Oh Man!


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
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My mom lent my pokemon games BEHIND MY BACK to her friend's child who loses everything!

I had my Charizard I've had for 6 years on there! The kid is gonna delete my games! My favorite Charizard, my Jolteon, and my Flygon are my favorite Pokemon, I've had the Charizard for 6 years, The Jolteon for 4, and the flygon for 2! And they're gone!

I'm SO mad! ><

OMG. No offense, but my mom wouldn't do anything like that. She's just that way. I've worked really hard on my Saphire, I have a Kyogre at level 100 that I would die if I lost.



[SIZE=21pt](O_O)[/SIZE] I know how you feel...... it happend to me BUT HAVING IT FOR YEARS that must suck
So get them back? o____o'

You shoud tell you mom not to touch your things while you're at it, too. Or, maybe you should treat your things with more importance. If she thought your game was really really important to you, she wouldn't be so quick to give it away.

@Missbehave: Errr.. That's really overreacting, isn't it?

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So get them back? o____o'You shoud tell you mom not to touch your things while you're at it, too. Or, maybe you should treat your things with more importance. If she thought your game was really really important to you, she wouldn't be so quick to give it away.
She knew it was real important! But she dosen't care about how I feel! I'm real shaken and sobbing right now, and her reply?

"Get out of my face." And she claims she can give my stuff away if she wants to...

I would be pi**ed if my mom did that. But the most important game for me right now is my Animal Crossing WW game. If she lent that to somebody and lost ALL my items that took me months to get, all my money, my clothes, my house which took me like 3 months to decorate and find all the items needed, Or worse, if the irresponsible kid DELETED my town. I would b so pi**ed and sad. I love my town.


C~M, it looks like you must have a lovely town.

I just found my yellow... the one that HAD my charizard on it, my file is now saved to a guy named Bob with a level 5 squirtle named Squirtyy.

So my charizard is gone, joy. I'm not sad anymore, I'm just plain mad. The kid must've restarted the game and left it here, I was at school when it happened.

So get them back? o____o'You shoud tell you mom not to touch your things while you're at it, too. Or, maybe you should treat your things with more importance. If she thought your game was really really important to you, she wouldn't be so quick to give it away.

@Missbehave: Errr.. That's really overreacting, isn't it?
I'm always overdramatic

I edited your topic title for you... it's more informative that way and people will know what it's about. :D


I know how you feel I let my cousin borrow my red mystery dungen(this is peachy I'm talking about) and she restarts jsut to get a DUMB SKITTY I was so mad cause I finish slient chasm and was going to zapdos atleast she died at zapdos Ha I'm restarting cause she has her own on but noooo she won't play it cause she thinks red is cooler and she dosen't have a gameboy advance when she deteled it I was so freaking mad I got it back a YEAR later.

I know how you feel I let my cousin borrow my red mystery dungen(this is peachy I'm talking about) and she restarts jsut to get a DUMB SKITTY I was so mad cause I finish slient chasm and was going to zapdos atleast she died at zapdos Ha I'm restarting cause she has her own on but noooo she won't play it cause she thinks red is cooler and she dosen't have a gameboy advance when she deteled it I was so freaking mad I got it back a YEAR later.
I had Mystery Dungeon, it was too easy--I beat it in a hurry.

I don't know that my mom actually would give something of mine away (not that I have to worry now), but she does have that attitude. Especially if she bought it.

I know that the bike I had gotten a few years ago for my birthday is now my brother's because my mom said so. My birthday gift, my lovely bike... I wasn't "allowed" to take it with me when I moved out.

I know your Pokemon have sentimental value, but when you get the games back you could always PokeSav new Pokemon that are just like your old ones... Saves time and energy.

I know about pokesav my friend told me about it but I was too bored to listen alot he say you find it if you type in pokeSAV in google internet serch

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