Oh, LOL.


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
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Hello there.

I am Oh, as you may know. I made a Tama diary already, but it failed, so I will start another one.

Okay, so i'm starting up my building style v.6 music star Tamagotchi! Right now i'm entering the month and suchh;

Okay, now it will proceed to hatch, so I am waiting.





His name? EFF, I will name him Finn, to honor Fendi.

If you know what I mean. ;}



Yes, so I am going to feed him naw.

Okay, Well, I'll post in a couple of minutes!








Finn evolved!

He is now a Kuchi-Tama-Tchi, BTW, Finn plays classical Music, Has 2 background singers, and plays with a toy car.



Uh, I really have nothing else to say.

OHYES, His favorite band is ihavenoidea.

I think he got his taste of music from my brother, dad, and I, not my mother.

He wants to play rock, but spends most of his time listening to Pink Floyd, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Limpbizket, and some old-school rappers. Yes tamatalk, he is certainly invested in music.

I tried to get him into jazzy tunes, but he's not buying it, infact, he spent most of his babyhood listening to Fort Knox by Goldfish:


Anyway, I got to go,






Liek, seriously. I am so sorry. Uhmm, well...

My Tamagotchi's ALL ran out of batteries.



And every time i go to the dollar store (Pretty much never.)



I might get some like really soon, so yay. :'3

Until then~






I got batteries!

I'm so happy. <3:3

But since it's late i shall start up my little tama tomorrow.

I don't know if i will in the morning or afternoon, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Alright, well until then.




[sorry for boring you with post like this, but i'm excited!]



Well you know what today iss. :D

I already put the battery in my tamagotchi and so now I just have to start this baby up..!


Now, one second. xD


Oh, and, i'm starting up the v.6!



Okay, now i put down the time and my username [Which is "LOV3" BTW]

Now the baby just needs to hatch.


Okay... !!!



Okay, then I proceeded to name her, LACEY. Aww. <3 I know.

So then, she likes to read [baby genius eh?] And umm, play trombone, which is uber cool.

Okay, well, i'll feed her 'n' such and play a game or two. :3 Every couple of minutes when something exciting happens I shall write it down.

Here we go...



Going to play her first game. :') Aww..



The first game she played was sound blocks... AWW!

Then Music notes, she only got 20 as a score on that one, the other she got thirty.

Then I screwed up on Sing A Song and got "0" Points on that..

And then i got thirty on it. :] After that I let her play because she had worked to hard. I don't think she's really catching up with the whole "book" thing because she's pretty much just staring at the book and... yeah.

BUT THEN..! My Lacey just got sick, I better feed her and give her some medicine...

Since she took the medicine I will praise her too.



I'm surprised, I actually got Lacey to the toilet on time! I'm proud of myself, I've never done that before!

Also, I played another game with her, it was "Music Notes" I got 30 on it, all I wanted to do was get Ten but i lost track of how many notes I did so.. Whoops! :]

Lacey had only pooped once in the 10-20 minutes I've had her, so thats good!

Now i'll have her try her trombone, she hasn't played it yet! I'll also check to see if she needs to be fed...




Well, Lacey just started her nap! [this was written at 4:13 BTW] :] I have no idea how long these guys nap for but I think it indicates the near end of their babyhood, Not quite the end though. I just found out that she plays classical music, which i'm not exactly ecstatic about. I thought for sure she would play Jazz! Ah well. Maybe once she gets a new instrument she can. After she wakes up i'll probably play a game with her and feed her and have her practice her instrument again...




Well, I never had the chance to feed her again, or play a game. :(

It's because after I wrote that I got all busy for a few minutes, she went poop again and I caught it again... her & that ducky potty. xD.. so ciao for a few minutes!


4:30: She had 3 hunger hearts down. :[ I fed her though!



She finally pooped on the floor! Haha.

K' well i'm going to feed her and play with her now!



It's probably just about time for her to evolve! YAY! I played another few games with her so now her music scores are in the 60's and 70's! She is also currently pre...


Into a little starfish girl, or Hitodetchi.

Aww.<3 Soo uber cute!



Okay, well, as I was saying, she is also currently pretty close to being in the 100's for music scores.

Okay well, thats all! I'll come back tonight [maybe] with more info and possibly a picture.




I just wanted to say thanks for all the views. :3<3

I have no idea how I have 200.

Well in the past couple of hours Lacey's scores have reached 90, one is 98.


Something is wrong. :[

Mrs. Has not came and I have no idea why!


Isn't she supposed to come in the first day?

Maybe Lacey is still to young for kindergarten. :(

Oh well, maybe by the next post she'll "Have a voice."



Oh my gosh!

Lots to tell you about today.

Well, the first major thing that happened was that, i saw the door icon light up in class while our history teacher was showing us photo's of Sicily, so i was like "Oh no!" and I had a strange feeling like i REALLY needed to answer it, so, i whipped my tama out and was like "Just making sure it's off. o_O'" and I answered the door to see...

Mrs. Flower!


Okay, well then, I got a Tamagotchi as a new "toy" then later between classes I sent her to jump rope and failed. xD So then the rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except maybe the 2000 GP she got, until about 10 minutes ago. [it's 4:57 noww] She evolved!

I was so happy. :3 Seriously though, she evolved only at a mere 1 year old. She is now a Chamametchi.

Sadly Chamametchi's aren't really my favorite character. o_O' I like Itchigotchi's WAYY more.

Now i will see who her bandmates will be, haha...

AND THEN- It's been way to long since i last played with this thing, she needs to get an invite from her "Teacher". xP

Okay, well, I'll update you when she gets invited to music school, i'm almost at 300 points for all subjects so maybe i'll work on that right now.




Hello. :3

I'm sorry I haven't logged!

There are WAY to many things to tell you, so i'll just start with Thursday.



Well, on Thursday I paused Lacey while I was at school, because i didn't want to miss her getting accepted to "school" so when I got home a couple hours later she was accepted! She is the only girl in her band. I named it "Platter" (Aha, like Skillet.) and yep! I played a few games with her band and she got 400 in each skill points.



By then she had about 560 in all of her points. So yup, but on Friday I had to pause her ALL DAY because I was super busy.

I guess there is nothing to report for Friday.



Okay, let me just start with the outlines.




Concert FAIL


Concert win





Alright then, Here we go.

Well, I woke up this morning to find that my darling Chamametchi was not, infact, a Chamametchi.

She was a Mimitchi! :unsure:


Also, she is super cute!

So i was all excited and sent her to that one "PRACTICE CONCERT" thing, but sadly, she got one X. I was really sad because her points were pretty high.

Then a couple hours later she got a wig, and then after that tried another one of those practice concerts. She failed again, even with 600, almost 700 points!

Then she went to a concert, and had one fan left. JEEZ.

And then she did another concert, but actually had a bunch of fans after that, so I was happy, but not completely satisfied.

After that, YET AGAIN, she tried at a practice concert, and got.. PRO DEBUT! YESSS. xD

She also got tons of money which I blew on something cool (I actually forgot what it was.)

and finally, after such a long and busy day, she took a shower and went to bed.

<3 So yep, that, i guess, was her success story.



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Oh my gosh!

I started out with 200 views and now I have almost three-hundred.

;-; Yay!

Okay, I have some REALLLLLLY BAD NEWS.

Lacey died!

It was all my fault, I forgot to pause her before school and, ta-da, death.

I'm also sorry I haven't replied in a few days. I am a busy girl.

Well, Lacey got #2 on the band stat list, all of her music scores were at 999, and she was 5 years old, ready to marry. But no.

I have a lot of trouble with v.6's so I decided to throw in the towel and pause Eel, my new tama.

Lacey was my most accomplished tama.

Right now I have 2 tamagotchi running, a Tama-GO! Necktietchi, and a V.5, the good thing is I might get a v4 today! or maybe Friday. OOOR even maybe a v.3! Great right? I actually really like my necktietchi, and i'm excited for him to have a baby! By the way, I named him Abner. Aha. I've been running him for a few days now too, he's currently 3, sooo, yeah. :)

I don't know if you know this, but I have a v.3, who just CURRENTLY broke, I really loved that tama~ It was my first, and for years I played with it! :3

Thats why I want another, supposedly with the same design?

Okay, well, BYE.



Oh............ !








Haha, whoops, Oh might just be a slacker.


Alright then, well, a couple of minutes ago I started up, for the first time evar....

A V4.5.


I named it Gucci, because i'm terribly obsessed with my Gucci watch.

I hatched this dear tama to see...


How long it will live.


Its so cute now! but throughout the summer I will conduct my tama life experiment.



- U



I reaaally like this game it plays, whateverit'scalled called climb.





That is really it, i'll be back.


I think its time you guys know more about me. Haha, this'll be fun.



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Hello. ~<3

Whoever rated my log 5 stars I thank you!


:3 As I said, its time to learn more about me.

Up until this point I gave out my age freely, which I won't anymore, for certain reasons, maybe later I will. =]

Well, I live in the U.S.A but during the summer its very hot here. :p

On to my tama...


Gucci got mail and got these weird point things, I have yet to figure it out, tomorrow morning I'll see if he gets accepted into school.


He turned into a chubby nut looking thing, which was cute, but not to my liking.

Its called a Kurobichi or something of that sort.


I tried to play "tug of war" but I did really bad, i'll have to try harder next time.


Anywhoo, thats just that, thanks anyone who is reading!











Sir Gucci Of v4.5 just got more of these strange stars.

It has a "point bag" then 3 stars,

A heart then two,

And a muscle guy and two again.



Tomorrow i'm having waffles in school.

It's what I get for being gifted.


You learned more about me now huh?


I will probably post a picture of Gucci next time I log, but not now.

I feel like I need to liven this baby up more.

D: I'll post a song I guess, but what song?

There. :3


Billy Talent, anyone?




I can't wait to see what teenager he'll become.

I hope he's the teen that gets all sparklelicious.





If you do have something good to say about this log, please post it as a profile comment and not a "Personal Conversation" if you do it will be ignored.


Okay, well, I guess thats it. Bye! <3



Oh boy.

I haven't been able to reply the last 3 days and way to much has happened.



Alright, well...


The first thing that happened is that Gucci evolved!



Okay, so he turned into a Kometchi.


He went to school with Mrs. Flower, and I never figured out how to go to school, so, haha. o_O; I know now though. He didn't earn that many points.

He also got robbed TWICE.

Now he is missing 200 GP.

Darn those robbers.



Anyway, the king visited and gave him some stuff, blah, blah, blah.





He's a Tenpatchi, the blue thing with like, 6 legs.

I LOVEEEE that character.

:'3 It is so cute.

Then finally, like a day later, he left Mrs. Flower, and went on a job search, but no matter what he tried he never got any.

Now that I know what you have to do to get the jobs, I really want him to become a weight lifter!

So now i'm playing a ton of "Man Hole".

I also think it would be cute if he was a florist.




Anyway,I went to tamatown with him and earned a bunch of points but when I logged out...




Okay, well.

I guess thats it.





Edit: I changed "kometchi" to "Kometchi". I'm so weird about capitalization.

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I'm thinking about starting up another tama maybe?

I dunno.


Nothing else has happened.









Mr. Gucci got a job!

He cuts hair.


I haven't done the job yet...





Now I have.

I messed up on one, but thats alright.



I'm still seriously thinking about starting up another Tamagotchi.


and, today I wore mascara for the first time in months.




~Oh! Fo Sho.

[but which tamagotchi should I choose?]

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Gucci got some mail, it was a shovel from the king.


Oh, and this is it.

I'm starting up another one of these suckers!




I'm starting up, finally, my v.6 and tamaGO!





Alrightt, well.

Remember when Lacey died?

and the I got Eel?

Thats who i'm using.

and then, remember my "necktietchi'?

Well, i'm starting up his daughter.

So, yay!


I now just unpaused the two, and i'll check to make sure there okay and stuff. So yup.




Well, the babies are needy and are still babies. but they are so cute!

The girl is really needy. xD

But Eel is kind of calm.

I think Eel will turn out to be a street musician, it's kind of fun that way!


Anyway, for pretty much the first time I will let my Tamagotchi talk to you. Yayy.





He's a kurobotchi, just like Gucci was!





She's one of those darned star characters.



Okay, well now I guess they can talk.



Eel will be in this colour.

Gucci in this color, or Red.

and THE GIRL in This blueish color and This one too.


Ahh, freedom to speak at last.

I should be the one saying that! I've gone a whole 4 days without one single say in what Oh! is typing!

I should be the one whining, at least you aren't referred to as "That girl".True that, true that.

Well, mother says that I will be a street musician, how degrading is THAT?... AHAHA. I actually have a real job.


That makes you sound like an incompetent fool. All it takes is a guitar and 2 hands to play music.

Right, because us musician's don't have to learn notes, or rhythm!If brain was gas, you two wouldn't have enough to drive around the perimeter of a penny.

WHATWHAT?You heard me.



Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. No really? I have a feeling that Gucci is bipolar That is so rude No way! I'm bi- WINNING.and i'm still bi-nameless.



I think we should end this now.


~OI stiWhat ncow!h.



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Eel got something in the mail, care to tell Eel? 2000 gp. I knew I was special. Yeah, well, i'm changing their colors. SORRY!


Gucci: Still red.

That Girl: Pinkish

Eel: Green, ocean green.


Yeah, there you have it. Sorry i'm doing this. It is for your own good though. :p



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