Oh my god people, STOP LABELING ME


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Sorry, I didn't know where to put it but since depressions involved, I decided to put it here. The following rant contains...Uh....ranting.

Well OK, last year at school it was snowing so my mum made me wear a hat. I couldn't find a good one and I was in a rush, so I had to wear a skull cap instead. I thought it was no big deal, but as soon as I got to school everyone started calling me an emo for having a hat with a skull on it. Think that's immature? Read on.

In the morning I was tired and looking for socks, so I put on the first pair I could find. Which were black and grey so when I went to school I thought that wouldn't be a big deal either, but then some moron piped up, "Hey! Grace is wearing emo socks" so everyone started calling me emo again.

Also, I wear a lot black. I like wearing black, it makes me look thinner and it's just...cool. So I was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. Just black jeans, not skinny jeans. But of course,the idiots found another excuse to call me a freakin' emo.

So later on, my friends started calling me emo and practically everyone in the class so no one could even walk past me with out yanking my hair and calling me emo. They even called my hair emo, just because it's naturally very dark and thick-ish and I have a fringe.

So eventually I got away from it all because it was the Summer holidays. And during the summer holidays I of course, bought new school stuff because I was starting high school. In the pencil case isle in tesco, all the pencil cases were either ickle-girly or bloody batman, incredible hulk or something. So I just bought a nice, simple black one.

When I started school I was in a class with different people so I thought I was off the hook now. But no. No I wasn't. Because one of my friends noticed that a guy with black hair and skinny jeans (a so-called emo) had the same pencil case as me so she told people and since one of the people in my class was one of the guys who called me emo, he started spreading that I was "emo". So it had started all over again.

So one night I was talking to my friends on MSN and for some reason we were talking about mental disorders and one of them said they had something (I forget what) and I said I have mild depression. I should have kept my fingers off the keyboard. Because apparently everyone who's depressed is a emo (including me according to my friends, because I was diagnosed with it). So here's what the conversation was like (fish fish being me):

fish fish: Oh, I have mild depression. It's nothing big though. Not really big anyway.

Ginger: Grace isa EMO

fish fish: What? How does that make me emo?

Ginger: cuz u hav depresson

fish fish: It's DEPRESSION, learn to spell

Ginger: emos are depressd

fish fish: You can't label people for being depressed. And aren't emos meant to be EMOTIONALLY depressed. And it's stupid to label some one for a mental disorder.

Cherry.Berry: you are emo i saw the scars

fish fish: ....what scars.

Lollipop: The ones on ur rists.

Ginger: Yea, and ur butt.

fish fish: Er...no I don't have them on my wrists or my butt. What are you doing looking there, anyway?

Ginger: u are emo

fish fish: Emo is the most over used insult under the sun.

Lollipop: Your offended cuz it's true

fish fish has left the conversation

Yes, I'm weird enough to use proper spelling and grammar on MSN.

Anyway, so in geography my phone went off and it was Psychosocial by Slipknot. I never thought anyone would consider Slipknot emo, but that just made the emo thing go even further. And now they keep talking about it, and a boy I sit next to keeps saying "Grace is a EMO" and I get into trouble for telling him to shut up.

OK, this didn't come out as I wanted it to. Now, to destroy the CAPS lock's good name:


Thanks for reading. Have you got any similar stories to share? Or some advice? This is really starting to get to me.

I can see this has upset you but we already have several topics on the forum where these issues are being discussed - and where your post would fit in perfectly. A quick search or scroll down the forum page would have shown you:

Are you Emo?

Have you ever been made fun of (because of what you wear)?

Please try to remember to check for existing, active threads before you start a new one?


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