OMG i will never forget.


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Dec 2, 2010
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Has there ever been a time in your life, maybe a date, an embarassing childhood memory, or a tragic event?

How do you cope with it? what makes you remember? Do you wish you would forget, but you just cant?

ok here i go when i was younger about 9 i was talking to a girl i liked and then all of a sudden i kissed her. then when i was 10 everyone forgot or so i thought. when i was 11 a girl in my class started to tell a 12 year old that i kissed her and she held it over me but one day i heard her swear at a teacher but i was the only one that heard so when every she said she was going to tell about me and the girl i then said you tell i tell so it may be blackmail but she said "i know a secret about you" i said just drop it and she was ok so were friends no ( not best friends but at least we dont hate each other )

All the times I have fallen over.

Especially the time when I fell over backwards on my chair.

Mine isn't really bad, but it makes normal day-to-day processes hard.

EVERYTHING I THINK ABOUT INVOLVES COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT AND/OR SINGAPORE AIRLINES!!! I can't make it through a lesson without thinking far across this classroom would the economy cabin on Singapore Airlines go...I only ever dream of being a pilot, which is what I want to do...I research airlines and airports for fun...I can't concentrate anymore. It's annoying.

Winning the spelling bee in the 5th grade. I was in front of the entire school, got my picture in our yearbook, won my first-ever Barnes and Noble gift card (and yes, I did buy a science book with it :D ), and got to go on and represent my school at the district level. I also won a division-wide spelling competition in the 8th grade, when the words were harder to spell. :p Very exciting times that I will never forget.

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Hmm... I'll never forget when I got my first Cell phone on my thirteenth birthday. Samsung Flight II, it has a full keyboard, touch screen, and anything else anybody could possibly want in a cell phone. (I sound weird, I know, but I've been waiting for a cell phone since I was seven.)

*sigh* Great memories. :)

When I peed my pants in front of everybody in Grade 5.

It's impossible to forget.

Same here. But...

My friends and I had just went to an intermediate school... On the second day, I peed my pants in front of the whole school ):

On a sadder note, I'll never forget 9/11. I don't think anyone will.

But on a happier note. I saw an eclipse of the moon a few weeks a go with my boyfriend. It was romantic and a sight you never forget <3

Sad: 9/11. I watch footage often and every time I do I get teary. It's so inhumane.

Better: Also when I went to Iceland there was something amazing--

It was like we were driving up to the sky, as we were driving down a hill and the clouds were parted in such an amazing way.

Bad: When I fell over 16 times and twisted my leg to an inhuman angle skiing today :D I'm kind of tired of snow =_=

Good: When I rode an elephant!!! That was fun!

Moar good ^w^: The first time I heard Miku Hatsune's Dark Alice O_O It's amazing and in my siggy.

I'll never forget when I got a fwd txt saying something crazy yet amazing would happen 7th period! It came true!! It was so crazy, and myfriend called it! It's a secret, shh....

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I'll never forget the time I fell off an electric scooter, did a flip down the hill and split my lip :p


I'll probably also never forget the time I was performing on stage and tripped over.


...or the time I had an afternoon detention and was sitting in an extention english class for about 5 minutes before I realised I was in the wrong room o_o

I peed on a computer chair at school.

'Nuff said.

The day I almost got kicked in the crotch. Which almost broke my record.

'Nuff said..... >3<

EDIT: Someone wanted to kill them self one day and almost did.

And that I lost a friend today.

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I'll never forget when I was in an end of the year exam and my cellphone started ringing at full volume. My ringtone was tik tok by kesha.

It was embarrassing until it rang again.. Then it was just humiliating.

We were watching a series of a show in our little "Pods" (Groups of people with certain teachers, there was 2 my 8th grade year)(3 pods for 7th grade)

(I left the room to get a drink then....)

The time I got super dizzy in the hallway while my 7th grade teacher (one of them) was comming out of the bathroom... I was taking a drink to calm my dizziness. (dizzyness Outta no-where) Well, ya, the water helped a bit then I got way dizzy again started uncontrollably thrusting my head onto the water fountain... With this teacher looking at me doing this. (I didn't hear her say, Hi how are you." (For obvious reasons))So then she was like are you okay...? I was trying really hard to control my head because I knew she was there... I was like... "No...." *Slam on the fountain again* Then she grabbed me and set me on the floor against the wall...still holding my head. Then called the principal.... Then told the teacher whos' class I was in then what was going on.... At this point... I was in a cold sweat and still massivly dizzy. Then I talked saying... I'm okay and that I get sick over blood, guts and stuff like that...(For a quick excuse, knowing what we were watching) Then they were looking at me like... What are you talking about. My teacher then said "Oh... The movie we are watching... I had no idea" (As nobody at this point did...) Then the Principal asked should I call your parent(s) and I was like... I don't know... Probably... This point I was less dizzy but still in a cold sweat. So... After all of that. I sat outside the room for the rest of the hour.

From my knowledge... I don't think they called since I wasn't dizzy much and was talking. My parents never said anything. But I was seriously not sure what happend... I really don't think it was the blood and guts in the movie...Considering I watched some pg13/Sometimes R. action movies. (I morly get sick over people talking about blood, guts and stuff like that in high detail. It was just images in the movie...) I think I just got seriously dizzy... I don't know what happend that day. I wonder if I was having a sizure or something simmilar.... But to this day I don't know. But that day was sure creepy...

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