: Girls (The girl I like could probably control me if she wants to. xD)

Theme song: Lets Go - Calvin Harris ft Ne-Yo

Personality: Funny, friendly,

Best friend: I have tons but I don't want to share their names on here lol.

Strengths: Music taste. IDK xD

Favourite school subject: Maths (not because I'm good at it, because some of my best friends are in my maths class lol)

Least favourite subject: Health

Accent: Mix of a New Zealand and British accent.

Ethnicity: Danish, Iraqi, Irish, and British.

Siblings: Three older siblings, unfortunately my oldest sister passed away before I was born.

Favourite possession: iPod, my Cellphone.

In a relationship? Not official

Religion: I believe that there is a god. I am not part of any religion though.

Gender: Male

School year/grade: Year 10

Weird habits: None.

Can't cope with: IDK

Comparable to: Naruto. XD


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Name: (nickname) Teethdude

Date Of Birth: September 27th 1996 Age: 15/almost 16

Location: New Brunwick, Canada

Height: not sure.

Weight: around 100-120 lbs

Shoe size: Mens' 10

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue/hazel

Skin tone: pale some tan

Favourite band/singer:Daft Punk

Favourite animal: Orca (Killer whale)

Favourite book: The Hunger Games

Favourite movie: WALL-E

Lucky number: 18

Dream job: I dunno what i wanna do

Favourite color: Yellow

Hobbies: Saxophone, poetry writing, Tamagotchi Caregiving.

Favourite food: All food

Favourite TV show: Spongebob Squarepants

Favourite drink: Milk

Favourite music genre: Country.

Favourite actor: Jim Carry

First language: English

Pets: two dogs and a cat

Loves: Music, Applejuice, slow dancing, Spider

Hates: Any form of bullying, and this one spider: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae

Fears: Heights,

Weaknesses: Emotional things, guilt

Theme song: White 'n nerdy- weird Al

Personality: calm, passive, over-emotional, loving, caring, aggresive when mad

Best friend: Patrick V/Carter V

Strengths: Running

Favourite school subject: Technology

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Canadian/North American

Ethnicity: Irish, scottish, native, french, british

Siblings: Minecraft Addict (twin brother) and a little brother

Favourite possession: My Tamagotchis

In a relationship?: Yes, i have been for 11 months on the 25th of june

Religion: N/A

Gender: Male

School year/grade: Grade 11 with some grade 10 courses :(

Weird habits: Teeth clenching when nervous/excited

Can't cope with: Pressure, being alone, being sad

Comparable to: My twin Brother

Name: Tara C:

Date Of Birth: November 12th

Age: rawr

Location: Canada~

Height: 5'5

Weight: I honestly have no clue xD Maybe 55 kg?

Shoe size: Size 7 or 8

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blueeee

Skin tone: Usually really tan in the summer xD

Favourite band/singer: Hollywood Undead, KoRn, Avenged Sevenfold, AWOLNATION, Skrillex

Favourite animal: Hippo

Favourite book: The Hunger Games or Elsewhere

Favourite movie: The Avengers

Lucky number: Dunno, 10 maybe

Dream job: Doctor, or something involving computers

Favourite color: Blue

Hobbies: tumblr, swimming, computers, being with friends, being outside, reading homestuck

Favourite food: Pizza <3

Favourite TV show: Actual non-cartoon? Lost

Favourite drink: Pepsi or Coke

Favourite music genre: Rock (heavy?)

Favourite actor: dunnoooo

First language: English

Pets: Nuffinnn

Loves: Homestuck, trying new things, computers, my friends and family, hanging out with friends, Tamagotchis, rollercoasters

Hates: Annoying highschool girls/guys, when "friends" really dont care about you, people lying to me, people who can't spell

Fears: Death

Weaknesses: Hot guys D: , being able to forgive easily when people act sincerely sorry(if theyre not sorry i will literally never forgive them)

Theme song: Circus Afro wat

Personality: Outgoing, kind, silly but not crazy unless I'm only around my closest friends, talkative, peppy and usually really happy

Best friend: omfg like 5 real life friends and then I have like 10 more close friends in real life

Strengths: My intelligence and ability to keep up an argument until I get my point across, manipulating people into telling me a lot of things while I say nothing at all c:<

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: Art

Accent: American or Canadian? =w=

Ethnicity: Croatian ftw~

Siblings: only child woot woot

Favourite possession: Phone and laptop/mac

In a relationship?: noooope cause the one guy i like doesnt wanna date but I have two guys after me flskdjflksd

Religion: Catholic

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Grade 10

Weird habits: I dunno o.o

Can't cope with: bad smells

Name: Sarah

Date Of Birth: July 7th, 1996

Age: 15 (16 in about a week)

Location: SoCal

Height: 5'4

Weight: Underweight

Shoe size: 7 1/2

Hair color: Dirty Blonde

Eye color: Chocolate Brown

Skin tone: I'm the whitest kid in town...Just sayin'.

Favourite band/singer: Taylor Swift

Favourite animal: Wolf

Favourite book: Bible

Favourite movie: Tangled

Lucky number: IDK

Dream job: Disneyland worker

Favourite color: All of them

Hobbies: Theater

Favourite food: Depends on the weather

Favourite TV show: Tanked

Favourite drink: Iced Coffee; but when I'm sick that automatically changes to Herbal Tea

Favourite music genre: Christian rock, New country, Broadway, But I like music overall. It mainly depends if I like the song itself

Favourite actor: Johnny Depp.

First language: English

Pets: A rat, but my mom takes care of him 'cause she wants to...I want a snake one day, though.

Loves: Disneyland, Portal 2, Theater, Hunger Games, The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Summer Vacation

Hates: When people use the word hate. It's such a strong word, Y'know? I prefer dislike. I dislike people using the word hate.

Fears: Bees, Spiders, any type of bug that looks strange or that I can't identify, creepy critters you find on the beach

Weaknesses: ADHD. 'Nuff said.

Theme song: Get Back Up~Toby Mac

Personality: Random

Best friend: Bethie, Ben

Strengths: I don't give up. Ever.

Favourite school subject: English

Least favourite subject: Math

Accent: Not much of one, but I have caught on using lots of slang since I've lived in one of the worst cities in America all my life. So, I tend to have a bit of a ghetto dialect unfortunately.

Ethnicity: Everything that's white.

Siblings: Sister

Favourite possession: Uh...My laptop, I guess.

In a relationship?: Sadly no ;~;

Religion: Christian

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Junior in High School (11th grade)

Weird habits: I bite my nails, if that counts /:

Can't cope with: Goodbyes

Comparable to: Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara! (Gosh, I haven't seen that show since I was 13...)

Name: (I'm not posting my real name, but this is my nickname) Riri

Date Of Birth: May 26th, 1998

Age: 14

Location: Georgia, U.S.

Height: exactly 5 feet ~short ;__;~

Weight: 80 lbs

Shoe size: US size 4 or 4 1/2

Hair color: Black with dark brown highlights

Eye color: Chocolate

Skin tone: A little pale

Favourite band/singer: SNSD, f(x)

Favourite animal: Panther

Favourite book: May Bird and the Ever After

Favourite movie: All Studio Ghibli Movies

Lucky number: 22

Dream job: Graphic Designer

Favourite color: Green

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Ice-skating, Cooking/Baking, Tamagotchis

Favourite food(s): Watermelon, Ice Cream, Candy, and Chocolate

Favourite TV show: I don't watch TV that much...

Favourite drink(s): Mountain Dew and Sprite

Favourite music genre: K-pop

Favourite actor: I can't choose... (*≧m≦*)

First language: English

Pets: ...I don't have any o(╥﹏╥)o

Loves: Hanging out with friends, going somewhere new, popsicles, snow, winter, summer vacation, going outside

Hates: Liars, cheaters, bullies...you get the point.

Fears: Heights, deep water, cockroaches, anything creepy

Weaknesses: giving up easily, apologizing easily, being too quiet, anything emotional

Theme song: The Day's End - IU

Personality: affectionate, cheerful, sensitive, over-emotional, a little shy

Best friend: (Not her real name, but nick name) Minnie

Strengths: adaptable, dependable, organized

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: Social Studies

Accent: no accent

Ethnicity: can't tell (>__<)

Siblings: A younger sister and brother (twins)

Favourite possession: My ipod

In a relationship?: ...foreveralone

Religion: --

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Going into 9th grade

Weird habits: Hyperventilating at the littlest things

Can't cope with: Confined spaces

Comparable to:

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Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: December 15th, 1997

Age: 14

Location: Oklahoma

Height: 6'0

Weight: 100 lbs.

Shoe size: A men's 9.

Hair color: Blonde, as far as you are concerned.

Eye color: Greenish blue.

Skin tone: Tanish.

Favourite band/singer: Lady Gaga and Evanescence.

Favourite animal: Cats

Favourite book: Fifty Shades Of Grey (LOL JK. My real fav is the Hunger Games.)

Favourite movie: Avengers

Lucky number: 4.

Dream job: Veterinarian

Favourite color: Light blue and pure white.

Hobbies: Talking to my friends and playing video games.

Favourite food: Roast chicken

Favourite TV show: Weeds.

Favourite drink: Mountain Dew

Favourite music genre: A blend of pop and most others.

Favourite actor: Alexander Ludwig ;)

First language: English

Pets: A dog named Duke. Cat that died on January 19th, 2012.

Loves: Deliberatly annoying people, eating food, talking, Tumblr, and much more

Hates: People who don't respect me, people who act like they're better than me, people who are mean to me, etc

Fears: Mushrooms.

Weaknesses: The extreme love I have for friends and family, not being able to hold a grudge, and doing things on a whim.

Theme song: This Little Girl by Cady Groves.

Personality: Kind of mean and heartless at times. I try to be nice. But I fail.

Best friend: Savy and Calvin

Strengths: My brain works in a very logical way, allowing me to have strong points in arguing.

Favourite school subject: Math (before they put the alphabet into it)

Least favourite subject: Math (after they put the alphabet into it)

Accent: American

Ethnicity: I'm a total mutt, but I know I have some Native American in me.

Siblings: One older brother

Favourite possession: My Nintendo 3DS.

In a relationship?: Yes.

Religion: Nothing. Not atheist, not Christian, just nothing.

Gender: Male.

School year/grade: Going into high school this next school year.

Weird habits: I bite my lip.

Can't cope with: Cold weather.

Comparable to: Madonna

Name: tamsyn (◡‿◡✿)

Date Of Birth: february 4th, 1999

Age: 13

Location: vancouver, canada (◑‿◐)

Height: i'd say maybe 5'4" ish???

Weight: about 94 pounds

Shoe size: i have no idea

Hair color: dark brown (╯ಊ╰)

Eye color: brown SIGHS

Skin tone: yellowish white-ish???? uh

Favourite band/singer: ummmm that is SUPER HARD but i'd say the beatles and freddie mercury maybe?? :[

Favourite animal: ooh either seahorses or indrocotheriums U_U

Favourite book: i have too many but probably a tie between the harry potter series, ghostopolis, anything moomin and hugo cabret???

Favourite movie: baby stop you know i have too many ◡‿◡

Lucky number: 2

Dream job: writer/illustrator

Favourite color: purple UuU!!

Hobbies: ummm tumblr, sleeping, drawing and imagining

Favourite food: beef noodles omg

Favourite TV show: uhhh fish hooks, superjail!, mystery hunters, the simpsons, gravity falls

Favourite drink: diet coke

Favourite music genre: ummmm i like everything!

Favourite actor: asa butterfield he is so perfect like omg (≧◡≦)

First language: english

Pets: i've had fish, hamsters, and guinea pigs but they all died ; n ;

Loves: tumblr, homestuck, video games, roleplaying, drawing, writing, dreaming

Hates: many things but mostly sports U _ U

Fears: heights, pop-out images, screamers xC

Weaknesses: anything adorable or japanese because i'll waste my money on it >:[

Theme song: i have no idea??? maybe volatile times by iamx or something u _ u

Personality: umm i like drawing and i'm pretty nice but sometimes i have a temper and i cry easily and yeah?

Best friend: renee -’_’-

Strengths: i'm a good artist?? also i'm a great lier UuU

Favourite school subject: art and writing

Least favourite subject: math, p.e., socials, everything U_U

Accent: canadian? but it's pretty much american b/c i don't say 'eh' after everything

Ethnicity: canadian, chinese, british, norwegian (⊙_◎)

Siblings: one younger sister U-U

Favourite possession: my family!

In a relationship?: nope u_u

Religion: agnostic (॓_॔)

Gender: female

School year/grade: going into grade 8 in an inCREDIBLE school!! ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶

Weird habits: i rub the buttons/zipper on my sweaters/vests U_U

Can't cope with: sport-crazy people i just can't ⋋_⋌

Comparable to: i don't kno w

Name: Gemma

Date Of Birth: 4th of September 1998

Age: 13

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Height: 5'1

Weight: N/A

Shoe size: NZ 9 or 10.

Hair color: Red though natural brunette.

Eye color: Caramel brown.

Skin tone: Ugly tan.

Favourite band/singer: My Chemical Romance, Alesana, Lady Gaga, Falling In Reverse, Muse, Coldplay.

Favourite animal: Penguin, birds in general.

Favourite book(s): The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner by Stephanie Meyer, The Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling.

Favourite movie(s): The Avengers, Thor, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Dark Shadows.

Lucky number: 13.

Dream job: Either author, psychologist or historian.

Favourite color: Garnet, a mix of blues.

Hobbies: Tumblr, badminton, flower picking, fangirling, drawing, designing.

Favourite food: Either macaroni and cheese, tortellini, Lifesavers or lasagne.

Favourite TV show: Charmed.

Favourite drink: Lift Plus.

Favourite music genre(s): Rock, poprock, screamo.

Favourite actor(s): Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Holly Marie-Combs, Alexander Ludwig, Johnny Depp.

First language: English

Pets: 2 cockatiels.

Loves: Rugby, APH, A:TLA, food, tumblr, chilling with friends, the beach, the internet, soft toys, sleeping, comics, anime, Marvel, Avengers, high-heeled boots and much more.

Hates: People interrupting or telling me to calm down when I'm fine, hypocrites, idiots, socializing, mindless hating, rabid fangirls of 1D, people at school and much more.

Fears: Needles, spiders and heights.

Weaknesses: Public speaking, my temper, my appearance, trust.

Theme song: New Way To Bleed - Evanescence.

Personality: I'm quite cynical. Serious for the most part, but then when I'm with friends serious just flies out the window. I try to be nice but then end up totally losing my patience. Also a bit over emotional, losing my temper all the time and getting upset over nothing.

Best friends: Ella, Raine, Grace, Nina, Kaila, Stephanie.

Strengths: Phsyical strength in general, arguing, logical thinking.

Favourite school subject: Social Studies.

Least favourite subject: P.E.

Accent: New Zealand.

Ethnicity: I'm pakeha Maori, with some Samoan and Swedish thrown into the mix.

Siblings: None. I killed them all

Favourite possession: All 8 of my Charmed seasons.

In a relationship?: #foreveralone

Religion: None.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 9.

Weird habits: I bite the inside of my lip to the point where it doesn't heal up for months.

Can't cope with: Idiots, critism.

Comparable to: I don't know.

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Name: Joshua

Date Of Birth: 23rd of June, 1997

Age: 15

Location: Australia

Height: I haven't measured in a while... :rolleyes:

Weight: ""

Shoe size: A 7/7.5

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Green

Skin tone: Skin colour I guess.

Favourite band/Singer: Lady Gaga!

Favourite Animal: I love clownfish and other marine creatures.

Favourite Book: The Harry Potter series (Prisoner of Azkaban in particular)

Favourite Movie: Finding Nemo and The Hunger Games!

Lucky Number: 14

Dream Job: No idea yet.

Favourite Colour: Light Turquoise

Hobbies: Reading, dancing, technology and the Piano. Perhaps these are skills?

Favourite Food: I do love pasta and potatoes, so basically any recipe including either. :lol:

Favourite TV Show: I don't have a favourite as I don't watch television that much. But whenever I do, it's True Blood!

Favourite Drink: Coca-cola and Lemonade. However seeing as I'm trying to become more healthier, water is my new best friend.

Favourite music genre: I have quite the diverse musical taste; I can listen to music from dark electronic music to rap, from R&B to pop, from alternative to dance and from indie to rock. :mellow:

Favourite Actor: Helena Bonham Carter/Johnny Depp

First language: English

Pets: Over the years I have owned fish and birds; currently I am in possession of a black and white cat called Milo.

Loves: Music, books, chocolate and technology!

Hates: Discrimination

Fears: Not being accepted.

Weaknesses: Physical fights I guess?

Theme song: Born This Way - Lady Gaga :wub:

Personality: Confident but concealed, outrageous but shy, and boring but interesting. I'm basically an example of Ying Yang!

Best friend: Nobody that y'all know!

Strengths: Computer written essays and documents. I love my grammar and vocabulary!

Favourite School Subject: English and Photography

Least Favourite Subject: Maths and Geography

Accent: Slightly Australian

Ethnicity: Half Italian/Half Czech Republican

Siblings: I have two younger siblings!

Favourite possession: My beloved iPhone.

In a relationship? I was close to, but I denied this person's request and further ruined things between us. :(

Religion: Atheist (Although that isn't really a religion). If I were a religious person though, I would love to become a Buddhist!

Sex: Male

School Year/Grade: Year 9

Weird Habits: I like to crack my fingers quite an awfully lot and I sometimes roll my head a bit too much.

Can't cope with: Anxiety!

Comparable To: Myself. :blink:

Name: (Nickname) Ceri

Date of Birth: 1st May '98

Age: 14

Location: Sunny Old UK :L

Height: 5'7''

Weight: No idea.. haven't checked in a while

Shoe Size: UK 6/7

Hair colour: Brown naturally but dyed Browny Reddy Purple because of my premature greying.

Eye colour: Greeny Blue. They change with my mood

Skin tone: Pretty pale, but slightly tanned still from my holiday

Favourite band/Singer: Lostprophets, Three Days Grace and Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Favourite Animal: Camel

Favourite Book: Noughts and Crosses series by Malorie Blackman

Favourite Movie: Bridget Jones' Diary

Lucky Number: 17

Dream Job: Music Teacher

Favourite Colour: Turquoise

Hobbies: Playing guitar, piano and singing, surfing and gig rowing.

Favourite Food: Pasta. Pasta. Pasta. Pasta. Oh and Chocolate

Favourite TV Show: F.R.I.E.N.D.S <3

Favourite Drink: Vimto

Favourite music genre: Rock, Acoustic Rock, Metal, Alternative and a little bit of 80's pop.

Favourite Actor: Colin Firth/David Tennant

First language: English

Pets: 3 mental cats. Tortoiseshell called Marmalade, Black Kitten called Eddie and a Black and White called Scrumpy.

Loves: Music, the beach, music, my laptop, music, giving advice, music and pretty much everyone around me :')

Hates: Seeing people cry, spiders, arguments and broccolli.

Fears: Spiders, and losing people.

Weaknesses: Emotional song lyrics, they always make me break down into tears. Oh and art, I'm rubbish at it.v

Theme song: Right now? Hm..

Personality: Bubbly, slightly hyper, emotional at stupid things, fun-loving but I can be really shy and quiet. I bottle all my emotions up all of the time.

Best friend: (s) The greatest guy(who's also my boyfriend) and girl on the whole planet :') they both mean alot to me.

Strengths: Music and giving advice. And strangely Geography...

Favourite School Subject: Music and Geography

Least Favourite Subject: Physics and History

Accent: Slightly Welsh

Ethnicity: Half Welsh, Half English

Siblings: A younger, annoying little brother

Favourite possession: My Les Paul Epiphone guitar, my mum's sixteenth birthday ring and a beautiful bracelet my boyfriend gave me for my birthday.

In a relationship? Yup. Happily for almost 9 months with the most fantastic boy ever. With his knees, and my back and grey hair, we're old gits together! XD

Religion: Christian

Sex: Female

School Year/Grade: Year 9

Weird Habits: I click my fingers all the time and I really shouldn't. I get my hands slapped by my best friend if I do.

Can't cope with: Wasting time

Name: Miles

Date Of Birth: 20th November, 1997

Age: 14

Location: İzmir, Turkey. But I live in Sydney, Australia.

Height: 5'3

Weight: Not telling

Shoe size: 8

Hair color: Dyed red

Eye color: It changes

Skin tone: Perfect place between tan and pale

Favourite band/singer: The Beatles

Favourite animal: Rat

Favourite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Favourite movie: A Hard Day's Night

Lucky number: 7

Dream job: Toys R Us

Favourite color: I don't know

Hobbies: tumblr, going out

Favourite food: Watermelon

Favourite TV show: Seinfeld

Favourite drink: Diet Dr Pepper

Favourite music genre: not sure

Favourite actor: idk

First language: English

Pets: two cats

Loves: George Harrison, Paul McCartney, diet soda

Hates: Adele, homophobia, when people forget to flush the toilet

Fears: carbs lol

Weaknesses: not sure

Theme song: Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill haha

Personality: shy at first but I appear aloof, but once you get to know me I'm really weird and crazy

Best friend: no

Strengths: no

Favourite school subject: none

Least favourite subject: all of them

Accent: um both american and australian at times

Ethnicity: american with turkish and italian parents

Siblings: Two younger sisters

Favourite possession: My phone or my Beatles tshirt

In a relationship?: no

Religion: other (wiccan/jewish/atheist)

Gender: gender-neutral

School year/grade: 9th

Weird habits: I don't know

Can't cope with: deadlines, waiting, social situations

Comparable to: Amy Blue, Molly Soda, Elaine Benes

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Name: Sandra Ash

Date Of Birth: January 19, 1994

Age: 18

Location: USA

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 115 lbs.

Shoe size: 8 to 8.5

Hair color: brown

Eye color: so-dark-brown-it-looks-black

Skin tone: super pale

Favourite band/singer: Enya

Favourite animal: Hm... Snakes, rats, and tigers rank pretty high up there!

Favourite book: Way too many to count... currently the "Hush Hush" saga

Favourite movie: either The Avengers, The Hunger Games, or Harry Potter 7 part 2

Lucky number: 0, 6, 13, 16

Dream job: model, act

Favourite color: blue

Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, nail art, shopping, pageants

Favourite food: raw meat

Favourite TV show: TEEN WOLF

Favourite drink: ...water...

Favourite music genre: anything except country

Favourite actor: lots

First language: English

Pets: Mice, a rat, a puppy, a hamster, 3 cats

Loves: lots of things

Hates: even more things

Fears: nothing

Weaknesses: don't know

Theme song: no comprendo

Personality: pretty suckish sometimes

Best friend: also happens to be my boyfriend

Strengths: I have a way of always getting what I want

Favourite school subject: history

Least favourite subject: math

Accent: eastern american (if that even is one?)

Ethnicity: white

Siblings: one brother

Favourite possession: Tough question. -_-

In a relationship?: yep!

Religion: Spiritual Satanist

Gender: girl

School year/grade: Freshman in college

Weird habits: uhm... picking at dead skin

Can't cope with: stupid people, rednecks, hillbillies

Comparable to: your weird uncle you never talk about. lol jk um... comparable to that one kid you see all alone on a playground all beat up.

I'm remaking my remake coz stuff's changed I guess

Name: Ella

Date Of Birth: 24th of April 1999

Age: 13

Location: Wellington, NZ

Height: 5'5-5'4 I'm guessing

Weight: around 60kgs

Shoe size: um NZ 8?

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Olive green

Skin tone: Pale, but my arms get really tan it's strange

Favourite band/singer: Foster the People, Six60, Opshop, Shihad, Foo Fighters

Favourite animal: Bear

Favourite book: 50 shades of grey Evernight series what

Favourite movie: Oh my god dont ask that

Lucky number: 7 (FLANKER NUMBER)

Dream job: I'm happy as long as I'm doing something I enjoy and with a fair pay.

Favourite color: Orange, Maroon

Hobbies: tumblr I don't take up hobbies, I get bored easily

Favourite food: Roast chicken

Favourite TV show: Actual non-cartoon? Mythbusters. Cartoon? Regular Show, A:TLA

Favourite drink: L&P

Favourite music genre: Indie-pop, some pop.

Favourite actor: oh my gawsh i cant choose asdfghjkl;

First language: English

Pets: A kitten and a dog

Loves: Rugby, APH, A:TLA, rugby, food, tumblr, rugby players, rugby, TV, rugby, chilling with friends, did I mention rugby and rugby players?

Hates: People who start fights, people not listening to my opinions, people interrupting or telling me to calm down when I'm fine, judgemental people, hypocrites, Reece Mastin, Running, Haters

Fears: Dentists.

Weaknesses: Rugby, attractive guys, good music, attractive people, food.

Theme song: Pork & Beans - Weezer

Personality: kawaii bbz xoxoxox

Best friend: Raine/Gemma and kind of Jamie and Jess. Online? I can't pick, you're all amazing.

Strengths: Being kawaii

Favourite school subject: Science

Least favourite subject: English, Art

Accent: New Zealand (Otago Reigon)

Ethnicity: I'm a mix of european and maori (Maori, English, Irish, Scottish, German, possible Welsh)

Siblings: Two older brother (one 17, one 30)

Favourite possession: My mp3 player i need music aahhhfhggfhghj

In a relationship?: how do i boyfriend when ugly

Religion: I don't stick to one.

Gender: Female

School year/grade: Year 9

Weird habits: uh wow i dunno

Can't cope with: Pressure

Comparable to:

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