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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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:furawatchi: :nyatchi: :angry: :gozarutchi: okay here is what keeps happening to my tama i put a new batt but it says i need a nother one!!! and it is the right batt and i did reset it , it is not a glitch so don't say that! and i am not clue less about tamas just wondering what happend and i'm not a first time pet owner so don't think that............ :huh: :marumimitchi: :furawatchi:
Thats weird... did you just buy the battery or was it sitting around? Maybe you put the battery in the wrong way (i know it kinda sounds stupid but it might help). Hope it helps. :huh:

:p too bad it could be the wrong batt or an old batt or a glitch! :D
Where did you buy it? My friend gets her batterys at the Dollar Store and they last for one week!


♥ Get well soon Roli the goalie! The Oilers need you! ♥


The transmitter is loose. Just take the battery out, and you will see a metal transmitter. On the right side of the transmitter, take a popsicle stick or another item close. DO NOT USE A PENCIL! The last time I did that it just got worse :(


maybe to battery was allready used it happend i went to smyths to store got a battery for 1 euro and when i put ot into my tamagotchi the battery sign came again maybe it is just because the battreys were just left arund the place (for a long time)

If you just bought a battery, it could've been cheap didn't last as long. If it was laying around it might've been dead or dying.

This is what happened to my friends Tamagotchi. (And this happened to her V2) she said she might buy a battery this Saturday or she's just going to buy a new V2. That's all the advice I could from my friend since this didn't happen to my Tamagotchi. Hope this helps though.

;) too bad it could be the wrong batt or an old batt or a glitch! :p
Mimitchi don't say that respect other members don't you know how to do that that? Please try to be mature next time. Frankly I don't accept this foolishness and I don't think any TamaGuide will either! ^_^

Mimitchi don't say that respect other members don't you know how to do that that? Please try to be mature next time. Frankly I don't accept this foolishness and I don't think any TamaGuide will either! :puroperatchi:
shut it!

sorry every one sorry emak sorry admin sorry that was no way to treat a friend sorry i'm really sorry! i forgot u were trying to help! i was angry sorry! i'm really sad my friend moved away and this has happend 3 times in the last three years! i just hope we can be friends some day.............................. but i don't think any one whants to be my firend right now................................ sorry cierrapc i was just trying to help! sorry tama talk! :puroperatchi: :mametchi: :kusatchi:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: okay here is what keeps happening to my tama i put a new batt but it says i need a nother one!!! and it is the right batt and i did reset it , it is not a glitch so don't say that! and i am not clue less about tamas just wondering what happend and i'm not a first time pet owner so don't think that............ :kusatchi: :( :angry:
IM AFRAID you have to buy a new tama :mametchi: :puroperatchi: sorry.....

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