OMG!!! Get it off me!


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2004
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up your nose with a rubber hose!

get the tamanewbie off of me! It's.. so.. sticky.. and.. .. *gets stuck to the tamanewbie sticker*

ahww... :unsure:

anyway, here is a little bit about my boring tamagotchi past that no one will probably ever care about:

I have always wanted a tamagotchi, unfortunatley I could not buy from e-bay, and for the past 4-years, every garage sale, junk shop, and flea market did not have any version of tamagotchi. And then, 1 week ago, I came upon my very first tamagotchi. So very beautiful, I thought I'd never really see one, but, there it was. I waited another week before opening it, tearing a little further into the packaging, until yesterday, the glorious moment when I pulled that little side tag. It was pure magic folks. Pure magic. Obsessive? Yes. Neccasary? Probably not. But pure magic? Definatley. So now, I sit here typing this paragraph, watching my sleeping itchigotchi. And, um. That's it... Hi! :D :p B)

AHHH!!! I love your avatar!!! Don't mind me I have times of crazyness. Welcome to tamatalk.

At least you have your Tamagotchi, I am still waiting for mine. I got it on ebay last week, it should be here tomorrow though! It better be here tomorrow, I don't know if I can wait any longer!!! Ahhhhhh! I'm going to go mad before it arrives!

Hello and welcome to TamaTalk! Congrats on your new Tama (finally!) :p

hi i'm new here too, i don't kno much and whatnot. if someone could tell me how does the thing work? does pausing it stop it from geting older? i had mine on all day starting from like 11pm yesterday and it's not even 1yrs old yet :rolleyes: how does that work? should i reset my tama? i think that's what u all call it? can someone help a confused girl... please???waaaaaahhhh....please help me asap...btw i didn't reset my tama when i pulled the tag out... do u need to do that??



Hmm... Where to start. Well, you pause it by pressing the first and second button, unpausing it the same way. The longer you pause your tamagotchi, the longer it will take to age. Don't be sad! It'll grow! :huh: You don't need to reset it, just give it a while. :rolleyes:

how can u tell what tama u get? and like i have a girl and i know it's not a toddler anymore because it's not a small ball it's bigger and it doesn't "eat" bottles anymore....when will it turn into something cool insead of a blob?


p.s. thnx for the other help :rolleyes:

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No problem! :huh: You can't really tell what character you will get, which makes it fun! But you can tell what stage it is at by its appearence:

small bottle drinking blob on bottom of screen: an infant. Stays like this for an hour.

round blob or funny headed blob: a toddler. Stays in this form for a day and an hour.

strawberry, fireball with a beak, onion with a beak, or young mimitchi :rolleyes: (little picture next to this text): teenagers. Stay like this until they reach 3 to 5 years old.

Oh yes, and welcome to Tamatalk! :huh:

Uhm... Welcome to Tamatalk and congrats on getting your tama. But you couldn't afford one?

Hello to you :eek: I got my first Tamagotchi...It was my 14th bday i think? or was it xmas? 0_0 All I remember is that I got it and an alien frisbee that says "Toss me to your leader"...before then I had recieved a Digital Doggie from a radio contest, and then my mother purchased a Bit Critter...I don't know where my digital doggie is, but I found my old Tamagotchi and my moms Bit Critter in the drawer last week....BAM! re-hooked :p

When I was on the hunt yesterday for new batteries to replace my poor buddy, I found the Tamagotchi Connections...and decided to give it a whirl.

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