One thing that you want to change about


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2007
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Somewhere in the computer...
Today I had to write about this: If you could change one thing about your life to make it better, what would it be? Actually it was on thursday but I got my journal back and I had a 100%. I thought that this could be an intresting thing to post about. If you feel like you don't want to post you don't have to. Please no flame wars because that could hurt people's feelings. Also nothing that breaks the rules in any sort of way.

Just so you know I chose that I could live with my mom in my home country. It was a page long ^_^ .

"If I had the power of God I would change my circumstances. But if I had the wisdom of God I'd keep them the same."

I would stop polititons and countrys fighting.

This would probably stop wars and no one would be injured or killed by bombs or gunshots.

I would change the fact that Im starving half of the time because my dad cant buy Half decent food or the fact that I dont look good in a swimsuit

I would like for my hair to be naturally straight my whole life - without any waves or curl-fests like I have now... ;)

Some blue eyes would be nice as well. But I guess god made me like how I am for a reason; maybe I'll benefit from all this someday.

Hmm..there are many things that I need/want to change in my life ;)

1. Living in world peace

2. Stop having flies flying around me xD

3. Get some canker sore medicine


My needs are few...

Right now, if I could change just one thing, I'd like to be able to get up in the morning without it feeling like a life threatening, impossible struggle against sleep deprivation... ;)

(TM is not a morning person... ;) )

Wow...I am a morning person. Although my sister is too. So I have to take care of her. If I could change another thing in my life it would be not to be so short tempered torwards my friends and classmates. (Although the only time I got really tempered was when I 'accidently' slammed a door at a girl I hate. My teacher doesn't know that I did that on purpose)

Nothing really,exept I wish I was taller! I look like im five :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Some blue eyes would be nice as well. But I guess god made me like how I am for a reason; maybe I'll benefit from all this someday.
Yes, you are fearfuly and wonderfuly made!


Actualy, there was this little girl who prayed every night for blue eyes. She was stuck with brown.

Then later in life she would sneak into some place that didn't allow Christians in to witness to them.

She had to make her skin brown and her eyes fit in perfectly too!


If I could change one thing it would be...

To go back in time before I was even 3 and save my best friend's dad...I know how it feels and If i can't change it on me I wont to help him...He died from cancer...Mine just up and left ;)

But I would like to help others because I belive that my kindness won't go unrewarded.

Live like me with the three d's disire determination and destiny...That is the way I live

Crowfrost Aka The one who wishes she could save her best (Boy) friends father...

Meh it does'nt matter I like being small exept for the '' AWWW your sooooo cute!!!'' *hugs me until I stop breathing*

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