OoOoOoO! My tamas having a baby!


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Feb 1, 2008
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:furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: MY TAMAS HAVING A BABY!!!!! ANY TIPS FOR ME?
Yeah, Its normal. But you have to watch out. Babies get sick easily even if they are healthy. Sometimes they can infect the parent too. So you have to watch out. Other than that you might see little tiny poops and two Z's when they sleep. The parent leaves in two days then you name the baby when it wakes up. If you want to see your parent leave just set it to 11:59 on the second night, Otherwise everything is completely normal.



After the parent has gone, the baby will be left there sleeping. The baby will wake up at 8:00 AM the next morning, and you will have to name the little guy. The baby will get sick, take a nap, and cry within the course of an hour. (Make sure to check it regularly, because babies are needy and go to the bathroom more often.) After an hour, give or take a little, the baby will evolve into a toddler. If you have a V3, V4, or V4.5, you can see the parent's name and other stats in the "Family" section of the friend's list icon.

Good luck with your bundle of joy! :p

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