Opal Gem I am,


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Opal Gem

Jun 5, 2007
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Hello everyone, :furawatchi:

I am Samantha who is 11 years old and well heres more imformation,

I'm in year 6 soon in secondry school,

I have a crush who is in year 5 (He looks the oldest in his class and is really tall) and his name is adam called adam.

My middle name is Jolene

I'm from england.

I am the 3rd oldest in the school (and thats a fact!!! :( )

My birthday is the 5 october 1995 and my gemstone/Birthstone is Opal (Reason why i'm called Opal Gem)

And thats it. If I remember anything else or you want to know something else from me then I will be happy to share it.

That sounds interesting :) please enjoy you'r time at tamatalk and we will make you have a wonderful time :D .

My birth stones a pearl. I was born in June. Which is now! YAAAY! XDD Welcome to TT! I hope you enjoy yourself. Don't forget to reads the site rules, which I'm sure someone will post. I'm 11 too! I'm also a Tomboy, and proud! And I'm a big fan of Dragons. :) OH, G'lia say's hrr! She's my dragon. lol If you need a friend, just PM!

~ :angry: Sorlink. Hrrrr!

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Have fun on TamaTalk!


BTW: My birthstone is opal to! My birthday's on the 12th of October!


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Hello I know people say this alot but PM me for help!

Enjoy your stay at TT

:D Tamaguy2 :D

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