Original Tamagotchi needs a home


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
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I have a green Tamagotchi with a purple border and pink buttons.I have tried several times to raise it,but it does not hold my interest the way Connections do.I find it more difficult to keep happy and the buttons aren't nearly as responsive as the Connections.

I do not however want to leave it lying in my desk drawer collecting dust.It deserves better than that.I want to send it to an owner who will appreciate it and give it the care it needs.

I do not intend to charge anything,I just want to give this Tama a decent home.Here's what I plan to do.I want anyone who wants this Tama to tell me why they want it and to prove they will give this Tama a good home.I will choose the best response and send this Tama to the winner.That is the only fair way I can think to do this.I will take entries until Tommorrow,choose the winner and send the Tama out on Tuesday.I wish you all good luck.

I have a soft spot in my heart for the original Tamagotchi. :D

I kept mine running long after the virtual pet craze was over at my school! I used to keep my tama in a nice little fuzzy pouch, and even had a little bed for it. Unfortunately, this tama was lost last year after moving everything out of my room for remodeling, and going off to college as well. I still have the original box and instruction sheet, but I cannot find the tama. I have been looking as hard as I can and I have spent many frustrating hours trying to find it again, but to no avail. I even bought some LR44 batteries, hoping I'd find it.

Currently I have three Tamagotchi Connections (version 1) running and hope to be able to find an original tama sometime.

I am a responsible adult and I would be a good caretaker for this tama. Besides caring for Tamagotchis, I've had a lot of experience taking care of real animals (I have lived on a farm all my life).

I would be extra careful never to lose this one, and now that the remodeling project in my room is finally done, I have a place I could put it where it would absolutely never get lost!

In conclusion, I would give your tama a super-awesome home where it would be greatly appreciated. :eek:

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Just one question.. what is it? P1/P2? other?


I am a loving tamagotchi pet owner. I love them so much, and i also love the orginal tamagotchis that started it all. When ever someone says: "Tamagotchi" i instantly think of the orgianal tamagotchis. They will always have a place in my heart.

I would take care of it, love it.

Anyways.. Good luck to eveyone else! :angry:

Both good responses.I think Parkingviolation gets it by a slight margin.I can certainly identify losing something you care about.I have a Tiger striped Furby I feel much the same way about.

JappyX I may have another in storage along with a couple Giga Pets.If I find them,they're yours if you want them.It may take me awhile to find them but if I do I'll let you know and ship them out ASAP.

If you have the komputer koala giga pet, I'd like to buy it off you... I miss her :p
Sorry,I don't have that one,just Baby T-Rex, Looney Tunes and Small Soldiers Gigas.

I know u probably dont have it anymore and u probably wouldnt want me to have it but i love tamagotchi's and always have ever since i was a kid and my friend got one... :rolleyes:

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