omg I love tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2009
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so hi I am going to start a new tama log I had one before but I stopped using it so I'm going to start it again so let me tell you about my tamagotchis

I have a

2 tamagotchi colors(pink and white)

an angelgotchi(japanese)

a mini







that is it but I want the new tamagotchi id it looks awesome but I might not be able to get it but I want it really bad

Ok I got to go but I will tell you all about my tamas tomarrow


hi! ok I will tell you about my tamas now so my v4 is the ninja guy I think his name is gozurotchi and he had a baby with a memetchi my v4.5 is the old lady I am planning to keep her forever my v5 peoples are all adults and I am going to wait awhile until I marry one of them and my pink tamagotchi color is kikitchi the monkey and my v3 is mametchi he just turned into an adult this morning and my v2 is the wierd snake looking thing I don't know what the name is for that one and my angel is the old man looking one with wings still no name for it and my white tamagotchi color is chamametchi I want to get my white and pink tamagotchi color to mate my mini is the same as my v2 and my music star or v6 has run(or ran) out of battery I will probably get a new one sunday when I get home from my dads (my parents are divorced and it is my dads weekend and I live at my moms [they alternate weekends]) I also have a sister who has tamagotchis but she gave me her v4 and pink tamagotchi color in return I have to be her maid but it is really easy sometimes so I have 10 and she has 5 I think and all but one are out of battery ha


omigosh my mom said I could get a tamgotchi id as long as I pay her the money in full before I get it


so happy


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hey so yep I can get a tamagotchi id I only need some cash any ideas??? I think Im just going to wait until Christmas and use the money to get one I think Im going to get a blue one instead of a white one they look prettier or maybe a green one because I dont have any green ones. soooooo. ummmm. BLAH! TAMAGOTCHI! yay. Im a dork. so as I was saying money from Christmas might not come because I am getting a new tv and no one exept my aunt maybe is going to get me money but only like 25 dollors but my grandma usually gives me 50 so combind 25 and 50 and we come with.......................................................................................................................................................................................................75 yay!!! and the tama is ...................................................................................................................................................................................66 yay!!! and ....................... free shipping omg Im so getting it Yes so happy... AGAIN!!!


omigosh sorry I havnt been on for awhile I was at my friends for a sleep over well I have like 8 dollors right now that means I need like 49 more dollors or something here let me see I have a calculator on my phone

well actually I only have 7 and it is 59 more that I need I was totally off ha.


Heyheyhey wat up well I am going to update on my tamas so here we go :(

angelgotchi:now an adult Kuri-ten

tamagotchi color pink: adult kuromametchi

tamagotchi v6: adult kuromametchi

tamagotchi mini: oldy oyajitchi

tamagotchi color white: kid ahirukutchi

tamagotchi v2: teen young mimitchi

tamagotchi v3: adult mametchi

tamagotchi v4: adult pyonkotchi

tamagotchi v5 celebrity(I just got it today from my sis): kids mousetchi tororotchi belltchi

tamagotchi v4.5: oldy otokitchi

tamagotchi v5: the fat guys osumotchi and metaboritchi

k well today I got 25 extra dollors that I wasn't expecting to get now I will have extra and I will have probably enough if my grandma does not give me 50 dollars because my gift was to expensive


omg if you like this log pleaz pm pleaz thanks gtg bye


well as you can see I wrote a poem about tamagotchis but just in case I delete it here it is

o tamagotchi how I love thy so

altho you cost alot of do

I will take care of you

until I can't take no mo

ha k bye


I hate snow really bad!!!!

usually every christmas eve I go to my grandmas and we open gifts and I get 50$ every year but this year we could not go so I don't get my tv or my 50$ but now I have to wait til sunday!!!

Snow sucks!!!

but I think I will beg my mom to buy it tomarrow because it is christmas and everyone is nicer on christmas right?


TAMATAMALUVINS :puroperatchi:

actually this just in we are going to do it saturday but that is still long to wait!!!!!

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Hi welp my tamagotchis are awesome I have like 11 soon 12 and omg LOVE them. So I love tamagotchis when they turn old they are so cute and adorable I have 3 old people a guy on my pink tamagotchi color another boy on my v3 and a old lady on my tamagotchi v4.5. I don't like how on the tamagotchi v5 they don't have old people but I love the fatties! they are so cute and adorable. they are so fat they can barley move around on the screen. HA!

TAMATAMALUVINS :puroperatchi:

I am so happy today my mom ordered my tamagotchi id from ebay I can't wait for it to come eep I will tell you guys all about it once I do get it

I have extra money so I think I will get a tamawalkie or ocean

so yesterday my pink tamagotchi color turned into guzurutchi or the ninja guy and my tamagotchi v2 is now an adult she is a memetchi

one time on my tamagotchi v3 it was a boy and it turned into a memetchi it was so wierd I was like

"omigosh I have a gurly guy!!!!"

yeah It was kinda sad but I don't think I will mate my regular tamagotchi v5 because I love how fat they are ha!LOLZ!


OMIGOSH I got a tamagotchi v4.5 from target I can't believe they were selling those I was expecting to see tamagotchi v6 or music stars but I found tamagotchi v4.5.

I was like "omg no way no way yay tamagotchi I love you" right in the middle of the store yeah I know wierd

well anyway I hope my tamagotchi id is going to be here soon

I am going to film me unboxing it but I can't have a youtube account so sorry you guys can see but I will tell you all about it with lots of details...

well actually not

I am kinda lazy so I will just tell you the main parts...

Unless you want details


hi well my tamagotchi id still hasn't came yet :(

well anyway I am going to tell you what all of my tamagotchis look like so you can know just in case any of you were wondering and you can look them up on google

I modded them alittle so the buttons might not match the picture you look up

so I will start with my pink tamagotchi color well Its pink with white buttons and a white border :D

white tamagotchi color its white with white buttons and gray border :D

tamagotchi angel it is pearly white with gold angel wings with white buttons and a white border

tamagotchi mini orange with a yellow border and pink purple and green dots with white buttons

tamagotchi v2 is blue with a hot pink border and white green and blue flowers and blue buttons

tamagotchi v3 is the graffiti with a black border and black buttons

tamagotchi v4 is the one that is suppose to be orange but it is yellow with red and white numbers and a red dot thing on the antena and a yellow border and white buttons

tamagotchi v4.5 is asian invasian or it is the one with the lime green backround on the shell with green swirls and black swirls all over it with marroon or brown buttons and marroon or brown star on the antena

tamagotchi v4.5 is the blue marble or the one with a blue backround on the shell and with light blue and yellow strips on it with a white star on the antena and hot pink buttons but I switched the chips inside the tamagotchi with my v5 so now I have my v5 inside my v4.5

tamagotchi v5 the one with the v4.5 in it it is red with white and blue and orange dots on it with a pink border and white buttons

tamagotchi v5 celebrity is blue with a big purple star and a lavender circle around it with pink buttons

tamagotchi v6 or music star is black with pink buttons and sparkles and music notes on it with purple flames and a black border

sorry that was long and it might be confusing and I am sorry if I have alot of misspellings :) :) :D :D :) B) :p :D


