only boys when marry?


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Sep 4, 2005
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im in 4rth generation and all my tamas was boy >_>

i want to have a girl tamababy!!, is there anyway to get boy/girl, when marry?

plz let me know a way, coz i dont wanna reset my generations, and i want a girl in my 5th

Do you mean when you marry using the matchmaker or marrying like your friends tamagotchi?? :huh:

i had that happen before just wait alittle bit and your get a girl

:huh: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :blink: :(

using matchmaker bro >_>

or i had bad luck or is something based? i need to press a button to get a girl?

tamatasha33 : when i have to wait a little bit?in what moment?

when the matchmaaker comes press the b button to get a boy and the a button to get girl or reverse or something like that and press c i think its randomly

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then prassing A or B or C let me get a boy or girl or ramdom? o_O is that true?

someone plz that can verify this

Here is how it goes, when matchmaker comes, press A to get the opposite of now. Press B to get the same gender and C to cancel matchmaker!!! <_< :D :D

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