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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ok it all started when I was on TamaTalk and my tama V 4.5 was a Ura Young Memetchi. Then it envolved into a Ura Memetchi. Then a couple of seconds later it envolved into this wierd tama! Whoever it was its not Makiko!!! Can u tell me what my tama turned into and what type of characters (regular or secret)?

My tama stats currenntly

Hungry = full

Happy = full

Training = nearly full

Funny Points = 114

Fashion Points = 561

Sociel Points = 86

Age = Adult

Weight = 30 lbs

Gender = Female

So can someone tell me what it is?


~ missana256 ~

It's a special character that you got because of your high fashion points.

Hmm... I believe a picture is in order? Can you try to upload a picture of it? Or try to draw it on Paint? 'Cause if it wasn't Makiko, then what could it have been?

I think Gotchi<3 is right, though. It could've evolved due to your high Fashion skill points.

There character you got is Hanagatatchi.

You can see her here: click here.

She's the "Ura" equivalent to Makiko, so yes, she is a "secret" character.


Its Makiko. You have high fasion points so it obviously is Makiko.

I need help! On my v4 I pressed C instead of B while my violetchi ^_^ was looking at the jobs. Then she flew back home! Can I get another offering?

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