Old Tamagotchis=Pointless


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You are so wrong :rolleyes: ! I am a proud owner of an angelgotchi ( I would just like to add that you can only get twins on angelgotchi or devilgotchi and not any other.) it means the world to me, I love it like it is my own child, I am having more fun with it then I have ever had with any tama ever! Besides have you ever stopped think about what the tamas today woudl be with out the original tamagotchi? They would be nowhere! You really should try taking care of just one of the older tamas and shutting off your newer ones for just 2 weeks and maybe you would understand, and the reason why they cost more is because they have better qaulity. Do not get me wrong I like, no love tama connections just like my other older tamas, but it is just not fair to say that about the older tamas.

i dont collect them necessairly, but i did recently buy one G1 and 1 G2 because they have centimental value to me (im looking at nanos & a giga as well) i think theyre cute and fun, and im 18! lol

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I COMPLETELY disagree ^_^ !!! I am about to get a tamagotchi morino and I am really looking forward to it. You should really try original tamas because they are really fun according to my friend. I mean honestly, you probably haven't even tried an original tama!!! JUST TRY ONE!!!!!! Newer tamas wouldn't be as good if original tamas weren't created!!! Sheesh!!! :D

Old tamagotchis are not pointless! I am so angry and ticked that I might curse!!! The old ones are SO much better than the new!! Especially tamagotchi oceans!! HOW COULD YOU!?!? :D New tamas would be absolutely NO WHERE without the old ones!!! Try one and... you'll see!

tally disagree too. Old Tamagotchis are more fun to play and more fun to collect than new Tamagotchis. :(

I don't know why anyone collects the old ones - they are so vastly inferior and expensive to find. I collected them for awhile, but I think they kind of suck. They only have one game, and there is no breeding, so what's the point?
:D I disagree.

The old ones have plenty to do, and they have really cute characters. :(

And without them, the newer versions would be the older versions, and they might not even exist.


I feel so stupid now, I had like 2 or 3 (including a Tamagotchi Angel), and I think I threw them all away when I cleaned my room a few months ago.
I used to collect all sorts of Virtual Pets, I had a Jurassic Park Giga Pet, some dumb little bear thing I got from some kid for my 10th b-day, some stupid kitty one that died all the time, a Salem the Cat (from Sabrina the Teenage Witch) Giga Pet (still have that one), and a Giga Face. Those were dumb.

I think I had one of those Nano Babies too, but I can't remember. Oh, and I had a Digimon (which was kinda like a Tamagotchi, in fact they seemed really similar, and you could hook 'em together and battle).
Are you crazy!!!!! How could you throw away an angelgotchi!!!!

Why would you say that?!? Have you tried one yet?! Doubt it :blink: and even if you have, you do not apreciate the new one if you don't apreciate the old. I am about to get a morino this weekend and I will stand my ground. The new ones aren't all that great anyway. :blink: How dare you!?!!! ;)

I'm glad for all of you that like/love the original tamas. :D That's really cool! :D

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I think it's fair to say you don't like the old tamas, if you have tried them and not found them to your taste, if not, try them! everyones different after all. I love all the tamagotchi in my collection, I have 44 and only 16 are the new connections/connexions, the old tamas bring back so many memories for me, back in the 90's I thought they were the best toy ever made! And I guess I will always think that, sometimes I prefer to play with an old tama, for the characters, or the simpleness, I don't always have time to be phaffing round with one so the simple games and feeding suit me fine, also they add a bit of variety, and a change can be good! Stops me getting bored so easily! But thats just my opinion, if you don't like them I doubt anyone can change ur mind. And thats fair enough!

Well I guess it's not the best thing to play with, but neither are marbles or coins and people collect those. I guess it's just cool things to look at and show to people to impress them (hehehe!). They may be expensive, but that's what makes a collection more special! :pochitchi:

well the reason why I like em is because they aren't so hi tech u no? they rnt that modern and + thy r rare

Yes, someday they are going to be extremely rare and their going to cost a lot. :D

I agree with pierre. They don`t have alot of games but they`re still cool.

Accually, I love the originals way better than the new ones. :blink:

pierre, i've cared for them since 97 and you collect them cause if you cared for them at first then you always have a place in your heart for them. In fact i'm caring for one of my really old frankenstein tama's i found, it has a p2 camoflaug front, black back and clear battery cover and he's called webster(in honor of my lost p2 named webster... god i miss him). So don't diss on the p1 and p2 tama's!!!!!!

hey! that may just be your opinion, but how about writing it in a different forum. if you're in this forum, better LOVE tama ancestors or "old tamagotchis". nothing is ever pointless. why would you think that?!

I think the old Tamas are GREAT! :D I haven't had one yet, but I might get a P1 off of eBay soon. B) They feel more like pets than toys and you can get attached to them more 'cause they live longer.


-Tamaguy#1 :wacko:

I have a GB tamagotchi. It's kinda confusing but fun. How could you say it's pointless!?

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