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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Ok so I was at the Elementary school park with my brother. I looked up and saw all this smoke billowing into the sky. My eyes widened and I told my brother to get his shoes and his gloves, when he asked why I said "THERE'S A FIRE!!"

So I ran across the structure and saw these flames across the field from me, by this PE structure. I told my brother to get his stuff and watched these teenage boys stand by the fire. I saw and heard the police and firemen coming. I ran across the field with my brother and watched them put it out. We stood and watched the smoke rise from an object that I couldn't identify. I called my best friend and told her, then called my mom and told her. Then I texted all my friends and told them about the fire at the school. They were all amazed, and some of them called me. I told them all the story and one of them had been at the elementary school a few minutes earlier.

So after answering all those crazy texts I asked one of the firemen what that thing was. He said it was a porta potty.


What is the point of that?! What do you get from it?!

And the scary thing was that the elementary school is only a few houses down from mine. And it was close to the field, which could have been totally set on fire. It was so scary!

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Sorry what? @ Koluio

@ topic: Those jerks! They could of REALLY hurt people! If It was a porta potty or even a twig on fire into the grass, That could of made a bunch of people hurt! D:

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Html doesn't work here. Sorry. ): <~Actually, that video is spam.


That's scary. Some kid at my school set a garbage can on fire when the principal was giving a speech. Jerks. D:

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I don't think the teenagers set it on fire considering they were the ones who called the police and fire station. Plus the police didn't seem mad at them or anything. The teenagers probably wouldn't have been smiling and happy if they got in trouble for that.

EDIT: and not too far from here we've been having uber fires. It got so close the hotel my mom works at she had to help evacuate it. It took her like 4 hours.

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It's amazing how fine the line is between pranks and crime.

. . . They crossed it.

How immature.

Setting like. . . ANYTHING on fire is against the law x____X

Someone pulled the fire alarm at school on friday. It was actually kind of amusing, hahahaha.

OMG that's nothing. One time, the gas station across the field from my school blew up. The field caught on fire, the gym was all smokey and it smelled terrible. Everyone was freaking out.

I hope the genius that did that gets busted. That is so scary!

Scary 0_o

Who ever set the porta-potty on fire is an idiot even though i would like to set one on fire so that would make me a idoit......wait i am an idiot already.......never mind

Whoever did that will probably land in Juvy for a couple months. Idiots.

Though I do have to admit, if I did it, I would have been thinking it was hilarious xP

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