Omg I got an "F"!


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We don't have letters here.

But I got level 3 in Drama.

Now that is shameful xD;

I am um, too loud. And don't actually do much.

I spent the last lesson in the makeshift air raid shelter screaming that the Germans were coming for us instead of acting out a WW2 wartime family.

I think I was overreacting...

Ah well. At lest I tried. xD

Everyone else in my group sat and talked.

Have I gotten an F? Yes. This year, I did Worse than an F. (9th Grade, Only 4 Classes each Day Theres 5 Blocks a Day, which are like, each class is about an hour and a half long. (Block 5, is a Study block), Which are LA, Math, Science and P.E, Next Semester, Its Social Studies, La, Math, Science and Health)

My report card? Well. Guess the Highest Mark, Kudos to you if you get it right. It was Low. I'll tell you that.

I got an F for my R.E exam in year 11. Which is bad considering it was my GCSE :S, But I got good grades in other things so it didn't bother me and I'm doing what I want at college so it doesn't really matter anymore.

I got 2 F's on my report card, and there is nothing I can do to change it. Confrinces (sp?) are this week! Oh no! :furawatchi:
I've been dying for a kitty, and for sure my dad might not even think of getting me one, after months of begging, and me working hard for one! Oh stupid homeword! Omg, I KNEW that I should of done my homework but NO I just HAD to be unresponcible, and now ... *shivers*

Omg, this is ALL my fault *sigh* my stomich(sp?) drops every time I think of it....

no matter how many times I say "Omg why was I an idiot, it's all my fault, etc." It'll not change unless I WORK super hard for next quarter...

I don't want to get held back...

Have you ever gotten an F?
To my knowledge I've never gotten an F on a report card. I've gotten an F on a test though.

We don't get F's. We get A's, P's, B's, and M's. A=Advanced, P=Proficient, B=Basic, M=Minimal. I got an M on a math test once, and I got a B in math last year on my report card. <.< Normally I get all P's and A's.

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The best way to avoid getting an F is simple.
Work before play.  Some areas know this saying as Business before pleasure.

When you get home, do your homework right away.  Putting it off just causes you to not do it at all, and it's best to do it ASAP while you are in the mindset of schoolwork before getting down to having fun.

It'll be better when you hit high school, trust me.  Study halls are a great time to get homework done rather than relax.  Then you can relax all you want when you get home.

What helps in study habits is music.  Nothing heavy, like rock, pop, or anything of the like.  I find that the best music for studying is classical music, which is meant to relax you and help concentration.  If I were you, I'd listen to different instruments and find one you like.  Then get CDs that have music for that instrument on it.

Myself, I like the Violin, and my favorite violinist is Hilary Hahn.  I listened to her first CD and fell in love with it.  I listened to her CDs all the time while studying, and thus my grades improved from Cs and Bs to straight As in high school.  I was able to concentrate on my schoolwork better.

Another key to studying... Minimize distractions.  Turn TVs, PC screens, and all phones off.  Under no circumstance should you try studying while on the phone.  It NEVER works, and should not be attempted ever.
Very good information. I know that I should do all my work when I get home and I used to but I've gotten lazy and I usualy don't xP

I felt alot better when I did actualy do it, though and I'm sure it improved my whole schedule and grades too.

Actually, studies have shown that listening to classical music boosts brain functions and helps concenration and memory. I heard that 10 minutes of classical music can help you for an hours or school work or a test. Pretty cool especialy since I like classical music too. ^__^

Oh, and on topic- I've never failed and my lowest report card grades were a few Bs. I knew a girl that got a THREE on a progress report. Not as bad as on a report card because it's less 'official' but the future didn't look hopeful for her. xP

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Yeah, a few times I have. I usually have very good grades but 7th grade has changed that! I got 3 NYM's (Not Yet Meets, it's another way of saying F but I guess they made it like that so the students wouldn't feel bad :p ) both on math tests. I got a 14/25 on the last test :D I hate math...!
I'm in 4th period math everyone calls 'smart math' they put students that are really good at math in there. Well I'm positive i won't be in 4th period next year...

But, calm down, take a deep breath, put it behind you, work hard, pay attention in class, and do your best. There's always next quarter ^-^
Excatly! I have never ever had an F on my report card, but I get just normal Fs on papers. Especially math. I have a "smart people" math, that they call pre-ap math (Advanced Placement) I HATE IT!!!!! I am sure not gonna be in Pre-AP next year :p


In my school they give out E's which are the same as F's but F's on tv sound horrible and everyone knows it so they do E's. Next year however they hand out F's. :puroperatchi:

I have never even once gotten anything lower than a C on my report cards. I expect decently of myself, as do my parents. I've gotten F's on papers though.

My current report card has all A's and a B+ in math. I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

F means fabulous! :eek: Duh!! ^_^


Lol just kidding.


Don't worry, it's just one F. Faliure is part of life. (a very bad part I must admit ^_^ ) Besides, I'm sure if you work hard enough you'll get an F and a kitty. :(


No I haven't gotten an F. (on my report card)


[SIZE=6pt]I'm sure you've seen many posts like this, but I just wanted to express how I feel about the situation. [/SIZE]

Wow! Lotsa F's! XD and lotsa A's B's and C's too!

Thanks for posting, your thoughts, and concern about my kitty needs XD

Everything else is an A, but those 2 F's!

By the way, I'm in 7th grade

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Nope. Never. Lowest thing I've gotten: B. I was so angry at myself when I got it. It was a math test and my PE grade. Every girl in PE (except for two girls) got a B or lower. ONLY BECAUSE I FORGOT MY GYM CLOTHES A FEW TIMES!!

I am horrendous at math. Well, I don't know, maybe I could be good at it if I wanted to be, but I just hate it so much. I've definitely been known to uh... not do so hot in my math classes. Heh, When I do pass it's always with a low C. I'm in Algebra II right now and I'm getting an F in it. Other than that, I do okay in my classes.

Currently, I never gotten below A. I am not very sure about critical thinking though. Both Report Cards & Papers never gotten F. But when I was in kindrgarten i yelled TOO much.

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